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Everything posted by RRA

  1. IW was like red wedding on GOT. Even with something that on paper should’ve turned people off, instead it added a YOU GOTTA SEE THIS hype level. My opening night crowd being in shock and leaving that theater like it was a funeral is a memory I’ll always carry.
  2. Or she’ll spin it as “they pulled it off in spite of its issues!” Shes a masterful con who knows how to work the net. My evil half kinda respects that.
  3. He’s worthless, adds nothing to the discourse. I mean if you want an attention whore hack, Twitter is full of them.
  4. I'm certain Disney pre-emptively saying Encanto would be on D+ on Xmas Day kneecapped the movie in theaters. Its one thing for vague 45-dayish window, its another when "gee this will be on this thing I already subscribe in a month, I could wait." Chapek really DGAF
  5. It’s weird we’re having this debate when we just had a blockbuster flop this weekend. Thing is with no pandemic, would people have shown up for WSS? I’m not so sure.
  6. You know how I know Marvel isn't just the world's biggest franchise but also the most dominant cultural zeitgeist force today? People are talking about that company and Oscars in a box office weekend thread because...I'm too lazy to go back and check how that happened on a weekend when WSS tanking made ITH's failure seem not so bad in comparison. I'm used to general movie discourse going sideways into Marvel chat lol. Anyway some folks are "bothered" by social commentary are very vocal online which overstates their actual numerical presence. If they complain about something being "heavy handed" or "too political," its code talk for "it's not MY politics." Speaking of Get Out: It's funny but I noticed this as a board member at Awards Watch forums (Oscar-related) I noticed the countless local so-called liberals get anal when Get Out won that WGA poll for Best Script of the last 20 something years, beating out all those (you can look up the list) damn "indie dramedies" from that same era that's become a stereotype onto themselves. Of course same Get Out was voted by industry members when polled by THR (iirc) as among their favorite movies of recent years, including Endgame and Wonder Woman and so forth. Get Out is one of those few horror movies that hit the karma lottery this side of Exorcist or Silence of the Lambs. A blockbuster hit, won awards, was able to please the masses/Film Twitter/actual industry professionals/etc. Weirdly Get Out also did something alot of those so-called "elevated horror" movies of recent years failed to do: win an Oscar. Who's elevated now?
  7. I found it a decent buddy programmer, good chemistry between the leads (which considering one of them is a cartoon, says something of credit to the human actor) and a couple of moments that actually moved me. Carrey is in Carrey Mode again (good or bad, your mileage might vary.) It’s predictable and basic in terms of framing, but worth a watch. Granted like many folks I went in with less than strong expectations to say the least, so keep that in mind.
  8. Agree, though if that’s my only nitpick with this trailer….they did a good job. Honestly this being a better movie than the first wouldn’t surprise me.
  9. OT but as a kid, I always for some reason had this mindset that in each other comics universe that the other company existed as merely comics/IPs. Peter Parker read Superman comics, Bruce Wayne probably saw Logan, etc. It certainly adds a touch of verisimilitude to the proceedings considering such characters dominate our pop culture.
  10. All things considered, the fact that the movie is kinda decent is actually kind of impressive.
  11. It's not exactly a new issue. Hell two late 1970s blockbusters in Superman and Star Trek The Motion Picture were worked/tinkered with up to the very end, to the point that both couldn't do test screenings (and TMP was particularly a nightmare with its VFX issues.) Its why both coincidentally decades later had their own "director's cuts" where the filmmakers went back and got a chance to fix certain editorial choices made by deadlines. Of course one of them is a classic that every subsequent spandex movie has responded to while the other kickstarted an enduring film franchise, but not exactly considered top-tier of that series.
  12. The "should've gotten more episodes" complaints I find fascinating when you have other folks who think this is a 2 hour movie stretched out for a series run. To be fair with the latter complaint, I can see a usual MCU-length movie be done with this material (remember my complaint about the last episode feeling like a filler/wheels-spinning deal that you get on these spandex shows, the CW and Netflix shows specifically always were stuck dealing with this issue.) We have two episodes left so we'll see how it ends, but so far this has an edge over TF&TWS in that we don't have a Flag Smashers situation where alot of time is spent on characters that somehow still don't feel fleshed out and give an impression of muddled politics. Other than Echo, this has been the Clint/Kate show so far and that's been wise. Again we have two episodes left and I think I have a clear idea of how it'll end (which isn't necessarily a complaint, its all about execution.) Oddly the best paced show (oh boy here's a controversial take) so far of the MCU 2021 stock was What If...?, if only because it had a half hour or so to do their business much like those comics had one-issue to wham bam thank you ma'am. Sure some one could argue could've been even better with more stuff to flesh out those scenarios, but OTOH (1) that T'Challa Star-Lord episode felt fully realized while sufficient in that runtime and (2) "Zombies" would've still been mindless* even if it was a hour long. God I hated that episode. *=And we're getting a series of that because, people like that damn Marvel Zombies property. I think I'll skip that show.
  13. I'll be honest, halfway through I thought this was a filler episode despite the fun Xmas party antics (it's fan fiction-y in a good way) but then business picks up and that climax had a good 1-2 punch of "oh damn!" twists, even if the latter us Marvelites have been awaiting for it for months now (and no I don't mean *that* one that social media is eagerly anticipating.) Clint is a little naive at the end though, no? He and Kate are truly up the creek with no paddle. I do like how in this series, Clint and his wife don't have the usual melodrama that superhero couples in media seem to demand. Think of the CW shows where couples routinely fight and you wonder if these people are adults or children. Yeah she wants his butt home, but she gets it that's a drawback of his job. She knows what he knows. She even gets him intel while baking cookies with the kids, that's some spandex multitasking right there. It's not a major thing, but it's a nice refreshingly mature touch.
  14. I wonder why the Karen demo didn't show up?
  15. The brief Echo origin story was quite good, Cox has presence and I can see why King Kevin wants to invest in her character/casting long term. Honestly that's my one complaint with this episode: I wanted more of her, and I say that as somebody who genuinely enjoyed this episode and certainly giddy with that certain trick arrow. Internet's biggest inevitable takeaway will overshadow everything else, be fun to see that certain thing elaborated upon next week. EDIT - Apparently I missed Kate making fun of the USB arrow. Ha, callback.
  16. As much as Marvelites resent the Venom franchise's existence, Hardy and how he interprets that character would fit the MCU sandbox naturally. I can imagine a buddy movie where he and Tom gotta work together, but Venom wants to eat him and Hardy has to stop that. A shame Sony already fired the Carnage bullet since Carnage in his original comics storyline was a great (terrifying) adversary for both to team up against. But Sony gotta Sony.
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