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Posts posted by Jonwo

  1. 3 minutes ago, Heretic said:

    As expected, Smurfs flopped hard. $1.8m, £1.4m. Not even holidays can save this one.


    7 minutes ago, Heretic said:

    £2.2m for GitS. Could've been worse, but it'll drop fast, $10m max.


    £51.5m BatB from Ian Sandwell.


    Okay for GITS, I imagine it'll have bad legs, Smurfs is horrific considering it had previews too. 


    I'm guessing we won't find out what Boss Baby did until next week when it gets number 1 due to its nine day opening.

  2. 55 minutes ago, AJG said:


    THIS. Power Rangers as a program should've evolved a couple years back. Imagine if the franchise retooled into a PG13 tv show or cartoon with smarter writing some years before this film. It could've made new older fans, and helped the brand not be seen as such a joke, which could've helped this film. I myself would've probably watched a couple episodes of a CW Power Rangers show. Shit... maybe that could be the way forward for this thing.


    Disney couldn't make it work when they owned it, I doubt Saban will try and reinvent it when it makes money in its current format.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Heretic said:

    BatB is doing well, but Boss Baby looks like it's taking some of its audience. Also, the weather is really nice again here so cinemas aren't so busy. 


    The Boss Baby to a lesser extent Smurfs and BATB have Easter weekdays so it's not a huge issue. 


    It's weird that apart from Going in Style, there's no big release next weekend, I'm guessing no one wants to compete with Fast 8 the week after. The weekend after Fast 8 is pretty poor as well



  4. 16 minutes ago, Fancyarcher said:


    Basically! Costs have caused a lot of studios to leave California. 


    DWA have been trying to cut the cost of their films for the last few years through studios in India and China to supplement the main studios but they were still around $120-135m which is fine if you're producing $600-700m WW hits but DWA has been closer to $300-400m WW which was not good when they were independent. 


    The studio became bloated under Katzenberg and releasing too many films diluted the brand. 

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Fancyarcher said:


    Yeah, I imagine a lot of upcoming Dreamworks animated films will now be made in France, and all over Europe now, in order to save costs.


    Captain Underpants was made by Mikros who are Canadian so I wouldn't be surprised if the Glendale studio closes leaving only Disney and Pixar as the only animation studios in California 


    DWA can still produce successful films even if they are of questionable quality but they're no longer dominant 



  6. 1 hour ago, YourMother said:

    I do wonder with Universal, will we start seeing $70M-$110M OW for DWA movies now?


    Probably not, it's pretty rare for an animated film to hit that level and DWA hasn't had a $200m grosser since Madagascar 3. Its going to take time for DWA to reestablish itself and I suspect we won't see the results of DWA under new ownership until 2020 at the earliest 

  7. 4 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    She only did that as a favor to Garry Marshall (too bad it couldn't have been a much better last favor).


    Her next film Wonder doesn't sound great on paper either, I do wonder if she's been approached to appear in a franchise film like a Marvel film or DC film. I guess she's in a position to do what she wants acting wise. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    Did Julia Roberts end up in a serious amount of debt to end up in a friggin' Smurfs movie? Jesus.


    Roberts has made some questionable choices for roles but weirdly Smurfs isn't the worst, that honour belongs to Mother's Day.


    15 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

    Tomorrow is April Fool's and the day BKB returns. The internet and this site in particular will be hell. 


    I'll give it a month before he is banned again..

    • Like 1
  9. 53 minutes ago, grim22 said:


    It feels like it is being set up to fail. Extremely bad release date the same weekend as WW and a week after Memorial day, 2 weeks before Cars 3 and 4 before DM3. OW gross as well as legs will be at a premium for it. A better release date would probably be Memorial Day weekend as it can at least act as a kiddie programmer for the long weekend and get more separation before the 2 big animated movies of summer.


    I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out like Rise of the Guardians all over again, last film in the Fox/DWA contract which they've left to wither. Luckily it's costing DWA less than their usual film as the animation is being outsourced.

  10. 13 minutes ago, DAJK said:

    BB's previews were truly strong. Monsters U made over 80M from 2.6M previews in summer, and that was a sequel to a beloved decade old film.


    zootopia opened to over 70M with 1.7 in previews. Moana did 2M, and then there's the Home comp which people have already covered.


    Could we honestly be looking at a mid 50's opening? :ohmygod: 




    If Home could do over $50m two years ago in a similar slot then it's doable. 


    Poor Smurfs will be lucky to make half of that next week. 



    • Like 1
  11. On 29/03/2017 at 11:54 PM, Jason said:

    That being said, I'm also on the hate-train for this, because it looks terrible (and reviews indicate likewise), and I'd rather DWA not get in the habit of making more of the same.


    DWA are capable of good films but I worry that under Comcast, it's going to be a shadow of its former self. 

    30 minutes ago, MrFanaticGuy34 said:

    Also, i think you guys are pretty harsh to either this film or current/upcoming Dreamworks-originals.


    Everybody thought Croods was gonna fail....then the opposite happened. Then everybody thought Home was gonna fail....the opposite happened. And then half a year ago, everybody thought Trolls was gonna fail....again....the opposite happened.



    We're not harsh on DWA, they need to make better films.

    • Like 1
  12. 10 hours ago, TalismanRing said:


    They are but that would be the case for other films as well.   Not all films are created equal in that regard. 


    I'd imagine Sing would be far closer in ability to have marketing partners offset costs to Moana and Zootopia  than say the pre existing juggernaut Minions with it's plethora of partners that helped to offset much of it's enormous $600m marketing spend - or even Civil War & BvS that are also huge brands that attract marketing partners.


    Pets had promotional partners, things like Happy Meals and even Broadband etc Disney have a partnership with Subway for certain films for example and Bond has over a dozen promotional partners most if all are premium brands.

  13. Just now, DAJK said:

    Well, if trailer views-to-opening-weekend-ratio is the same for It than it was for BatB we'd be looking at 140M opening :ph34r:



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    only joking of course. I could see 50M, but I'd be happy with 40



    I was orginally thinking $30-35m but $40-45m seems plausible, even $50m would be brilliant and a record breaker to boot.

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