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Everything posted by Hiccup23

  1. Mid-afternoon Pulse 15 minute watch Love, Simon: 68 tickets Tomb Raider: 109 tickets I Can Only Imagine: 134 tickets Love, Simon is staying consistent, which is fine but it will need to pick up. Tomb Raider is starting to get momentum...could be to late though. ICOI is dropping off. I am not surprised by this.
  2. I am on vacation this week so I got the free time haha
  3. Mid-day Pulse 15 minute watch Love, Simon: 62 tickets Tomb Raider: 89 tickets I Can Only Imagine: 230 tickets Will do another update mid afternoon and evening!
  4. Having seen the film, I am less worried about its opening because I am 99% positive it will have strong legs. Why? 1. I live in Madison...very liberal college town and all the showings were sold out so I was forced to see it in my hometown of Oconomowoc. My hometown is located not in a college town but rather in a 99% Republican, large elderly population/suburban white family town (the high school in my town just limited teachers on talking about white privilege because parents got upset). 2. The showing at the theater was sold out. 3. The audience in my showing was diverse mix between high schoolers, spring breakers, adults, and families. 4. Audience reaction was very positive and the audience clapped during the reveals and at the end of the film. 5. I heard several people saying things like, "Oh we need to take (insert name) to see this when it comes out." or "That was better than I thought. We see see it again when it comes out." So yeah, maybe I am riding my buzz from the advanced screening but I think if this film could get such positive reactions from the stereotypical middle America demographic my hometown is made up of, I think it will get extremely positive reactions elsewhere.....maybe not the Deep South though haha
  5. Just did a Pulse 15 minute watch Love, Simon: 66 tickets Tomb Raider: 88 tickets I Can Only Imagine: 262 tickets
  6. Just did 1 minute watching on Pulse Love, Simon- 15 tickets old I Can Only Imagine- 10 tickets sold Tomb Raider- 4 tickets sold
  7. Bartimaeus and the Amulet of Samarkand: Meet Nathaniel, Bartimaeus, and Simon Lovelace Nathaniel (Played by Josh Hutchinson) Nathaniel is a young magician living with Mr. and Mrs. Underwood outside of London. Nathaniel is smart, selfish, and naive believing he will grow up to be the greatest magician the world has even seen. This is not out of line with how most magicians see themselves. After being dismissed at a young age by Simon Lovelace, Nathaniel vows to prove himself by stealing the prized Amulet of Samarkand and harnessing its power. Things however do not go as planned. Bartimaeus (Played by Tom Holland) Bartimaeus is a wry and witty ancient spirit who is cynical of the world. This is due mostly to the fact that spirits are servants to the magicians and have been so for thousands of years. Unlike most spirits, Bartimaeus stubbornly fights against this servanthood. When Bartimaeus is summoned by Nathaniel, he believes it will be another pointless task. However, he soon realizes that he and Nathaniel are over the heads. Simon Lovelace (Played by Mark Strong) Simon Lovelace is ambitious and confident. He works in the British Empire government and is described by his peers as "arrogant". He is a powerful magician who is hungry for power. He sees the weakness within the government and uses them to his advantage. He plans to uses the Amulet of Samarkand to gain power over the government. The World of Bartimaeus and the Amulet of Samarkand. The film takes place in a fictional universe. The British Empire still exists and dominates the globe as the most powerful country. The world is much similar to ours with technology and look. Unlike our world, magic exists and is openly practiced. The wealthiest and most powerful people are the magicians. They control the government lead by Prime Minister Rupert Devereaux. They have dominated the world for decades. Along side them live the non-magicians also known as the commoners. These people make up the majority of the population in the British Empire and the globe. Despite harnessing technology, they remain subordinate to magicians and are largely underrepresented in the government. This has lead to tensions between the two classes. Resistance groups have formed in the British Empire hoping to overthrow the ruling magician class. Tensions have grown due to the British Empire's declining global power, economic decline, and discrimination between magicians and non-magicians. The third fraction is the spirits. They remain in a dimension of their own. They only can exit this dimension when summoned by a magician. Spirits remain subordinate to magicians and have been their servants for thousands of years. Spirits are powerful entities and rumors circle the magician world of rebellion among the spirits against magicians. As of now however, spirits dutifully serve their masters. Directed by David Yates, Bartimaeus and the Amulet of Samarkand opens in theaters November 15th! It is the first film in the intended Bartimaeus Trilogy.
  8. I bought the book today...that says something. I hate reading but the film got me interested in the book haha
  9. Love, Simon 30 312 9.6% Tomb Raider 39 848 4.6% I Can Only Imagine 41 156 26.3% Love, Simon sold 8 tickets, Tomb Raider sold 6 tickets, and I Can Only Imagine sold 23 tickets. ICOI's first showing is 100% of the film's sales Tomb Raider's first showing makes up 72% of its sales and Love, Simon's first showing makes up 53% of its sales. The results of discount Tuesday will be shown tomorrow. If sales keep at their current pace -ICOI- 85-90 tickets sold for the preview showings - translate to $1.62M preview # -TR- 50-55 tickets sold for the preview showings- translate to $.675 preview # LS- 45-50 tickets sold for the preview showings - translate to $.555 preview # I am guessing TR and LS will surge and ICOI will drop off. ICOI's number is inflated likely because I am in the Midwest.
  10. @O$corpPictures: "Dan Trachtenberg to direct and J.J. Abrams to produce "mgb1doe3erdce". God doesn't want to be found. #somethingungodlyarrives"
  11. Where I am at with my films Bartimaeus and the Amulet of Samarkand- 95% complete ( in the final stages of editing) Dark Side - 65% complete Untitled Film- 40% complete
  12. Love, Simon 22 312 7.1% Tomb Raider 33 848 3.9% I Can Only Imagine 18 156 11.5% All openers are tracking slow from last night's count. Love, Simon sold 10 tickets, Tomb Raider sold 6 tickets, and I Can Only Imagine sold 18 tickets. ICOI is probably a church group since the seats are all clustered together and the showing after it hasn't sold a single ticket (first showing is 100% of the film's sales). Tomb Raider's first showing makes up 73% of its sales and Love, Simon's first showing makes up 50% of its sales. Film's should hopefully jump tomorrow and Wednesday with discount Tuesday helping out.
  13. The strength of this film is in that it is very relatable. I think this will have a A or A+ cinema-score. If it holds that pitiful 2,400 theater count, I think we will see a $14M/50M run. Hopefully it can make more.
  14. Advanced screening of Love, Simon was sold out tonight. Very positive reception. Would be shocked if this doesn't see an uptick in buzz and prerelease sales.
  15. Just got out of an advanced screening....yeah this is gonna have good word of mouth. The audience ate it up and all the jokes landed. The audience applauded when Giving this a 94/100 It is a film for everybody...gay or straight.
  16. James Newton Howard is doing The Chrysalid's score as well
  17. Completely stumped on how to end Dark Side........like I have no idea
  18. Well then its gonna get a nice boost. I think the early screening here today is gonna lighten the Thursday night previews #
  19. Seeing this today at 7pm. Also how are the early screening tickets sales getting included in the film? Like my early screening is selling well with 32/78 tickets sold. Screening was just announced yesterday.
  20. @O$corpPictures: "Something ungodly is arriving this December. Stay tune for more details"
  21. A Wrinkle In Time is bombing at my theater 84/814
  22. @O$corpPictures: "What is mgb1doe3erdce? Find out the answer March 23rd"
  23. on vacation next week so Dark Side will be up by the following Monday or Tuesday.
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