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Everything posted by Hiccup23

  1. Your good! I'm at work until 6pm EST so no rush to submit them
  2. Round 2: We Still Have More to Go Unfortunately, we still have some film's that tied. Send me your votes no later than 8pm EST. Oscar Nominations are announced at 9pm EST. Ready, set, go: @4815162342 @YourMother the Edgelord@The Shape of Pasta @cookie @Rorschach @Xillix @Ethan Hunt
  3. Well I have to see how he votes. Go onto another round I suppose, just weed out the films that didn't get any votes or didn't get enough votes.
  4. You are good man! Now as for @YourMother the Edgelord.....please use spaces next time lol. It was a giant cluster f*ck.
  5. It more emotional for me. I am now freaking out I f'ed everything up. I have half way and it appears I just messed up BP. The person at fault is @Xillix. He sent me the ballot backwards. I know what happened. I accidentally counted the Best Use of Action thinking it was BP. I then forgot I had to take my dog out and left my laptop. I returned and saw it was a backwards ballot. I must have forgotten to take away the points I awarded. Everything I have said before this has changed in on way or another.
  6. Well......Best Picture just got weird. I must have accidentally double counted. Went back right now and things have changed. Still very very interesting BP race.
  7. To calm y'all down.....no studio got snubbed the fucked out of it. Y'all are good
  8. All will be revealed soon enough! Faster the tiebreakers get sent in, the sooner the nominees are announced. I'd love to have them announced tonight
  9. The votes have been cast. A significant amount of categories have tied. Let's sort this out right away. Here's how tiebreakers work. A list will be provided of a number of films fighting for the final spots in their respective categories. PM ME YOUR RANKS OF THE TIEBREAKER LIST, 1 BEING THE BEST, 2 BEING SECOND BEST, AND SO ON. And by the way.....I'm not telling you how many in each category will advance. I love keeping all of you in suspense. There will not be a set deadline, but I can announce the nominees as early as tonight if everyone gets them in. Try to get them in as soon as you can, it shouldn't take more than a few minutes! Please let me know if you have any questions, and get excited for the most thrilling part of the CAYOM year!
  10. Wrong....try again Anyway, the snub will be revealed tonight. BP has a tie and only one film can proceed. Whoever fails gets the title of snub.
  11. So just to stir the pot...... For Best Picture there is a major snub And a film, which appeared consistently on y'alls lists just managed to slide in Best Picture despite not being a predicted BP contender.
  12. @Electric You have until Tuesday (tomorrow night) 9pm ET to respond. Then.....
  13. 10 Categories will need Tie Breakers...unless Electric votes and changes stuff up.
  14. Well.....I would post the Tiebreakers tonight but Idk if @Electric read all the films.
  15. I got The Chrysalids as my front runner for OC. Hoping several other films can make a surprise appearance.
  16. I haven't heard from him. I don't wanna stop the Oscar Pick Phrase until it is confirmed he is or isn't doing it. He has a film up for awards so it would be unfair to not let him pick. Also @Electric needs to pick as well. Can we get any confirmation?
  17. So that leaves us with @YourMother the Edgelord and @Alpha left. We could have the tie-breakers tonight. No rush lol
  18. These lists have been interesting and very diverse. There are really only 1-2 frontrunners in about half the categories and in the other half there is no frontrunners. The supporting actors and actress/technical categories are almost a dozen films per category. This will be intense.
  19. Probably middle of the road. Not good, not bad. It was better than the stuff out so people went to it. In a crowded year, its legs would have been lower....probably sub-200M.
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