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Everything posted by Hiccup23

  1. I can rest in peace now knowing one of my films managed to get over a B, lol
  2. I'll read when I get home and send you Island of the Blue Dolphins
  3. I'll do Lilo and Stitch if you Island of the Blue Dolphins
  4. I knew I should have changed it up. I'm mad at myself. Could have been a Oscar contender
  5. Anybody wanna pre read Bartimaeus or Island of the Blue Dolphins?
  6. I have a Spotify soundtrack for my Poison and Wine/Truth Is films.
  7. Did realize this but Closed Domain falls on the second weekend of Blank. Can both coexist? Will CD get a smaller than expected opening because Blank holds? Or will Blank drop sharper than expected due to CD?
  8. Bandicoot should be on its way to a 125-130M finish...nice job @YourMother the Edgelord I was actually too high on Freddy Zapper
  9. Third acts are a always the hardest part for me
  10. Thanks But seriously, I don't hold any animosity toward you for your grade.
  11. Final for Maze Runner 3 Maze Runner: The Death Cure 140 848 16.5%
  12. Fair enough, I disagree but respect your difference of opinion. Makes me worried about its Oscar potential and about what you will think of MitAV and The Island. 😟
  13. I wasn't hung up on it. lol I won't criticize or take grades off for a PG-13 Mass Effect.
  14. Not really, I had it all mapped out how I'd do it.
  15. Everybody better buckle up for The Lonely. I know its gonna get slapped in the reviewers because y'all are gonna hate my creative vision for the film but I am going for it. It's what I do
  16. Don't know why we are hung up on the POV. I typed that so everybody would know that the entire film is in POV. Yes, it changes but I let y'all know it changes so I am not breaking my own rules. I let you guys all know when the film flips and when it resumes again the POV of Frank. If I typed, "this film is shot from the POV of the characters" that would be confusing. I would constantly have to say, "And the film movies to/from Frank's POV". It was just similar to say, "Hey so the film is shot from Frank's POV." This is a draw back of writing films. If this was actually released, I wouldn't have to put that statement before you watch/read
  17. Okay...I completely respect your opinions but let me explain Why did it end that why? Because that was the story I wanted to share. I didn't want to go into the post-break-up and there is no sequel. Why does everything need a follow up? Why do all stories need a resolution? That isn't how life works and especially how break-ups work. Frank might find love (probably will since he is young) but maybe he won't. This isn't Frank's life story but rather a snippet of a moment of his life. I wanted the film to feel like that. It is an arthouse film, which doesn't follow the traditional storylines/plot devises of mainstream books, TV, and films. Also with Frank's father. It is meant to add to the atmosphere and fear Frank has. Frank isn't open with his family about his deep and meaningful relationship. He is on pins and needles trying to hide it. I didn't want this to be that generic "your religious family finds out and all hell breaks loose coming out film" THIS ISN'T A COMING OUT STORY. It is a story about first love and how sometimes fleeting it can be. The scene with Frank's father builds the atmosphere of tension and a foreboding sense this relationship with Mark is not going to work out. We know Frank has curfews, is in a religious household, and is dating a guy much older than him. Also with the "left-field" lady coming in and tell Mark about his past. Yes, that is out of left field and meant to be. This isn't Mark's story. It is Frank's. I wanted the audience to feel lost just like Frank did. (That's also why I did the POV shots in the film). In the film, Frank doesn't understand why Mark is over the relationship and he will never realize what happened. My film Academy also touched on this. Why does everything in life need a happy ending or just even an ending. Things in life sometimes just have an open ending. That's kind of the lesson I wanted to show here. ( Feel like I am repeating myself lol so I am gonna stop). Ultimately, I wanted to make the audience walk in his shoes, be confused when he was confused, and joyful when he was joyful. I completely understand your problems with the film but I made them there because that is the story I wanted to share.
  18. Interesting. It will be going up against my female feminist sci-fi film.
  19. Gotcha! At first I was like, "Damn this dude is writing like crazy!"
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