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Everything posted by Hiccup23

  1. The Curse of Monkey Island This is a entertaining and enjoyable summer blockbuster. I had a fun time watching it! Tom Holland does a fantastic job as the main character and the surrounding cast do a great job as well. The film's visual effects are very good hence the $165M budget and the running time is perfect.
  2. Ummmmm not sure what to think about this film. It really dragged on and on. I feel asleep half way through. The third act though was fantastic and I loved that part. Everything before it was meh. C-
  3. Mary O$corp Entertainment has officially announced Mary for Year 2. The film will be directed by Darren Aronofsky and will star Jessica Chastain. Other actors and actresses are in the works as of now. The film is slanted to open in October. The film's budget is rumored to be around $45 million. So far details pertaining to the plot are unknown.
  4. Interesting review of Public Eye. It sounds like you had more of an issue with the perspective the film took rather than the actual film itself. I can live with that. I wanted a film seeing the events from the police force. That was my full intention. The film really isn't about police brutality, the film is about how white Americans can become so easily normalized to racism. This normalization leads to them either ignoring it or becoming hard to it. Pete did the second half. I wouldn't call Pete's character a hero by any means. He simply shows how young white American men can become normalized to racism. This includes "everyday" racism (conversations between Pete and James). It can be awkward to speak out against this everyday racism in our daily lives but by not speaking out right away, we are in danger of becoming normalized to it and letting or silence seem like consent. There are a couple of reasons why Pete doesn't speak out. 1. James is in a leadership position above him. 2. Pete is new to the force and wants to fit in. 3. Pete is already an outsider by being gay. That is why he doesn't speak out. He gives up his morals in order to fit in. Basically, this film isn't made for black audiences, it is made to middle American white audience. It is for those Trump supporters who think saying the everyday racist shit doesn't do anything. It does and it is time for white America to own it and stop it. I maybe could have shown this better....anyways that is my thoughts. Thanks for your review and perspective!
  5. Spark: Rising It is hard to not compare it to the animated version and I will avoid comparing to it because technically the animated film doesn't exist. The only thing I will say is that the live action version loses the magic and beauty of the animated version. As for this film, Spark: Rising is a well directed and executed summer sci-fi-fi film. I am a huge fan of space sagas (LOVE Valerian and Star Wars) so I am not surprised I greatly enjoyed this film. The acting was top notch and the score greatly complimented the film. Visual effects were great like for most space films. I really hope this film can get the credit it deserves during the award season. I also hope audiences turn out to see this. I can't wait to explore the universe more in the sequels! In the mean time, multiple viewings will be a must
  6. The Provider A lot of the film's flaws have been explained in other reviews on here so I a not going to rehash those flaws. The Provider has an intriguing premise but for me it fell flat. The film is a slow burner and almost too much of a slow burner. The ending is good and a relatively well directed third act. Ultimately, the Provider really at its heart is your average October thrill, which audiences will no doubt turn out to see.
  7. I am predicting it is Public Eye and he is gonna dislike it.
  8. My studio approves of those numbers. We would be financial successful
  9. True...but this is CAYOM and I am studio of horror. Btw Bye Bye Man was shit so we agree there lol
  10. Ugh, I thought Lake of Psychopaths would break out! It is Friday the 13th! It deserves at least $10M on Friday lol!
  11. Life is Strange Life is Strange is a terrific film. The cast gives it their all and it shows. The film's plot really pulls you in and you are entertained throughout the 2 hours and 24 minute running time. ChD is a great writer and I loved his film's years back. This film makes me look forward to future film's he writes. Life is Strange is a shining star in Year 1 and I hope it gets the credit is deserves. The film's director (I am too lazy to type is last name) did a fantastic job as well as the script writer(s). The score is icing on the cake and helps the film serve. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a Oscar contender!
  12. SOMA SOMA is way way way better than the other January films. The film is great up until the third act and then is starts to sink. The film's leaders are great and I thought they did a fantastic job, but I for some reason just can't get over the third act. Third acts are the hardest part (on CAYOM and real life) and you can tell the film's creative team struggled with it. Still, SOMA is the film to see in January (see Lake of Psychopaths too ) and will no doubt please its viewers. SOMA boosts solid acting and an interesting premise. Give it a chance and see it.
  13. Chrono Trigger Disclaim: I hate video game films. But.......
  14. Jim's Adversity I am going to be honest. I am not a fan of baseball films and this film's 2 hour+ running time put me to sleep. I was constantly checking my phone to see when it would be finished. It has fans no doubt out there but I wasn't feeling it. It was generic and dull. Acting was blah and script was as generic as you could get.
  15. He-Man This is a solid super-hero film. The visuals are solid but have a slightly cheap feeling to them. The script is generic but it doesn't turn me away too much. The acting is good and what you expect from a blockbuster super hero film. This film with no doubt satisfy comic book fans and families alike. The film also moves quickly and avoids becoming bogged down in trying to explain itself. This is greatly appreciated by this movie goer. He-Man is a fresh breath of air in an otherwise dismal April. This film will no doubt find box office success!
  16. The Defiler The Defiler is far from a quality horror film. While no doubt horror fans will show up to it, they will be disappointed. The film is plagued with mediocre acting and an unoriginal/uninteresting storyline. The film would work better if it was a horror comedy rather than a serious horror film. The film just feels cheesy. The Defiler falls into the trap that many modern day horror films fall into: TRYING TO SET UP A SEQUEL! The film is cheap and the studio knows if the film makes modest numbers it can shit a sequel. So they make a mediocre film with a surprise ending in order to get the sequel. Well please STOP. As a horror fan, the Defiler must go.
  17. Hoping audiences will ignore the bad reviews for Great White and make it a sleeper hit. Dwayne Johnson + Megan Fox in a bikini + summer + mindless fun + giant shark = box office gold.
  18. Disappointing but not surprised for Poison and Wine. I am hoping it's sequel can get better reviews (I think it will). I am currently editing the film right now and trying to trim it down. I will take all your comments in consideration for the sequel. I appreciate the feedback even if it is negative.
  19. I am really hoping Mara, Daughter of the Nile can be a summer breakout. Reviews have been solid for it so far and I think its Mother's Day weekend should help.
  20. Valerian has Italy left. Should do $4-5M there. Im thinking a finish around 230M globally.
  21. May Friday, May 5 The Adventures of Scrooge McDuck - 68.3M/243.0M Friday, May 12 Among the Serpents - 16.2M/39.1M Chrono Trigger - 53.5M/144.6M Mara, Daughter of the Nile - 32.6M/137.7M Friday, May 19 Blood and Fur - 5.8M/12.1M Operation Megasquad - 25.4M/67.7M The Ultimate Prank - 11.0M/34.6M Friday, May 26 - Memorial Day Weekend Brandybrook - 13.9M/40.2M Voltron: Defenders of the Universe - 80.4M/234.5M
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