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Everything posted by Hiccup23

  1. What are we thinking for IT's preview number? 6M? 10M?
  2. Yes. I get the final total for each showing right before it starts
  3. Sold Available Total Percent Sold It 417 1,974 21.1% 1. IT is 10 seats behind Wonder Woman for most available total seats. 2. It has surpassed Dunkirk (371), Alien: Covenant (415), Annabelle: Creation (385), and Despicable Me 3 (412). 3. I don't think it will reach Wonder Woman height (1,270) but I think it will definitely hit or get close to Pirates 5 (778). 4. This is amazing for a horror film! 5. Disclaimer: This is my theater....it may not reflect other theaters across the nation.
  4. The 6 news showings just added last night say the same thing. This has happened prior at my theater for Baywatch, Valerian and All Eyes on Me. For Baywatch it was canceled but for Valerian and All Eyes on Me it was sold out. Call the theater to see what is up. I'm doing it today for IT
  5. So IT just exploded at my theater. They must be expecting mass attendance. It went from 1,138 total seats to 1,896 total seats. It ranks #2 most seats available for a film after Wonder Woman, which had 1,984 total seats....damn! #3 place is Spider-Man: Homecoming with 1,684 total seats
  6. So we will see if the opening weekend can beat these numbers. Top Grossing Horror Films Adjusted OW Scream 2 - $63.8M Paranormal Activity 3- $59.7M Interview with a Vampire has the highest horror opening weekend with 77.4M but is that really horror?
  7. IT is selling very well at my theater. Should surpass Dunkirk, Annabelle Creation, Alien Covenant, and Pirates 5 in tickets sold here by Thursday morning. Running of the same pace as Spider-Man: Homecoming at my theater but still behind Wonder Woman. Sold Total Available Percent Sold It 205 1,138 18.0%
  8. Reviews are one of my favorite parts of CAYOM! Then I will create a Top 25 Best Films of Year 1. Grade - 5/5 - 4/5 - 3/5 - 2/5 - 1/5 - 0/5 I am taking requests! Given my sudden schedule change up, I doubt I can review every single film. Give me a two film request and I will do it! I'll try to review every film though
  9. The Great White Date- June 9th Genre- Horror Rating- PG-13 Theaters- 2,979 theaters Budget- 17.5 million Running Time- 93 minutes or 1 hour and 33 minutes Studio- O$corp Pictures Director- Michael Bay Actors and Actress Jeso- Dwayne Johnson Jessica- Megan Fox Frank- Zac Efron Plot: A fishing community in South Africa is disrupted by a series of mysterious disappearances at sea and at the beaches. Veteran fisherman Jeso suspects the truth, and after discovering two large teeth advises confidant Frank, a local Navy pilot and good friend, that the culprit is a great white shark. A marine biologist named Jessica also guesses the truth after the large great white shark attacks a busy beaching killing 7 people. She convinces the millionaire father of two of the victims to fund a hunt for the creature. The local mayor attempts to overrule all parties and end attempts to find the shark in fears it will hurt the city's economy, but he is killed when the creature destroys the his yacht during a campaign event. Jeso's crewmate also perishes. Although reluctant to participate any further, Jeso is blackmailed when Frank assumes ownership of his outstanding mortgage. Jeso, Jessica, and Frank embark on a new hunt. The large shark is attracted by meat Jessica gathered from a dead whale, and threatens to sink their boat. Jeso wounds the creature which enrages it further. The shark manages to sink the boat and now it is a race for Frank, Jeso, and Jessica to make it to shore before the shark can catch them. After a tense swim, they realize they can't out swim the shark. Jeso sacrifices himself and battles the shark. He is mortally wounded but manages to slaughter the shark. Frank and Jessica make it safely to shore. When the film ends, we see the camera scan over the ocean and we see two large shark fins crest out of the water. There are more sharks. Also during the film, there is a developing relationship between Frank and Jessica. They decided to date at the end of the film.
  10. Battle: Mars 3D Date- January 27th Genre- CGI Animation Rating- PG- for sequences of sci-fi action and violence Theaters- 2,464 Budget- 15 million Running Time- 89 minutes or 1 hour and 29 minutes Studio- Barbarian Animation Studios Director- Aristomenis Tsirbas Actors and Actress- Mara- Evan Rachel Wood Zack- Justin Long Plot: When Earth invades the planet Mars when pollution destroys Earth. A Martian princess, Mara must defend her home against the invaders knowing that only one species can survivor. She falls in love with a human boy who is captured in a skirmish, Zack who promises to help her people. After several adventures Zack grows to love the peaceful Martians. When the final battle comes the Martians narrowly defeat the humans. The remaining humans are allowed to live on Mars in peace.
  11. River of Death Date- Limited- September 15th and Wide- September 29th Genre- Drama Thriller Rating- R- strong violence, disturbing and startling images, strong language, and mild sexual content. Theater Count- September 15th- 16 theaters, September 22nd- 365 theaters, and September 29th- 2,734 theaters Budget- 20 million Running Time- 147 minutes or 2 hour and 27 minutes Studio- O$corp Pictures Director- John Landis Actors and Actress- Unknown actors and actresses. Plot:
  12. Jungles Date- March 10th Genre- Nature Documentary Rating- G Theaters- 2,077 theaters Budget- 25 million Running Time- 80 minutes or 1 hour and 20 minutes Studio- O$corp Pictures Director- Alastair Fothergill Narrator- Pierce Brosnan Plot: This film takes it audience on a thrilling adventure of the South American jungles. The audience will travel with a family of Tapirs and Jaguars. They also talk about how deforestation and climate change in the documentary.
  13. PЯom Date- April 28th Genre- Comedy Rating- PG-13 Theaters- 3,150 theaters Budget- 35 million Running Time- 109 minutes or 1 hour and 49 minutes Studio- O$corp Picures Director- Seth Gordon Actors and Actress- Andy- KJ Apa Claire- Alisha Boe Peter- Jake Paul Sarah- Gage Golightly Hillbilly Leader- Ken Jeong Plot: Andy, Claire, Peter, and Sarah are your average high school seniors. Andy is your basketball player, Claire is the intelligent girl, Peter is a nerd but really good at football, and Sarah is your blonde cheerleader. Prom is coming up in the next few weeks. Andy and Peter are busily trying to figure out how to ask their girlfriends Claire and Sarah out while the girls are trying on prom dress and figuring out what to wear. The film jokes with and mocks high school clichés throughout the film. Peter and Andy ask Sarah and Claire out and soon prom is almost there. On prom day, they get ready and take pictures and go to the grand march. At prom they dance and have fun. They decide that this is the night of their lives. Peter and Sarah win prom king and queen. Andy and Claire also are on the prom court. After the entire prom is over at midnight. Andy, Claire, Peter, and Sarah decide to hit up a house party. At the party they engage in all the things people do at parties: drinking, smoking, and having sex. Andy losses his virginity to Claire. However things don’t far well for Peter and Sarah. Peter overly drunk gets into a fight with Sarah and Sarah leaves the party and walks off into the woods, which surround the house. The next morning, Andy, Claire, and Peter wake up and are completely hangover. They find themselves in the middle of the woods and still in their prom clothes. Andy and Claire lost their phones and Peter’s phone soon dies. Peter says that they must have gotten drunk and walked into the nearby woods, which is a national park that extends for miles. They all fight with each other. Andy says that they should head west because they might hit the interstate. They all agree and head west. On the way several comic things happen. Claire’s dress gets so ripped up it is almost not worth wearing. Both boys like that idea but Claire refuses to run around the woods in a bra and underwear. They soon encounter a lost Sarah. The film goes into slow motion as Peter and Sarah run toward each other. They embrace and forgive each other. The four walk through the woods for several hours encountering wildlife and other dangerous situations. They suddenly entire a clearing where they find a hillbilly community. The leader of the community tells them that they came through the community last night and got drugs that disoriented them. Andy and Peter get angry and beat up the leader until the leader tells them that he knows a way out. They have to pass through the rapids, which will lead them to the nearby resort. The leader gives them a raft and wishes them luck. He suddenly says that he is sick of the community and hops on the raft with them. His name is know as C.L. The five set off down the rapids. After first the rapids and rough but not bad. Suddenly the rapids become wild and crazy. Everybody is screaming and freaking out. C.L. begins to vomit on Sarah who freaks out and vomits. The raft is thrown everywhere and suddenly plummets off of a waterfall. Everybody grabs each other and screams loudly as they fall. They crash into the water and are knocked out. When they wake up they find that they are at the resort in beds. The film concludes with the parents coming and yelling and grounding the teens. The teens blame C.L. who hilariously sweet talks the parents. The teens are sent home and C.L. is invited over by the parents for a potluck dinner. The film is filled with hilarious jokes, crude humor, and lots of situation gags.
  14. Brandybrook Date- May 26th Genre- Cell-Shaded Animation/Musical (The animation is the same type as seen in Family Guy and American Dad) Rating- R- crude humor throughout including sexual and racial humor, sexual content, pervasive vulgar language, and violent images Theaters- 3,232 theaters Budget- 20 million Running Time- 90 minutes or 1 hour and 30 minutes Studio- Barbarian Animation Studio Director- Seth MacFarlane Actors and Actress- Zach Galifianakis- (Mason Grieks), Tina Fey- (Kimberly Grieks), Justin Long- (Joseph Grieks), Demi Lovato- (Hannah Grieks), Will Ferrell- (Tony Grieks), Seth MacFarlane -(Thomas Grieks/Elf), John Krasinski- (Frank Swanson), Mila Kunis- (Bridget Swanson), Owen Wilson- (Casey Johnson), Amy Adams- (Rachel Johnson), Sofia Vergara- (Pamela Harry), Sarah Jessica Parker- (Susanna Harry), Mike Henry- (Caleb Harry), George Lopez- (Nicolas Christians), Brandon Jackson- (Seth Anders), Jenna Ushkowitz- (Britney Linus) (The film is extremely vulgar and the film stereotypes and degrades all different types sexuality, races, and religions.) Plot:
  15. Do we need some fillers? I got 3-4 fillers on my laptop I can push out.
  16. The Haunting in Wisconsin Date- October 13th Genre- Supernatural Horror Rating- R- horror violence, terror and disturbing images, language, drug use, and some sexuality Theaters- 3,205 theaters Budget- 18 million Running Time- 100 minutes or 1 hour and 40 minutes Studio- O$corp Pictures Director- Sami Rami Actors and Actress- Ethan-------Dave Franco Joseph-----Josh Hutcherson Pamela------Kirby Bliss Blanton Frank------- Grant Gustin Susanna-----Alexis Knapp Plot:
  17. Public Eye Best Picture Best Director (Lee Daniels) Best Actor (Josh Hutchinson) Best Original Screenplay Best Film Editing Best Production Design Best Costume Design Best Sound Mixing Best Sound Editing Poison and Wine Best Picture Best Director- James Foley Best Ensemble Best Actor- Casey Cott Best Supporting Actor- Colton Haynes Best Original Screenplay Best Original Score- Danny Elfman Best Film Editing Best Production Design Best Costume Design Best Makeup & Hairstyling Rendezvous with Rama Best Director- Luc Besson Best Adapted Screenplay Best Cinematography Best Production Design Best Costume Design Best Makeup & Hairstyling Best Sound Mixing Best Sound Editing Best Visual Effects Best Use of Action Hidden World Best Actor- Tom Holland Best Adapted Screenplay Best Cinematography Best Film Editing Best Production Design Best Costume Design Best Makeup & Hairstyling Best Sound Mixing Best Sound Editing Best Visual Effects Best Use of Action Agents Best Animated Feature Mara, Daughter of the Nile Best Cinematography Best Film Editing Best Production Design Best Costume Design Best Makeup & Hairstyling
  18. That's $48.5M for Valerian. Definitely not the $100M+ breakout I wanted but at the end of the day it helps.
  19. I don't see this doing well in the box office. I just can't see an opening over 15M. I also feel like this film will crash and burn with legs.
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