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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. That exactly Kubo and the 2 strings if you have not seen it, you could practically just name the main characther Link and change very little. Plot is going through 3 dungeons with different small boss for getting 3 item that make it possible to beat the big boss.
  2. A ok, I wonder if those movie get test screened with a regular crowd that much ? Must hard for those having saw the movies so much to judge pace that well, specially when the movie look very good.
  3. If that the point, I would recommand people wanting a Last of Us movie to watch the excellent The Girl With All the Gifts, fantastic movie.
  4. I just played the beginning of the Last of Us, but it was extremely derivative of already ultra used book/movie tropes also, maybe a bit less than Indy/tomb Raider/Uncharted/The Mummy/etc... but still quite a bit. Has for easy, compressing 20 hours of gameplay into 2 hours must always be a challenge I would imagine (except if there is really a lot of repetitive fat easy to cut)
  5. Really ? Not sure if serious here, how trolling the audience not risky ? Was issues with the movie a lot of people had was just bad execution or some actual decision taken they hated ? (that what risk are usually, decision that have a good chance to be hated, that have a narrow landing strip to work that need great execution because the idea itself will not be loved easily)
  6. Usually movies are not this close together and a franchise toy sales jump the year a movie get released: The Star Wars merchandise sales exploded when movie started to be released again, it is because of them It was big without movies: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/star-wars-record-toy-revenue-96809 But no where close to what they become around Awaken. Now when you have an ongoing franchise like this, it is much harder to know the impact of an individual movie (say even if you look at toys specific to the movie, maybe the buyer would have still bought something Star Wars instead from the previous movie). Toys, video game (and Park's often) will be taken into account by the studio, but usually not by the price and us because it is too hard to know, specially for ongoing franchise. But anyway, this in big part why people value domestic box office so much, because it is the biggest toys market.
  7. 3 giant franchise at the same time with almost the same characters (well JW he is a bit different, he move a bit differently in that one) do seem to be a bit much and maybe Universal would have to agree to that contractually.
  8. Well SW was the Lebron James of cinema in the domestic market. Every Star Wars movies except one were the biggest movie of the year, including 2015, 2016, 2017.... The worst happened with the prequel number 2 when it finished #3 of the year. This one could possibly miss the top 10, something that was unfathomable to almost everyone in early 2016.
  9. No but if you listen to Jodorowsky relating is experience to go see the Lynch version of the Dune movie he never did, it can feel really good.
  10. Yeah I would imagine a large part of WW audience is not aware much about the DC universe thing or care. The demo were quite different. Will see but news like those: https://www.cbr.com/wonder-woman-hbo-premiere-ratings/ According to Nielsen, the first undisputed hit of the DC Extended Universe drew 2.809 million in its initial telecast on Saturday night, HBO’s largest audience in two years for a feature film premiere. Wonder Woman also outperformed the TV premieres of previous DCEU films Man of Steel (2.374 million viewers), Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice (2.33 million), and Suicide Squad (2.13 million). Happened after Justice league release and tend to be good sign for sequels.
  11. Already tried: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3748528/fullcredits Donnie Yen ... Chirrut Îmwe Wen Jiang ... Baze Malbus Star Wars got one if not the biggest Hollywood movie promo ever in that market: http://creativity-online.com/work/star-wars-great-wall/43856 Awaken had a good opening weekend there. It is not like they didn't tried.
  12. If your are talking about that Forbe article, they estimated a 50m or more loss, but couple of distinction here 1) China heavy 2) 350m net production cost + Bonus was used (i.e. Justice league didn't double the estimated budget they used, didn't came that close to do 350m domestic either) 3) Didn't took into account merchandising and for good reason really hard to estimate effect on ongoing franchise sales.
  13. The trailers were terrible imo, I would not suggest the execution was any good here, but I disagree about the bad idea, I would still be excited for a 250m Lords&Miller star wars comedy I think even now.
  14. The way they handled reshoot situation and how much they spent on the spin off did show imo that they were very well aware of the risk or at least the giant opportunity cost between good Star Wars movies and bad one, they fully knew how much was in stake I think. What is suggested they should have done if they already knew what they supposedly just learn, they should have fired the writer/director again after seeing the trailer's this Solo movie gave them, re-cast announce a Christmas release ? Just not release the movie ? It was a Han Solo/Chewee/Lando space adventure movie started by Lucas and legendary writer Kasdan with a perfect director match in Lord&Miller that had a near perfect track record. I really do not think it is fair to assume that in 2015 they should have known it would not work, I certainly had no clue it was in fact (before the director change) my most anticipated and one I thought would do extremely well and perfect for the summer. There is just a lot of bad/good luck that goes in that process.
  15. Imo the budget talk is misguided, how low Solo is going is proving them right to have tried and spend a lot of money to fix the movie, because of how much is in stake. Disney licensing/retail segment is nearly 5000 millions a year revenues business, and that does not take into account the franchises feeding the parks attendance. Not sure it is the place to try to save money, movie budget on those, you paid 2,000 million + 2,000m in stock dilution to get them anyway, if you end up doing 10 movies they start at 400m by movie. The fact that it exist a world were Solo could do just 500m instead of an easy to imagine world where it does 900m (450dbo/450intl) and help all the other business at the same time and generate a possible Lando movie or a sequel or a tv series for the streaming platform..... Show the wide range of possible and one has a business you would agree to spend an extra 50m, 100m, 150m to try to reach the second one. A successful Star Wars universe is decade of billions of dollar of business, tv show on the streaming platform, toys & video games, etc... that why they drop half of those and reshoot them from almost scratch if needed, you do not jeopardize that for 50-100m.
  16. I would imagine that being possible, Sony never went below 300m in the pass on a Spider Man movie budget. Now they could bring everything way down and still make more at the Box office (a bit sad for an audience point of view too).
  17. Previews that didn't start at 7:00 pm either, but 9:00 pm (they didn't went as far then use an actual midnight previews, but still....)
  18. Or just making a small one, we should not make such a big difference between making or loosing 20m on a giant movie franchise like this, specially for a company that has giant operating margin of 25% like Disney and ridiculously high ROI of like 14%. When a company like that invest a big amount, it need to make a minimal annual return for it to not be considered loosing money, even if Disney is getting pretty much the cheapest money of all time for a company: https://www.forbes.com/sites/spleverage/2016/07/07/high-grade-disney-sets-record-low-funding-cost-with-2b-bond-offering/#4e4c54343fc2 It is still borrowing money to make those movies and paying interest on it, not buying back stock or investing in something else. Studio will often for a movie evaluate a break even performance and a return break performance, the minimal amount the movie need to make for it to be a good use of capital, for a Company like Disney not making 7% return is kind of loosing money. Then the movie profit/margin by the studio are often not look at how much they made, but : POST RETURN GP (LOSS) How much they made relative to that return break value. To put it simply if Sony loose 10m instead of making 14m on Amazing Spider Man 2, that change almost nothing, specially when you consider how many year's it will take between the spending the money to make and distribute the movie and when it will end up making that year's after on TV.
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