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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. I doubt many feel targeted by that comment why would they or would have any issue with such a trivial and uncontroversial statement ? And why would they think that Disney think that when Rey was the hero of Force Awaken&Rogue One also had a female hero... And I doubt many are reading those, Awakens was seen by like 200m people in theater all around the world. Not sure what you mean by didn't work exactly, the trio made 2.2 billion with some of the best legs if not the best leg for a blockbuster since Avatar and opened the next movie above 200m domestic. People love a good part of Ray, the too powerful at the end of Last Jedi probably not but you can insert a difficulty that take it down like all superheroes sequel movies does (or do not even take time doing it like the matrix sequels). I am obviously not talking about pleasing the talking about star wars on the Internet a lot people, that will never happen, I am talking a giant proportion of people that went to see Awaken.
  2. One of the biggest action they could have taken to bring them back onboard was bringing JJ Abrams back, but they already had announced it before TLJ release. From Disney point of view is pretty much all they can do, the next step is giving Abrams lot of room for is strong fan service authorship and giving him a shit lot of money, I imagine they will do that if not already put on paper.
  3. That a strange example, that was after Parent Traps, Freaky Friday, Mean Girls 3 giant hits and a 100% batting average (and some form of TV career for kids ?). And Herbie was a big success, accepting to pay 7.5M sound like an easy no brainer. Studio's does not make many dump decision (without the benefit of hindsight). I imagine Dwayne Johnson would be tempted to take a loan / co-investor himself and keep all the money while risking not making any instead of taking that deal.
  4. Disney stock stayed exactly the same today (even when up a little bit)...... not sure how much they care. Disney stock do seem completely unlinked to movie box office mostly, it lost value the weekend Force Awaken destroyed record, is not touched here, I imagine movies is such a small part it's 55b revenues that it is hard for a result even for a franchise to make it move. Unlike a Liongates that was reacting quite a bit the monday of over/under performing or an EuropaCorp the monday the market open of Valerian. Maybe it is just because your stock market was close with the national holiday and it will see the effect tomorrow too, my bad.
  5. Certainly has the potential, but would need to deliver big time. I was not able to find any breakdown but the previous one I would imagine played quite well with all demo, when you have Pitt, Clooney and Julia Roberts female probably did show up quite enough.
  6. Yeah it was a top 10 movie of it's year, number 5 Worldwide, doing better than that now is probably doing a bit above what Logan did last year for an recent example, very similar worldwide performance for both I think. But even unadjusted 450m is a lot to beat big recent success story like, 50 shades did 381m, Showman 432m, for all is giant success even La la land didn't reach it with a nice 60m China + south korea push.
  7. They always do on large number I think (maybe for some exceptional MCU/Star wars case) but certainly outside the franchise world no one ever made just a million, there is always a performance bonus in place, for writers, producers, directors and actors at least.
  8. People with key role on a movie (director, writer, lead) tend to have back end points and for each jobs, known name pretty much always do, the movie does not seem to have been pre-sold much, so they almost certainly made a nice fortune: http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=intl&id=aquietplace.htm
  9. Will be hard, Ocean 11 did 183m in 2001 that 293m adjusted for ticket inflation and 259m for regular purchasing power inflation. With a good 40/60 dbo/intl for the time.
  10. Like Indiana Jones, Empire Strike Back and Return of the Jedi, certainly. Having him has the vision big idea guy and have people do to rough work is certainly a good idea for Lucas.
  11. Not sure what more they can do that what they already did about it, going with JJ Abrams again for Episode 9.
  12. Yep you understood my post I think, exactly that, the main factor is not necessarily the skin color of the actor, but that very often when the cast is mainly black those story are either Tyler Perry style movie or about very american subject no well known around the world (The Help, Compton, Get Out, Hidden Figures), it is hard to separate the black actors are an hard sales to oversea audience from the very regional movie concept. The only example that come to mind about black actor maybe hurting a movie oversea could be Creed, Rocky was a much more international than oversea franchise: Rank Title (click to view) Studio Worldwide Domestic / % Overseas / % Year 1 Rocky IV UA $300.5 $127.9 42.6% $172.6 57.4% 1985 2 Creed WB (NL) $173.6 $109.8 63.2% $63.8 36.8% 2015 3 Rocky Balboa MGM $155.7 $70.3 45.1% $85.5 54.9% 2006 4 Rocky V UA $119.9 $40.9 34.1% $79.0 65.9% 1990 Domestic take 85: 42.6% 90: 40.9% 06: 45.1% 15: 63.2% Then again, it could just be that starpower is much more important oversea than domestic now, making loosing Stallone in the main role a bigger impact oversea than in the US. We do not have a large sample of cast mostly non-white of movies that are not about a very american subject.
  13. Is your take that because the average reasonable human know equally when watching Lords of the rings or the Hobbit those are not real Orcs that exist in the world you cannot say that one look more fake than the other ? Really ?
  14. I have rewatched the bluray trilogy last year or the year before, and except for Gollum in the first one (but we just flash on him) and the texture on the giant elephant during the fight in the last one, it does seem to be having fine too, it will not age as well as the late 90s Matrix/Titanic/Saving Private Ryan but better than most early 2000s output I think. The technical of it is not perfect but the aesthetic/artistic/production design of it is good. Oh yeah the troll in the first one, did look funny now. You can see the budget really raising up on the next 2.
  15. Smith and Eddy Murphy before him were often even better example (movie not being specially domestic heavy like BP was), the actual protagonist is not much of an issue I think. What a black cast (that is seen as an issue for oversea sales) can often do in the eye of the oversea audience is to make it feel like a regional american movie, like when it is about baseball. I suspected it would not be an issue for Black Panther because the movie is not set in the US, does not have Americans characters and it Sci-fi anyway. But was the subject matter of Hidden figures not appealing to oversea audience that explain that almost 80-20 extreme split ? Maybe, segregation/south/NASA all very american but for the NASA part very well known and often work well oversea, hard to know because so much of the all black cast movie tend to be very domestic appeal/story that is normal for it to play very domestic (Like Straight out of Compton) that people mix the regional appeal to the black cast factor in the oversea performance. Domestic: $169,607,287 71.9% + Foreign: $66,349,611 28.1% = Worldwide: $235,956,898 When it is not an american story or if they put the eye of the international audience into the protagonist by being a fish out of the water in the us like Coming to America, you can have one of the biggest oversea box office and bigger than domestic with an almost all black cast since at least the late 80s: Rank Movie Worldwide Box Office Domestic Box Office International Box Office Domestic Share 1 Rain Man $412,800,000 $172,825,435 $239,974,565 41.87% 2 Who Framed Roger Rabbit? $351,500,000 $154,112,492 $197,387,508 43.84% 3 Coming to America $288,800,000 $128,152,301 $160,647,699 44.37% 4 Crocodile Dundee 2 $239,606,210 $109,306,210 $130,300,000 45.62% 5 Twins $216,600,000 $111,936,388 $104,663,612 51.68% 6 Rambo III $188,715,611 $53,715,611 $135,000,000 28.46%
  16. There is a diminishing return with stake sometime, if you make them so big that the audience become fully aware too much of the result, they can become numb.
  17. Black Panther certainly had the root of a very courageous movie, but I am not sure how much they really play them out. It has the best "villain" in a while, Infinity War villain is Sam Jackson in Kingsman with a better emotional motivation but a weaker rational one and solution that make no sense.
  18. He's not a very good actor and he brings zero box office draw anymore People that know much more about those aspect than us seem to disagree, at least on one of them. Personally I disagree with you on both aspect, he is in the very good range and has still some box office draw potential in him, is Pirates just did 800m/Murder 350m, Black Mass opened at 22m not so long ago. Other aspect would be a significant pay or play contract, must be costly to fire him and your are destructing your art (must hurt to have a recast on a film series).
  19. Hard to do, trade only make publicity for Fandango with what fandango tell them, they do not know anything about the real number (except if they would manually count them manually like us). They accept to just publish what the distributor/online ticket sellers tell them, because they do not mind being a outlet for selling movies. It is just movies after all, nothing about any of this is real news. The fact they went for a title saying Solo break record (with the record being the second best 2018 first 24 hours.....), tell you how click-bait and/or big ads they are.
  20. The poster was not implying anyone care and that it was something people analysed, decision making is not made from analysis and knowing about what you care that much (if at all), even for big decisions and certainly not for small decision like watching a movie or not.
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