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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. No one save a 25% on RT movie of that genre for sure, the general comments was that almost all the movies with Hardy in the lead didn't work commercially, so Imagine that he is not perceived as a draw, combined with is reputation of being possibly hard to work with and is limited press junket ability/interest, in term of large paycheck lead role it is not surprising that they best he got was something like Venom from a director of that caliber (Zombieland was a massive success, but since then ?). Not that it is fault those movie didn't work. Maybe you are projecting more into the word franchise that I did, launch a franchise: Make a movie successful enough that the 2 book sequel adaptation get greenlight, nothing more than that (once you have books and movies, I did put it has a franchise, but it could be abusing the term from what it is normal use imply in term of level of popularity) .
  2. Child 44 movie is the adaptation of a first book of a book trilogy. They would not create a story for that movie sequel, just adapt the second book no, like they did for the first one, thus me asking why the create a story for is sequel comments, when the story already exist ? The second movie would have been this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Secret_Speech_(novel)#Synopsis In the three years since the events of Child 44, Leo Demidov (Tom Hardy character) has established the Homicide Division within the KGB, which he uses to investigate what he calls "real crimes"..... I'm asking why you think they would have created a different story for that movie sequel, instead of using that one ? I'm not sure how one know that they didn't had plan for it and that it was not a reason why they accepted to take a chance on a really big budget period movie, because of is sequel potential.
  3. But Godfather was only one book (well after a check until 1984) and that was in the 70's, Liongates making a huge budget movie must have had sequel plan's (when was the last time they didn't ?). Why the create another story in the future comments ? Why not use the already existing story of the second book, was the first one not following the book much ?
  4. Well the book had sequels, it should not have been too hard. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Secret_Speech_(novel) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_44#Themes According to some russian reviewer that had interest in the books, the ending is hinting for the sequel: https://landofbooks.org/2015/04/24/book-to-movie-adaptation-child-44/ The good news is that the end is giving a hint for a sequel. The bad news is that the box office is huge disappointment after just $3 million ($50 million budget) in sales for the first week of distribution.
  5. I always mix it up with one. But the book was the first of a trilogy and apparently the movie end up hinting for the sequel and liongates was (and still is) trying to launch franchise all the time, you are sure it was setuped as a one movie alone that would not do the other book entry of the book franchise kind of projects ?
  6. According to the old leaked document name disputed characters (from 2011, so it could have changed with the last 2 new revision of that deal): Spider-Woman II/Julia Cornwall Carpenter: SPE can have exclusively. It include those characther that come with her: Antro Arachne/Dr Sylvia Yacqua Therak Seem like Spider Woman 1/Jessica Drew with LockSmith, Excaliber, Rupert Dockery are not certainly exclusive to Sony. Dracul/Werewolf/Vlad 3 dravula are other character retained by Marvel. You can see in those contract that Marvel put some condition on what Sony had the right to do with Spider-Man, he must be named peter parker and he must be a heterosexual caucasian male of average height, brown hair, brown eye. Cannot smoke, drink or use drugs, no sex before age 16 and does not have sex with anyone below 16. When they updated the deal in 2011, they removed the caucasian and not popular in school clause and the webbing does not need to come out of the wrist anymore.
  7. The last leaked contract show a long list of spiderman character own by Sony (all of them mostly), if Marvel (or sony want to use MCU to help) want to use them they need to make a deal a la Spiderman, chance are not nill that it will have only one MCU Spidey film ever made.
  8. ? Hardy as a good list of flop already, for example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_44_(film) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Road_(film)
  9. Pretty much all is lead movie failed commercially recently I think, specially at the domestic box office, is last franchise he tried to launch (Child 44) most notably was a disaster, even pretty good stuff with commercial appeal like The Warrior. Combined with how openly the crew (and co-star) talked about is terrible attitude and never being on time even when it was shot in the middle of no where on the MadMax Fury Road production. He is so good (a bit like Gary Oldman) that he will find studio work even after acting like that and not being necessarily a draw, but it could even been one of the few paycheck lead role offer available for him.
  10. I watched Legend with the subtitle on, The revenant in theater without them and didn't understood much, in Locke he was easier to understand.
  11. Gladiator, Telma&Louise, Black Hack Down, American gangster, The Martian would not be that bad of a career
  12. And their best bias of them all (or least worst bias), making movie they like in category they do not always understand much like sound editing, mixing, sfx, etc.... is maybe not ideal but much better than any other bias (dislike/like the person and so on)
  13. 40m+ look good, Edge of tomorrow did only 28m, should reach 100m if it open that well.
  14. Aus Dollar almost lost 20% between 2014 and 2016 too, depending on when it was made and the expected exchange rate used it could create a nice rebate. The planned tax rebate was of 47 million for Alien and Thor combined apparently.
  15. Yes and really well done (there is dialogue too in Alien), I love exposition like everyone when it is well made.
  16. Other way around for me, never achieved to finish Aliens, exposition/dialogue are just too much, Alien one of my favorite watch ever.
  17. Only a 10 million or less buy out for the domestic distribution rights if I remember correctly ? With a small 20m to 25m or so domestic release.
  18. He is writing/directing Fonzo: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6199572/?ref_=nm_flmg_wr_1 Webb still have a nice trackrecord from a studio POV I imagine: http://www.metacritic.com/person/marc-webb?filter-options=movies http://www.boxofficemojo.com/people/chart/?id=marcwebb.htm
  19. Possible but the story is not what make Alien particularly good imo. The same exact story could have made a terrible movie in the hand of lesser craftman. It would be very easy to make a bad Alien remake.
  20. Apparently most of the trade info come from agents (some say 90% of what is written come from them, creating/manipulating the narrative for their clients). Sometime wanting to show their client are in demand, create some buzz around them and tell others they were offered/in talk for a movie or sometime like this case make employer know they are free to sign on something else.
  21. That would be the normal way to go, but now the middle budget movie are getting rarer and rarer, film director often pass right to giant movies. If middle budget affair continue to go away, more and more tv/small movie/ads director will jump right away to big affair. That said, it is true that you need some prove in some ways and I would too like to see a list of talented people (with a free schedule and didn't say no in the past to a superheroes movie) that people have in mind.
  22. Yes, from small message board to other small message board is one thing (not necessarily worst than here), but if they go on twitter/facebook/anything big with it and moreso to theater chain owner it is a very different ball park.
  23. To the point that some tweeted them at theater chain owner. Why ? It is not clear, maybe as a way to ask if those were valid without knowing that they were not public data ? People angry about those number getting out and wanting them to stop ? People working in the industry and wanted them to stop ? Many theories going on.
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