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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. I am not sure who is the them he would have need to convince talked about, the movie is made by Besson own studio and has a majority owner he can do pretty much has he want. Are we talking convincing bank and the co-investor ? It will depend on the type of deal Besson gave them. I'm not so sure it need to do 460 million WW to even think about being profitable, it is a 207 million and I think that is probably the gross production budget, not a 250 million net budget, it should end up costing around 170-175 million net and needing around 360 million max to break even, maybe closer to 400 if it is China heavy. Bigger the budget, smaller the box office/budget ratio usually become for a movie to be profitable. a 40 million movie with a 75 million world release is a 115 million expense. A 180 million dollar movie with a 140 million world release is a 320 million expense. Even thought the budget is 4.5 time has high, is cost come releasing time is only 2.8 time higher, usually it will take only 3/3.5 time the box office of the 40 million dollar movie to break even. If it is around 100 million for the 40 million title, 300/350 million for the big movie can often put it close to profit depending where the box office come from. It all depend on how much people are getting points of course, but those actor are not touching any first dollar gross. Luc Besson is a really big name worldwide, he carry starpower by himself, not like James Cameron but probably like Ridley Scott in many country.
  2. I also not sure what is the distinction that people are making when they are saying something like : They're just movies. 2+ hours of entertainment. That's all they're supposed to be. No one ever complained about a movie they did find entertaining, no one seek anything else from movie that are not documentary (entertainment is vast, it goes from crying when the dog in the movie die, to math challenge, to watching football drunk), the issue someone has with Transformer (or any movie) when they have one is to not be entertain by it. That being said, it is a bit surrealist to read people, that seem to hate a series but still seem to watch all of them at the same time (is that some form of masochism ?, there is always 50 to 70 movies playing in theater if you are in city people. And like said above if you are an adults, those Transformers, Marvels, Valerian, etc... movies are not necessarily for you.
  3. French movie that get tax rebate tend to have their gross budget made public and never their Net that we will never know that fact that it is a french movie and a precise number, it is probably the budget that was used to calculate is Tax credit it will receive, for example for is Lucy budget (or any french movie made with a budget over 7 million euro in 2013): http://www.cnc.fr/web/fr/publications;jsessionid=5199C96634CF209B9C789FDE06E933F9.liferay?p_p_auth=d9pSA07D&p_p_id=20&p_p_lifecycle=1&p_p_state=exclusive&p_p_mode=view&p_p_col_id=column-1&p_p_col_pos=1&p_p_col_count=2&_20_struts_action=%2Fdocument_library%2Fget_file&_20_folderId=4484487&_20_name=DLFE-8641.pdf That movie has a bit of a different context, is domestic market will be Europe (and is revenue in Euro, so the weak Euro exchange rate is a plus not a negative), US is the best market for Hollywood but I'm not sure how true it is for European movie, it could be the other way around for them. Even with a 207 million net budget, why much more than 414 million to turn a profit ? The bigger the budget the lower the box office / budget needed become, because the smaller the releasing cost relative to the budget become.
  4. Why would a movie with a gross budget need to make half a billion WW to maybe make a profit ? It will go down to around 170-180m net, it should turn a profit between 350 and 400 million depending on where the box office come from no ?
  5. It is hard to imagine that the best case scenario for that movie is lower than Lucy performance (i.e. a really nice success for that movie) and Lucy did 44 million in China, Valerian could make 100. Besson already has 4 movie in the top 100 biggest french movie of all time, Le grand Bleu, 5ième élément, Arthur et les mini moys, Lucy and some cult movie hit like Nikita, Léon: The Professional, he is a big deal specially for a movie like that in many market, a bit like Ridley Scott level.
  6. 30 mil ! Budapest production give you a lot for your dollar lately, Forint loosing 20-25% + 25 to 31.5% state tax rebate on foreign movie, if that number and Inferno (around 75m) are true.
  7. Has for casting big stars it was probably impossible, he must have wanted to lock them for sequels (are you a big star if you accept conditions like those), let alone the added cost and needs to share your revenues. The guy and Delavigne give you 30-40 million social media follower at a good price and will sign for 6 movies and will still be young enough if the last one is shot in 2029.
  8. The movie is produced by Besson and is wife, it is made by is own studio, I'm not sure I follow much on this thread.
  9. Without stopping before the planned 5, I could easily imagine WB stopping taking all the risk (and benefit) on them before the end of that run, it is one of the very few project that they take that level of risk (and get that type of profit), even their DC movies tend to have a lot of partner sharing the risk with them. Potter could loose that 100% sure of making a profit aura for some exec.
  10. Luc Besson is one of the founder, is the charmain and own 62% of EuropaCorp, if it loose money it is mostly is money, I think that a good reason why he get to do something like this.
  11. It should get a 30 to 40 million in tax credit thought, France changed their law a little bit to make it eligible to one, looking at the trailers it is not a particularly high price tag for a movie like that, probably because the cast expense was kept really on the cheap side.
  12. Lot of movie are made with foreign box office in mind and do not need to reach 200 million dbo thought. In 2016, the numbers of movies with a budget (according to the-numbers) of 75 million or above: 37 100 million or above: 30 Of those, the percentage that achieved to double their budget 75 million or above: 23 out of 37, 62%, 100 million or above: 19 out of 30, 63% Not bad at all, still much safer than taking a risk on a smaller movie. And only 6 of the 37 were massive flop that didn't do 1.5 time their budget back. 25, would be less than one every 2 week in average, it should be able to work for most of them, like it usually do.
  13. The is the reason she gave on her trailer live reaction video I just watched, she said that was Theron being a producer and getting large point on this using McAvoy name being hot right now on the billing to help maximize the total.
  14. Well if the expense were all in Pounds, it was getting cheaper and cheaper as time advanced. It does sound at a really good price if that number is close to the truth thought.
  15. I know it is common practice for people to say a studio trafficked numbers, but I wonder how much that is true, would they not need to convince the people from the different movie they are steeling from to agree, comscore, the third party accounting firm that look at all studio revenues on a movie (because people with bonus do not trust them), etc... For example if you google Passenger suspicious big weekend: https://www.google.ca/search?q=drive+in+movie+theater&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA733CA734&biw=1680&bih=785&source=lnt&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A3%2F23%2F2017%2Ccd_max%3A3%2F27%2F2017&tbm=#tbs=cdr:1,cd_min:3/23/2017,cd_max:3/27/2017&q=drive+in+movie+theater+facebook+Passenger+movie Passengers played in double feature of some big movie like Beauty and the beast in some drive-in, played with Life in some other drive-in, got a release in some specialty cinema, got re-release in Canada, why go to all that trouble if you can just fudge it ? And why international TV content buyer paying more for those movie reaching those pre-accepted box office landmark would accept something people totally from the outside can see and not them ?
  16. I imagine that it could be because musical start with a lot of resistance with a large amount of people that would never go see one in theater, the word of mouth cannot fully take effect. La la land also didn't fully stretched out as much as that amount of buzz and performance for the same reason, a movie like Get Out/Jurassic World didn't have that word of mouth/curiosity barrier of people that would never go see a movie like that.
  17. They are building mental defense in advance, I'm sure you can already find them predicting bad reviews for JL, saying that critics will have decided in advance or something like that.
  18. They only said in a producer round table that they were in the most when not the most watched movie ever on Netflix in many market, no exact numbers. I don't remember which one, but I think that it is the same where they were saying that Battleship was one of the most successful movie on HBO and other "surprise" of that kind.
  19. It depend of the market I guess, Good Dinosaur was on my Netflix for a while (like pretty much all Disney release since their Netflix deal): https://watchnetflixcanada.com/2016/06/07/the-good-dinosaur-available-on-netflix-canada/ If it didn't hit Netflix US, that make is performance relative to the others (SW7, Zootopia, etc...) more logical, it did look quite high.
  20. 124 million probably include those market, Mojo are slower in updating individual country result than the total. http://deadline.com/2017/04/beauty-and-the-beast-ghost-in-the-shell-boss-baby-kong-china-international-box-office-weekend-1202066154/ Thanks to a weekend largely led by China, Paramount/DreamWorks/Reliance’s Ghost In The Shell emerged as the No. 1 film overseas this frame. In the Middle Kingdom, the Scarlett Johansson-starrer earned $21.4M — higher than the actress’ 2014 actioner Lucy which bowed to $20M there. In the Japanese launch, Ghost came in with $3.2M. While the film has been decently received there, and the market is slow burn, neither it nor China are expected to fully bail Ghost out. The international cume is now $92.8M and some industry estimates see it landing between $150M and $175M at the end of the day.
  21. The-numbers is doing an estimate (most sellers including the 2 biggest WalMart and Amazon data are not public) of how many physical unit were sold and the average price, for the united state alone. So they estimate that it sold in 2016, 3 million physical unit, those number do not include rental, vod, streaming or any other home entertainment sales, the physical rentals business is rapidly shrinking obviously but is still a 2.5 billion business a year, still a relevant part of the 18.3 billion home entertainment US business. If the 3 milllion unit is close to reality, it does seem like a really good performance compared to zootopia that made just 55% more while being a much bigger title.
  22. It is the forum administrator having fun for the Smurf movie weekend, a lot of word are changed for expression with the word smurf in it (like all curse word) because that is something the smurfs do.
  23. Every time I read someone saying just make a good movie and people will come (will pointing success of Get Out, Hidden Figures and others success) I often think about Kudo, being a giant really good movie is not necessarily enough, even if it is the movie that bought the most tv spot around it's release. Clear target audience is often needed, Kubo and The BFG kind of missed that a little bit and on a lesser extend Allied and the new Ghostbuster specially on intl markets. When people say that the movie X would have been a big success regardless of one element that could have been removed because it was good (Say Bullock&Clooney from Gravity), don't be so sure.
  24. Sony expected to do a 5 to 10 million profit if Mag 7 reached 85 million domestic + 65 million in their foreign territory and if Denzel accepted to not take first dollar gross in exchange for a bigger but after profit share, they probably made the small profit they expected to make when they greenlighted it.
  25. I'm not sure production budget matter much, the net budget matter more and the net budget was between 75 and 81.25 million (depending of other jurisdiction tax credit and for how much they achieved to sell them), so it achieved to double it (that would need a WBO of 150 to 162.5 to do it) and it doubled it while being domestic heavy (a 1$ domestic at the dbo is worth around 1.3$ intl) 75m that was the planned net budget.
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