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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. I don't think Lionsgate is able to distribute HV oversea, they tend to be full of partner doing the dvd release: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1840309/companycredits With how high those pre-sales numbers sounded, they must have sold everything away.
  2. Sony was putting netflix revenue has: DOMESTIC PAY TV REVENUE Individually for each movie I think (but suspiciously often the exact same number of 15.443 million for almost all the big movies)
  3. International TV has a lot of money to it yes. 2015 for warner brothers: Theatrical product: Film rentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,578 Home video and electronic delivery . . . $1,717 Television licensing ............... $1,579 in 2015 WB was still making more money (1 million!) from licensing on TV is movie catalog then from theatrical tickets. And TV licensing has a cost of nearly 0. That were movies become profitable usually.
  4. It was still 12% for free domestic TV in 2014. Has for being a small part of the pie, it certainly was, about 35% of the revenues in the early 2010 (less for smaller movie, more for blockbuster), but now it is getting more and more and seem to be getting close to 50% for big title.
  5. That was a surprise to me (that the international TV deal depend so much on the domestic market performance) I would have thought that it would have been more a market by market thing, I imagine it is for historical reason.
  6. I think that it would be a big mistake, the level of ridicule, the international exotic location shoot and the memorable giant set piece are the reason those movies work so well, and if that rumored 250 million number for it's budget is true, it is keeping the budget extremely low for that movie and cast, it is cheaper than a Amazing Spider Men movie.
  7. We usually never know how much movies cost, year's after, usually never, except if the movie is made in jurisdiction that make that information available because of public tax credit, France often do that why we know the exact gross budget of Lucy and we probably will for Valerian (I think that were the number came from, they simply said it because it will be in a year or 2 be in the french report). If that is the case (were that number come from) it is the gross production budget, we will never know the net budget (that one is never available short of a leak) but you can easily assume a 15% to 25% rebate.
  8. BvS estimate are using 250 million has the net production cost, Valerian will get around 35-40 million from the French state with is new aggressive movie production incentive program, the net cost will probably around 170-175 million, around Captain America first avengers type of net budget. Considering no one from that cast is getting first dollar gross, around 330 million depending were it is from it is risking entering breaking even status, 425/435 if is a lot from China. 600m would be more than 3.5 that movie budget. The domestic market from that movie is Europe, and it will helped instead of hurt for is revenue by the low Euro value. BvS is an comfortably above 300 million budget movie (once you consider people participation bonus, not much different than the actual budget when considering profit with the current low interest rate) and still made a giant 9 figures profits without tripling that number at the box office.
  9. 2009 was a really different era with giant margin at the end of it but still in the easiest time to succeed for an Hollywood movie, a 150 million domestic/150 intl in 2009 movie probably made a lot. Look at that nice home market sales performance, only one movie did significantly more than that in 2016, Star Wars: http://www.the-numbers.com/movie/G-I-Joe#tab=summary Domestic Box Office $150,201,498 Details International Box Office $152,267,519 Details Worldwide Box Office $302,469,017 Home Market Performance Domestic DVD Sales $75,609,501 Details Domestic Blu-ray Sales $15,632,440 Details Total Domestic Video Sales $91,241,941 A movie like Salt made 358.57 million in total revenue in 2010, and that is without any toys and significantly worst number (less domestic heavy, 50% less popular in dvd sales): http://www.the-numbers.com/movie/Salt#tab=summary Domestic Box Office $118,311,368 Details International Box Office $172,339,126 Details Worldwide Box Office $290,650,494 Home Market Performance Domestic DVD Sales $34,435,112 Details Domestic Blu-ray Sales $17,109,158 Details Total Domestic Video Sales $51,544,270 Would not surprise me at all if GI joe did over 400 million in total revenue and helped the toys sales, back in the dvd bubble some movie broke even doing just 1.4 time their budget at the box office.
  10. For the re-release thing, it is ok to make first run list, but all theatrical run are also good and better when talking about a movie box office. All the movie released in 77 or before had the same playing field, all of them could have got re-release has much as star wars if they would have been has popular there is nothing going against the objective of comparing box office here (ranking how popular different movie were) If Terminator 2 re-release does well, it will show great staying power for that classic too. If you remove re-release for Star wars total you need to do it for all the others movies, most movies in the top adjusted will have re-release, including Phantom Menace, Titanic and more recent stuff, re-releasing come will all popular movies (we had those Back to futures one last year or the year before).
  11. Once you consider the giant difference in the cost of distribution between China and all the others, the difference is not that big in term of margin, it is much better for small box office, about the same for the 150-250 but smaller for the really big over 300 million movie like Furious 8. Make 200 million in China, you make 50 million back with say a 5 million releasing cost for a 45 million profit. Make 200 million domestic, you make around 106 million back but after a 40 to 75 million releasing cost your are down to 31 to 60 million profit and in that scenario you did took a chance to loose more money distributing your movie than putting it direct to video. The biggest difference on why the China market is not as good is after theatrical, not so much the 25% with almost free distribution deal, that is not bad at all imo, better than many market.
  12. And I'm not sure it is something you can know before seeing the movie, it did not fail because of specially bad legs, it also did not open high enough. Because the trailers could not tell the story (and was not a already known one for the audience), it needed good reviews to have a chance, even then it does not always work (BFG, Kudo, etc...).
  13. How much a particular studio made on a movie is really different to how much a movie made overall. Even thought those fan are probably right when they are saying that Liongates will make a profit from Power Rangers, the movie will have loose money overall.
  14. If those rumored excellent pre-sales numbers/co-financing deal are true, they must have made a nice profit no ? Not that it matter much, because I imagine that the possible profit or absence of profit talk for a first franchise entry like that is about the possibility of getting sequels and for that it is much more about if the movie made money in total than if some people like Liongates made money.
  15. Will see, how F8 will end up because it is close: OS minus China Force Awaken: 1007 million Last Potter movie: 900 million Avengers: 809 million Furious 7: 773 million Age of Ultron: 706 million Iron Man 3: 685 million Civil War: 555 million Fantastic Beast: 496 million Rogue One: 453 million
  16. It also invite itself to the audience to project any issue of the time on it, audience from different era will project a different metaphor on the same movie. A big example for that is Zombies, it was an analogy for cold war to racial struggles, aids when that was big, crack epidemic at a other time, etc...
  17. I don't know, http://screenrant.com/marvel-studios-creative-committee/ http://birthmoviesdeath.com/2015/09/02/the-marvel-creative-committee-is-over That group would have probably achieved to stay in place and in charge longer if they would have continued to show Disney growth (or at least meet the set expectation).
  18. Smurfs franchise has an history of under reporting budget by a 10% of so thought (like pretty much all of them) Real net production cost / Box office mojos: Smurf: 124.066 million / 110 million Smurf 2: 114.003 million / 105 million If they achieved to have it down to $60m, 150 million would not be too bad. When Smurf 3 was planned it, it was planned with a massive budget reduction to a net budget of 77.425 million (with 50% financed by Lone Star and Hemisphere), that would have needed an estimated 186 million WW (with a low 47 million domestic) to break even and 286 million to bring a nice return for the risk, 297 million WW being the target.
  19. Tomorrowland show how hard it can be to succeed with an unproven movie concept. 190 million budget giant movie, Brad Bird perfect track record, big producers, one of the biggest marketing campaign of over 2 year's , superbowl ads, with an impressive trailers, 10 minutes previews playing before Age of Ultron in a lot of theater, staring Clooney. A bad ending (but still a better movie than a lot of those franchise movie getting high acclaim because they start with very low expectation imo), mediocre reviews (50% RT) and the movie do not reach 90 million domestic. Terminator Genisys made 440 million worldwide and the same as Tomorrowland domestic for a comparison...
  20. Certainly were, they are nominating horror movie from time to time. I would agree with that, it has horror element,it is horror/comedy, you laugh more than you are scared I think. Is comedy element are a big strength and probably why it made so much at the BO, a bit the same for Split.
  21. That sound like misquoting someone on purpose, the sentence was: Get Out is undoubtedly the best horror movie I've ever seen And followed by a statement that the person has not seen many of them (so yeah would not take the film critic panel job even if it was offered). As for the Academy they nominated the Sixth Sense and Black Swan for best picture and The Silence of the Lambs did win in 1991.
  22. Hard to say, not sure if you are talking about gross or net budget, but yeah 150m for the gross budget of a movie like Dunkirk seem logical, Deepwater Horizon was 156 million after all, Logan 126 million. Will know more once how much it got from France tax incentive program and others it has used.With the new generous french tax credit (20 to 30%) those gross and net number could end up quite different. Valerian got around 34 million, that and low Euro exchange rate should make it easy to keep an healthy low budget, that and the fact that it is Nolan, he has the reputation to use less money than is greenlighted budget instead of going over.
  23. Probably close to hundreds of million, it will be done by different entity and not just by the studio and will depend on how the release goes.
  24. Nope that what it say, it does say that no TV shows are watched like Mash/Roots, etc... were and that would be true. Success bar change differently than adjusting, sure.
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