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Everything posted by Lucas

  1. Seeing this in a little over 3 hours. Very curious to say the least.
  2. I definitely think many blockbuster filmmakers need to learn to be more efficient these days, it's like economical storytelling has been thrown out the window in many cases (this is not a reference to The Batman, I love that film to death, it has significantly more ideas going on in 10 minutes than most blockbusters do in an hour these days). I do not believe for a second that Trevorrow would be an exception like Reeves is, but I also feel it's completely on the studio for ever signing off on a script that's clearly going to lead to a very long movie if they aren't then going to accept that once they get it. If Trevorrow's version of the film is 2h and 50 mins then that's the version I'd much prefer to see, as bad as it may be.
  3. Oh dear, I do wonder if there's anything more to that recent Trevorrow tweet about "making movies is about compromise and hard choices".
  4. I've heard the editing being a problem a few times and it's made me curious why. Is it a case of just general messy editing in a lot of individual scenes or does it feel like pieces are missing from the movie?
  5. Only thing I'll say in Trevorrow's favor is I miss the lovely 35mm in Fallen Kingdom. At least it's back for Dominion to compensate for everything else.
  6. Oh you don't need to explain, I know how they work. It doesn't change the fact that it's interesting how well they correlate if you just adjust the range. Even just taking RT's average rating for top critics it often ends up the same, MetaCritic's aggregate will often be lower for the well received films but will eventually overtake the lower the average score gets.
  7. Watching Fallen Kingdom at the moment to finish off my rewatch of the series. It's hilarious how much better Bayona is than Trevorrow, if only his skills were accompanied by a script that wasn't completely fucked.
  8. MetaCritic is more bizarre. From what I know, if there isn't a rating in the review, they'll essentially just guess based on what the critic says. Sometimes that can lead to scores that are wildly off.
  9. Which means when the average is in the red on MC... oooooh boy. lol
  10. It's interesting that way because you'll see a lot of 85-90% movies be in the 60s on MetaCritic, but the lower the RT percentage gets, eventually the MC score will overtake it. MC may be 1-100 but it's unbelievably rare for a film to get even below 30 so the spectrum isn't as wide. We've got Morbius at 35.
  11. MetaCritic is usually harsher for the well received films. When it comes to the worst films, it's very rare that RT isn't lower. Godzilla King of the Monsters and BvS may be sporting 42% and 29% respectively on RT but they're at 48 and 44 on MC. Not even Suicide Squad got as low as red.
  12. I will say, for as bad as I thought the reviews would be - I was not expecting red on MetaCritic.
  13. I was gonna say "didn't they already make one for Maverick?" but I looked it up and turns out they did - but for Maverick's original release date before it got delayed, so I guess they decided to make another one lol.
  14. My friend and I also put this on for bad movie night, to mostly great success. The only thing preventing it from entering the rotation of go-to bad movies is you really gotta have a high tolerance for insufferable genius kids lol. I was not up to that task for many scenes, so it's not something I can ever watch again. But I think most people should see it at least once.
  15. I'm seeing it on thursday and needless to say I'm very curious how you could possibly fuck this up so bad that it becomes boring.
  16. How do you lowball Neve Campbell on the sixth film? But yeah, I'm glad Sidney will be safe and the new cast will get the spotlight.
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