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Everything posted by Lucas

  1. The Conjuring really did have a major impact on WB lol. Going from one of its producers to another for DC.
  2. So much is happening every second, and yet it feels like so little gets accomplished. The illusion of forward-momentum. I thiiiink some of it is trying to comment on the state of superheroes in movies now that don't seem to care at all about civilians? So many of them now are only bothered about their own situations and that could be an apt thing to go for with Black Adam, but it basically just boils down to one line and the movie never stops for anything. If Dwayne Johnson's overblown enthusiasm for the character and his piece of the DC universe wasn't so well known, I would've thought he was sleep-walking through the movie. Black Adam isn't exactly deep or fun to begin with, but I definitely know people who will be disappointed with the lack of The Rock's usual charm and charisma. Though watching it is a great opportunity for you to think about more productive things, like what you're gonna have for dinner. As long as you're prepared for how exhausting it all is, I don't think there are any other lasting effects to worry about.
  3. Yeah I know, I've had no issues with how he was running things. It's a massive shame that it has to come to an end so soon - though the boundless twitter pile on spearheaded by Fisher will never end, so he can be around in spirit.
  4. When's the actual review embargo for this dropping? Seeing it on Wednesday morning, absolutely no clue if I'll like it or not.
  5. Would much have preferred a reboot to distance itself from the trilogy. Visually that just looks like Dawn.
  6. I have absolutely no sympathy for them either. The person working at the theater did preemptively say that they would offer refunds to anyone who wanted to leave now but hoped they would stay because of the remaster, which to me just sounds like it had started to become a thing there lol. My guess is these are people who pay no attention to new releases and just showed up to the theater one day, saw Avatar was playing, and assumed it was the new one.
  7. A person working at this theater just came out before the movie has started to remind everyone that this is the *first* Avatar. Saw three people leaving the screening after that lmao.
  8. Bought a ticket to an IMAX 3D showing in a few hours. Will be the third time I see the film, all of them in a theater lol. Don't think the day will ever come where I watch any of these at home.
  9. Had the first 3 episodes been one 70 minute pilot for the show it would've worked way better. On their own, the first two feel like they just stop for credits at random in a way that isn't satisfying at all. The "one long movie" syndrome for shows needs to die. But it's very good and stupidly better than the other Star Wars shows.
  10. God damn is this show great. Consistently hits all the right notes with the characters for the conflicts to feel pressing and real. There's more going on in every episode than there are in many seasons of other shows now.
  11. Disney+ shows have mostly been fucking trash for me, but I have kept an open eye out for this because of Gilroy. I don't like Rogue One but this not using the volume and it being longer than the bare minimum 6 episodes per season made me suspect there might be more to it. I'll watch it and hope for the best.
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