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Posts posted by Momo

  1. 4 minutes ago, DAR said:

    Those of you who like anime what is that appeals to you?  I just can't get over the style.  


    Well for me I love anime that has a mix of drama and action. Their are some animes that are romanatic that I can get into. I also love some of the funny ecchi anime.


    My top 5 favs:

    Sailor Moon

    DragonBall Z

    Log Horizon

    Sword Art Online


    I also love Attack of The Titan..


  2. 4 minutes ago, grim22 said:


    It was tracking at 35-40M, not sure how a 40M OW counts as over performance based on tracking.


    I think he's saying that some expectations on the movie were to high. Shoot,you had a certain troll claiming it would match Cheap TV Smurf or Grimdark Smurf. When most know that was never going to be the case. To me people should be happy if it makes money like Tyler Perry movies make money for Lionsgate.


    P.S. Why is my sentences going Smurf? lol

  3. 1 hour ago, Tele Came Back said:


    A lot of the hate and dismissal comes from folks who never bothered to see it. I'm hardly any sort of pro-PR person, but it was a fun movie. 


    Agree, sadly it's getting some what hurt by it's name along. People hear "Power Rangers" and jump on the gun that the movie must be bad,because of how over cheese the TV show was. Never giving it a fair chance.

    • Like 3
  4. 46 minutes ago, Cookson said:

    Yeah, 5m+ for a Kamen Rider might seem small... But they're actually making some decent money for that company.


    A Hollywood PR movie making that same amount would be embarrassing.


    I don't think some PR fans are counting on Japan as much as South Korea on the 20th and China in May. Not that I expect much,but those are the two markets most refered to by their fans.

  5. 5 minutes ago, babz06 said:

    I still dont understand the reasoning for opening Smurfs right after BATB and Boss Baby. Another bone-headed decision by Sony. They could have atleast waited until next week to release it. 

    There was a lot of bonehead choices these past 2 month. Smurfs is not alone. Take PR for an example. Why open it the week after BATB?

  6. 15 minutes ago, grim22 said:


    Looks like Going in Style will end up making money for sure. These movies aimed at an older audience routinely pull in 3.5-4x multiples, so a 12M opening can easily lead to around a 50M total, especially since it has no competition for the demo at all. 


    Horrible numbers for Smurfs, Ghost in the shell and Power Rangers. PR really needed a good hold to keep its hopes of 100M domestic, slim as they were, alive. Looks like around a 90-95M finish in the end. Small chance Kong can actually overtake PR in the end this weekend.


    PR keeps free falling. The movie WOM must have been real bad from those that aren't fans of the series. I also expect Kong to overtake it now. Kong has held steady. PR has drop big time each weekend since it's debut.

  7. UPDATE, midday: Right now it’s a dead heat in terms of who takes No. 1 this weekend with DreamWorks Animation/20th Century Fox’s The Boss Baby and Disney’s Beauty And The Beast each eyeing $25 million apiece. Both are between $6.5M-$7.5M for today. Meanwhile, Sony’s Smurfs: The Lost Village is looking at $13M-$15M for the weekend at 3,610 theaters after an estimated $4M today including $375K previews.



    • Like 2
  8. 34 minutes ago, FantasticBeasts said:

    I used to like the smurfs cartoon as a kid but I agree that the liveaction-animation movies were meh which put off lots of people.

    Plus, the competition is pretty strong atm.

    It has similar target audience to both Beauty and Boss Baby which hold pretty strongly still.

    The most disappointing part are OS numbers. Dom was never gonna be strong but I was expecting something north of $200m IS which is obv NOT happening.


    I never really cared for the Smurfs. I was more of a Voltron and He-Man fan growing up.

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  9. 7 minutes ago, grim22 said:

    Depending on Friday, there is actually an outside chance that Kong can outgross Power Rangers this weekend. If it ends within 250-300k of PR on Friday, I think it will overtake it over the weekend. Kong has consistently shown higher Saturday bumps and plays well to Sunday matinees as well.


    Nah,I think PR stays in front of it. The movie that I see making a big drop is GITS. Even if it's second weekend.

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