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Posts posted by MOVIEGUY

  1. Finished season 1 of Barry, this show is great. The scene with him and Chris in the car is one of the best scenes I've ever seen on TV. My only complaint is that


    it stretches the plausibility of him not being caught pretty damn far. Like how does nobody suspect the weird ex-Marine with anger issues that keeps talking about killing people of being the killer? And that last scene, while incredibly acted, was kinda ridiculous story-wise. I was expecting them to reveal it was a fantasy the whole time but I guess not.


    Watched Kairo the other day. Cool premise and had some really memorable/unsettling scenes, but just like with pretty much any movie marketed as "OMG SCARIEST MOVIE EVER" it never lives up. Also had that thing where I couldn't tell if some of the acting was bad or it was just a language/cultural barrier.

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  2. Also I don't buy that there werent any red flags before all this shit the last few weeks or whatever. He's been in a few of these movies now, there had to have been signals he was trouble. Didn't he want to rewrite the script for this movie before committing this or something? Bet WB is just thrilled they didn't tell him go kick rocks then and there.

    • Like 2
  3. When I saw the trailer for the new Top Gun I thought it was gonna be like the Independence Day sequel or any other sequel that just came out way too late. Guess I didn't realize how popular the original is



    33 minutes ago, Eric Belcher said:

    And like how Jurassic World is the only big franchise focusing on a subject everybody loves, Top Gun is the only big franchise that focuses on airplanes and aviation. Everybody loves airplanes, no matter the age.


    I guess that's another thing I'm not getting. Deep down I still basically love dinosaurs as much as I did when I was 6. Airplanes I could kinda take or leave

  4. I'll be honest, the Top Gun hype is slightly baffling to me. I've never seen the first one, I just know it through pop culture references and I didn't have any interest in this new one until all the reviews and shit. Is it just because Cruise delivered a really good quality product in this movie, or is it also nostalgia for the first one? Will I have to watch the first one for this to make sense? Because I kinda don't want to lol

  5. I liked it. Starts out kinda boring and too heavy on MCU lore, but Raimi really starts hamming it up in the second half. The climax is basically huge budget Evil Dead which is pretty great.


    I didn't watch WandaVision, and it did feel like watching a sequel to a movie you didn't see, but they explain what you need to know. I don't see why people have a problem with her being a villain when she's clearly the best character in the movie. Her casually murdering the lame Avengers ruled, I loved that after all the hype over the cameos, the fun ended up being watching them all get killed. Raimi definitely got to bring his visceral sensibility, compare the deaths in this to Aunt May's lame ass vague fatal injury and it's night and day.


    Also Danny Elfman went ham on the music.


    Strange throwing up after his trip through the multiverse was a great "the kids don't get it but we do" joke

    • Like 1
  6. 35 minutes ago, CJohn said:

    Green Knight was sold as a fantasy epic with action setpieces and amazing visuals. Instead of getting that, the GA got a very slow and quite confusing movie with no action at all.



    To be fair it did at least have that



    Alexander Skarsgaard and Anya Taylor-Joy are gorgeous together in this movie. Everyone talked about how hot Zoe Kravitz and Robert Pattison were together but he was covered in that ridiculous Batsuit the whole movie, that's not sexy

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