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Posts posted by MOVIEGUY

  1. 19 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

    The acting is way too serious for a plot that sounds very silly. This should have the same tone of Kong Skull Island.


    I still haven't seen King of the Monsters, it seems so boring.

    I can't not recommend that movie enough lol


    Now I'm annoyed because I'm thinking about that stupid movie. They somehow increased the action and made a more boring movie than the previous one.

  2. 16 minutes ago, grim22 said:

    WB has not been the producer on the Godzilla movies. It's a Legendary run property which is why the release and selling to Netflix even came up. It's great to be anti-WB, but at least direct the ire to movies they actually have their production teams on.


    I just mean generally whoever is making these modern Godzilla movies. They're 0 for 2 and this looks very similar to the last one



    I'm not anti-WB... I don't know where you're getting that. I don't know all the behind the scenes details with these movies, I just know they've sucked so far

  3. This was pretty okay. The cat stuff was funny. The Knicks joke was great. I really liked Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross's score, I'm listening to it now. 


    I don't really know what the movie was trying to say about souls getting their personalities before they're born... or how that applies to real life. I can appreciate that they're telling these metaphysical, existential stories but the metaphor gets really messy here, to the point that I didn't really know what was going on in the last act. Coco is a much better exploration of life and death and the power of music, and does a much better job of explaining the rules of its universe. Honestly Coco is the only Pixar movie post Toy Story 3 that has captured their early magic, I love that one. This one's kinda just another fine, perfectly watchable Pixar movie.

  4. I watched the first 2 episodes last night (don't think I finished season 1). I appreciate the scale and the filmmaking on display, the action is very competently done and often quite fun. I just wish there was something beyond that and Baby Yoda being cute to keep me interested. Mando is just a nothing character and the writing is still pretty thin (dialogue is sooo fucking expository on this show lol). I feel like the show would improve if they let Pedro Pascal take the helmet off and do some acting and be an actual character. It's still a boring guy that looks cool and a cute alien going on hit or miss adventures. Which is fine just not really enough to keep me watching.

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  5. On 10/10/2020 at 3:47 PM, lorddemaxus said:

    Was scared that Flanagan would miss with The Haunting of Bly Manor but I loved it. Flanagan's style of horror always works for me. Some really bad accents though. And was really surreal to see Rahul Kohil (someone who I have only seen on Funhaus before) in a major TV show. More detailed thoughts later.

    I can't tell if the au pair is doing a bad American accent or the kids are doing bad British accents but something is up

  6. This is fucking hilarious and even dumber than that Best Popular Movie category or whatever the hell that was. There's no possible way an honest to god diversity quota that does nothing will backfire or be seen as insulting tokenism. Great job Oscars, can't see you walking this one back either!

  7. 5 hours ago, Hatebox said:

    You think it's bad in the movie, try reading the original book. I forget the exact wording but when she meets her (now free) ex-slave after returning home she instantly begins ordering him about and "his eyes shone at the relief of finally being told what to do again."



    This is why fuck that movie forever. I've never seen a non-white person gushing about what a "beautiful" love story it is. Makes you wonder.

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