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Posts posted by MOVIEGUY

  1. Tragedy of Macbeth - I feel like I would've LOVED this if I could understand stupid fancy Shakespearean language. The movie is absolutely gorgeous to look at and the performances are great


    The Night House - ehhhh kinda dumb but well made.


    Fuck ambiguity just tell me what happened


    Smiling Friends is great if you're a fan of Adult Swim stuff, really funny


    The Alpinist and Summer of Soul are good documentaries worth watching. That is all

    • Like 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    'Magic Mike 3': Channing Tatum Reveals Secrets of the Stripper Movie - Variety


    5. Tatum didn’t want an exclusive theatrical release. 


    After “Magic Mike XXL’s” July 4 weekend release date backfired, Tatum didn’t want the third movie to be exclusively in theaters. “I just don’t want the pressure,” he says. “It’s a stripper movie. I want people to see it when they want to see it. People’s screens in their homes are giant now for no money. I don’t need you to get out of your comfy house. Go have fun.”


    Translation = masturbate to this in the privacy of your own home. I respect it

  3. Venom 2 is the first movie in a long time that I just gave up on halfway. Even when I'm not enjoying a movie I'll still usually finish it at some point if I've made it that far, but I rented it off redbox and just turned it off and returned the disc halfway. I thought the first one was an enjoyable enough B-movie, idk if this one was actually any worse but I was not in the mood for this kind of stupid last night.


    Army of the Dead is a chore and not very good so far. Got like an hour left and probably will finish it sometime this weekend when I'm drunk.


    Pig I liked quite a bit, not what I was expecting but I was impressed, good movie.

    • Like 1
  4. Finished episode 5 of Arcane, I'm consistently blown away by how good this show looks. I'm digging the story as well, but I mainly just want to stare at how beautifully designed this world is. No idea what their budget was but it looks huge. Fuck this show for making me listen to Imagine Dragons though. There's no excuse for that.

    • Like 3
  5. 17 minutes ago, snarkmachine said:

    This thread is a good example of why studios lowball their predictions so much. After people started speculating that 50m/4-day was on the table, a perfectly good opening now looks underwhelming in response


    Yeah I wasn't following this movie at all but when I saw the numbers I thought they looked fine and was surprised to see reactions here so negative

    • Like 1
  6. This was really damn good, kind of a shame no one's watching it. Slow burn noir is right up my alley (no pun intended) and GDT was a perfect fit for this story. Loved the way the story unfolded, the production design and cinematography were gorgeous, worth watching for that alone. Perfectly cast as well, my personal favorite being Willem Dafoe as the carnival barker which seems like a role he was born to play (also didn't recognize Richard Jenkins at all and didn't realize he was in it until the credits rolled). However as good as Bradley Cooper is (and he is very good in this), I couldn't help but think Leo would've been a better fit. That energy he brought to roles like Shutter Island would've been perfect here.


    All in all I preferred this to Shape of Water. This was probably never gonna be the surprise hit that that movie was, but you'd hope based on star power and the actual quality of the movie that it would be doing better business than it's doing. Highly recommend.

  7. 8 hours ago, baumer said:

    Just a friendly reminder once again that even though Canada is small we still account for around 10-13% of the box office in North america. Our theaters here are down to 50% capacity by government order and there's no concessions that are being served also because of government order. There is rapid tests here that need to be taken and they limited family gatherings to 10 people or less indoors. The government here is trying to scare the shit out of everybody and it seems to be working and unfortunately that is affecting movie going. If Omicron hadn't happened I think the daily grosses for everything but especially no way home would be at least 10% bigger. So for example with Spider-Man is doing 30 million on Christmas Day I think it could have done like 33 if the restrictions here for the cinemas weren't put in place.


    So just keep that in mind before starting your discussion about how the numbers are disappointing.


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