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Posts posted by MOVIEGUY

  1. Yeah the footage looks great, I love the red and black color palette. There's no doubt that this is going to be a very good looking movie. 


    The trailer reminds me what he did with the Planet of the Apes movies he directed. He seems to have carved out a lane for dark, grounded big budget franchise stuff. I liked those PotA movies (War especially, seemed like he figured out how to finally add some fun into the story with that one) but don't love them, I hope this Batman movie is better. I think the big thing he needs to work on is character and dialogue and these trailers don't give much of an impression of either of those.

  2. 1 hour ago, TheDude391 said:

    "It was really fun to watch him see how technology has advanced," Holland adds. "When he was making these films, the arms were puppets, and when we did it, they're all imaginary and CG. It was quite cool to see him relive it, but also relearn it."


    That's not a good thing Tom.

    There's tons of shots with CG arms in Spider-Man 2. For all this talk "practicul gud > 'puter bad" people really don't understand how it works

    • Like 2
  3. 51 minutes ago, CoolioD1 said:

    5 episodes into Midnight Mass and this is the absolute peak of limited series that should’ve just been a movie. Somewhere in the 98th ten minute monologue about redemption or whatever I’m sitting there thinking about how much the 105 minute version of this premise probably kicks ass.

    Yeah after Bly Manor I think I've had my fill of these talky ass miniseries' he's doing. 

  4. 55 minutes ago, TheDude391 said:

    When I worked at a theatre I ended up talking to some people heading out before the credits scene. They said they leave for the credits because they don't read the comics and don't understand what they tease 90% of the time, so why bother staying.

    The mid credits scene was fun. The last one was like... why did I have to sit through the credits for that? Couldn't that have just been in the movie?

  5. The final fight is a textbook example of what people are talking about when they say CGI crap. Just a big ugly blue-gray mess. It's a shame because the movie is good, storywise I didn't have any problem with the third act, it's two dragons fighting FFS, it should have been awesome but it was just visually ugly. 


    Overall I was pleasantly surprised with this, I'd recommend it. It's not gonna covert anyone who's not a fan of the MCU, all the same criticisms that people have of the MCU can be thrown at it, forced humor that doesn't always land, the big formulaic third act fight, etc., but none of that really bothered me. The film feels very confidently directed, like it know what it wants to do and does it well. Tony Leung and Ben Kingsley elevate the movie big time (Trevor is seriously a joy. He's become one of my favorite MCU characters along with Rocket and Luis). The bus fight is great, that came out of nowhere. Awkwafina didn't make me laugh... at all, but I do think she's a good actress. Simu Liu was... serviceable. That's all I can really say. He did his job, wasn't amazing, wasn't bad, but he did his job. 

    • Like 1
  6. 12 hours ago, CoolioD1 said:

    honestly i might be trash but i thought the cgi mess at the end was the best action setpiece of the movie. the hand to hand stuff was a little overhyped (except the opening tony leung fight that was gorgeous). the dragons looked pretty cool.

    Really? On paper the dragon fight should have been visually awesome, but it was just a big blue-gray blur. The bus setpiece on the other hand? That's gotta be a top 5 or 10 MCU action scene. Which kinda makes the dragon scene feel like a bigger missed opportunity. If they could pull off that bus scene so well why couldn't they do the same for the dragon fight?

  7. 42 minutes ago, tonytr87 said:


    I'm still so confused by WB's strategy here. They're not adding subs anymore, not to any significant degree anyway, and it's been proven that they're losing tons of money by going day-and-date, mostly because of piracy. Suicide Squad being the biggest example. How do they justify continuing the simultaneous thing? They're guaranteeing that Dune, King Richard, and likely even Matrix 4 will suffer immensely because of it. 

    Cause that's what they said they were going to do and by gum they're sticking to it? I don't get it either

    • Like 1
  8. I'm also in the negative camp on this. Some noticeably bad, clunky dialogue spelling out the themes. Not scary at all and any attempts at building a creepy mood didn't work (almost all the kills fell completely flat). They're trying to make Candyman a symbol of black vengeance, or some sort of coping mechanism, but he kills black people... and black children. Maybe that was just the crazy dude's perspective, but it seemed to be somewhat shared by the filmmakers. Plenty of others have said but the ending is a dud. I haven't seen the original (been meaning to) so it felt like I was missing something big there. Just felt like a missed opportunity. Only things that I liked were the cinematography, and the lead actor's performance as he descends into madness was pretty good. Oh and the opening credits were cool. 

    • Like 2
  9. On 8/4/2021 at 2:06 PM, Joel M said:


    Ad Astra. It felt gorgeous and emotional but at the same time a little boring and kinda stupid? Still on the fence about how it all comes together.


    Lol this sums up my feelings on that movie perfectly. One second I'm thinking "Will you just to get to your fucking dad already" then next "Wow this is actually really beautiful". 


    Kinda felt the same way about The Green Knight. Weird, slow movies that I didn't really "get" and not sure how much I liked, but are intriguing nonetheless 

  10. This is exactly the type of B-movie thriller that fits Shamalyan like a glove. Those goofy dialogue / acting moments that are par for the course in his movie kinda just added to the charm. That setpiece with the crazy dad and the mom with the fucked up bones was straight up silly, and there's something charming about a scene like this that doesn't work AT ALL as intended but he completely commits to it. The only thing that did bother me was when the main mom and dad characters were about to die and were supposed to be doddering and ancient but still looked like they were in their 40's, like you couldn't have slapped a little more old person makeup on them? LOL


    Didn't enjoy it as much as Split or The Visit, about on par with Devil, maybe a little better. I chugged a beer right before I watched it so I had to piss like three times, I missed the birth scene unfortunately

  11. 4 hours ago, Joel M said:

    Bad Trip. One of the most hilarious movies I 've seen in a while. It perfectly straddles the line between jackass and Borat  while at the same time having a very humanity affirming vibe. Amazing concept and execution.


    Yeah Bad Trip is really funny, definitely recommend if you like Jackass and Borat. Probably helped that I watched it drunk with some friends, made it a lot more fun. Tiffany Haddish was great.

  12. 17 hours ago, EarlyDeadlinePredictions said:

    Yasuke (2021) - 6/10 - Some cool ideas but everything felt rushed and all over the place. The voice acting was subpar too. Best part of the show was the music. 

    Yeah the show doesn't interest me but I love Flying Lotus' music. Been listening to the soundtrack all weekend



    • Like 1
  13. This was good fun. Action scenes were actually great. This is a capital B-movie and it knows it. I loved that whole boat setpiece, they were not going for any sense of realism and it just added to the fun how implausibly dumb everything was. Every time Godzilla or King Kong got some contrived "assist" from the humans it cracked me up (that last one, LMAO). The "hollow earth" setpiece was great fun, that alone would make the movie worth seeing in IMAX. The human scenes, while not "good", aren't a complete and utter chore to get through, and that's all I ask of these movies.


    Best part of the movie was Godzilla chasing down Kong with the laser breath, had that bitch ass monke shook. Also kinda thought the movie lost steam when Kong & Godzilla teamed up against Mechagodzilla. Mechagodzilla was a fun addition but the final fight felt kinda rushed and the scene where the little island girl convinced Kong to help was fucking duuuumb lol.


    Definitely the best Godzilla movie in this universe. Haven't checked out Skull Island yet



    If it was a REAL movie Godzilla would've killed the stupid monkey when he had the chance


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