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Everything posted by Cap

  1. Because in the leaked justice league part two story board that circulated around the Internet last week, Lois Lane and Bruce Wayne were having an affair while superman was dead, and she’s pregnant with his baby, and then like superman came back and raise the kid, and then like Lois died and the kid died and then superman went fucking nuts and that’s why you’re living in that terrible fanfiction with batman and the Joker on the bridge. Which only exists because, apparently Zack Snyder was like I can’t leave the DCEU without having Batman and Joker interact, so I’m just gonna come up with the bullshit reason for them to interact in my movie. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
  2. @Valonqar His name is not Glenn. -- FUCK YEAH CHLOE ZHAO. 4 Nominations! Party. I think the one I feel the strongest about is Eurovision for Best Original Song. I need that win right there. LMFAO at Glenn Close. I didn't even know she was on the radar this year. Anyway, I'm gonna finally have to watch some of these I see.
  3. This is gonna sound really nitpicky, But I was really turned off by how glossy the movie felt. Even if you didn’t want to shoot on film, at least put in the filter so it looks like something from the 1970s, instead of just a really slick Hollywood production. Idk. I kind of agree with @Eric #TeamKong There was a couple of really great scenes, but for the most part it was a hot mess of a script. I would also really highly suggest that everyone track down Medium Cool (1969). It also deals with Chicago during the week of the convention. And their crowd shots and protests are really intense.
  4. It's kind of crazy to me that since we've started this, we have watched 61 movies. I made a charts!
  5. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5423825182?pwd=T1VuUmJ5OVB1ZjRNQmNHRVpDQ3lkUT09 Meeting ID: 542 382 5182 Passcode: BOT WE ARE SHOWING THE BIRDCAGE IN LIKE FIFTEEN MINUTES. THIS MOVIE MADE MIKE NICHOLS LAUGH SO HARD WHILE FILMING THEY HARD TO COVER HIM WITH A SOUND BLANKET. 100/10 HIGHLY RECOMMEND @Rorschach @Fancyarcher @MrPink
  6. We didnt post this before, cause Everyone thought people who have never seen the movie should go in blind. This is a fun documentary on the making of the movie, but some insights from the creators.
  7. This review is so good. It hits every nail. It’s really long, but it’s absolutely worth it.
  8. Of course he does. And He and Fake Peggy (who's really Agatha) came over for dinner once a week before everyone started having kids.
  9. I'm going to hold off posting my full thoughts on the series until I do my rewatch with my Mom, but I'm mostly just happy it provided my friend and I new AU fodder; since after every week we spent a lot of time thinking: "This would be so much better if Steve was trapped in here too."
  10. @Jamiem https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/beautiful-cinnamon-roll-too-good-for-this-world-too-pure
  11. Sam Wilson is my second favorite character in the MCU, and I am ready to fight every single person here that disagrees with me about how he is A perfect cinnamon roll And I am so excited that he’s getting his own show. I also happened on lethal weapon last night, and re-watched it. So now I’m kind of really excited for falcon and emo boy, Since it’s giving me a really strong lethal weapon vibes from the trailer. And! Fun fact! The film was directed by Richard Donner, who Kevin Feige he worked for as an assistant early in his career
  12. Y’all nominating me for funniest user just shows how we all lowered our standards in 2020. 🙏
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