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Everything posted by Cap

  1. I really hope that Thor and the guardians are in the movie for like the last five minutes. I want Val and Jane 👀👀👀
  2. JANUARY SHOWCASE Before we start, based the polls: We are sticking with Wednesday and Saturdays Wednesday are moving from 10PM EST to 9PM EST. "Questionable Taste in Movies" will be happening once a month on Mondays. When @Plain Old Tele and I talked about the theme for January, we stumbled upon classic movies that people haven't seen. Stuff that makes you go, 'OMG YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THAT?' We're not going to name names, but here we go. JANUARY 2 TOYKO GODFATHERS @Spaghetti's pick for his "comfort movie", this charming 2003 anime fan by Satoshi Kon is a masterclass in storytelling. The film centers on: "On Christmas Eve, three homeless people living on the streets of Tokyo discover a newborn baby among the trash and set out to find its parents." (We're only like a week off!) JANUARY 6 THE STING Ah, Paul Newman and Robert Redford in their prime. I'm already getting the fans and spray bottles to cool us off. IMDB says the log line is "two grifters team up to pull off the ultimate con." Sounds amazing. JANUARY 9 THE GRAPES OF WRATH So word on the street is some folks haven't seen a John Ford movie. Consider this your gateway drug. "A poor Midwest family is forced off their land. They travel to California, suffering the misfortunes of the homeless in the Great Depression," in this film based on the Steinbeck classic. JANUARY 13 "VISION OF LIGHT" & LA JETÉE In a "let's indulge Cap and Tele" marathon, we're first showing the cinematography documentary "Vision of Light" before the French short that 12 Monkey's based on. JANUARY 16 HIS GIRL FRIDAY Howard Hawks is basically a genius. "A newspaper editor uses every trick in the book to keep his ace reporter ex-wife from remarrying." JANUARY 20 THE THIN MAN @Plain Old Tele's pick for a "comfort movie". We're in for great fun as "a former detective Nick Charles and his wealthy wife Nora investigate a murder case, mostly for the fun of it (IMDb.) JANUARY 23 ALL ABOUT EVE She's got Bette Davis Eyyyyes, and needs them to watch her back. Cause, according to IMDB: "A seemingly timid but secretly ruthless ingénue insinuates herself into the lives of an aging Broadway star and her circle of theater friends." JANUARY 27 INHERIT THE WIND Only seen Gene Kelly dance? Only watched 12 Angry Men? Buckle up for a courtroom drama led by Spencer Tracy that's shockingly still relative to our world today. IMDb: "Based on a real-life case in 1925, two great lawyers argue the case for and against a science teacher accused of the crime of teaching evolution." JANUARY 30 THE BAND WAGON Only seen Fred dance with Ginger? Meet Cyd Charisse. You're in for a treat with this Minnelli fave. "A pretentiously artistic director is hired for a Broadway musical and changes it beyond recognition," says IMDb. "QUESTIONABLE TASTE IN MOVIES" Monday, January 25 at 9PM EST We're going to kick off our first official feature in this series with none other than:
  3. Hello Everyone! When @Plain Old Tele and I started this adventure almost four months ago, I had no idea what to expect. We were just expressing our inner Statlers and Waldorfs. Over these months, we've had some technical difficulties, questionable streaming practices, and a couple of last-minute rescheduling. Despite the kinks, it's been a blast. Nothing will replace going to a movie theater. These outings have, in their own way, have been a real sense of normalcy and comfort. It's nice to watch a "new release" each week. And even if it's via a Zoom Chat, it's nice to get to stand outside the movie theater with people and gossip about what we just witnessed. I plan to continue these to at least May, and then we can reassess. Since hopefully people will be back at the movies by then! Cap Housekeeping: Originally I had the weekday movie scheduled for Thursdays (to sync up with Thursday previews). We changed that to Wednesday due to football. With football over, I am open to moving it back so that more folks can join in. I have a poll for everyone above. Please fill it out. "Questionable Movie Nights" Thanks to our beloved @MrPink, we've shown a couple of films with "questionable taste". I won't call them "bad", because I'm not here to judge people's personal taste. And who doesn't love a "bad" movie? With that in mind, I'm thinking of adding a bi-monthly showing of these "questionable" movies that we can RiffTrax at. Schedule: I will put the January schedule up at the end of the week. My new year's revolution return to posting Write Ups on the movies when I post the link to the Zoom Call. Links: Telegram Chat: If you want to join our Telegram Chat, the link is here: https://t.me/joinchat/GAhoLBChKgN2CUvA Zoom Call: The zoom call link is always the same, so if you want to save it, it's: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5423825182?pwd=T1VuUmJ5OVB1ZjRNQmNHRVpDQ3lkUT09 Meeting ID: 542 382 5182 Passcode: BOT
  4. This is how we did ours. It was $190 for the auditorium, and totally worth every penny. I brought the whole fam as a Christmas gift, so about thirteen of us. We had masks in the lobby, but could take them off in the theater. The lobby was empty cause the showing wasn't at a normal time (like 12, 3, 7), but started an hour later. Didn't see a single other person. Just a really lovely time. If it's this same hellscape in May, I'm 100% doing it for Widow on IMAX. Also, I like, really miss going to the movies. Just going was so fun! 😔
  5. Oh. No, honey. I watched it in a movie theater and I was just as angry.
  6. Fair point. Keep it light though. I don’t want any name-calling or any sexism.
  7. Do we really need to talk about Grace Randolph? That never leads anywhere good. Like, ever.
  8. I think good night, and good luck, it’s pretty entertaining. That’s an excellent movie
  9. MODERATION: Lolol, boys. C’mon. This is not the Star Wars thread. You all know better.
  10. SPOILER THREAD REVIEW THE MOVIE THREAD Posting and pinning for future references
  11. @MrPink Requested that we move this to 3 PM Eastern time. If anyone doesn’t have a problem with that, we’re going to start at 3 PM. Everyone should join into because it’s going to be a blast. I am ready for some complete nonsense
  12. Well, I ugly cried at that. I’m still digesting it. But the short of it is: the animation looks stunning, the concept art is gorgeous, and the story is classic Pixar that makes you ugly cry. I was also impressed with the confidence they had to create such an adult movie.
  13. ITS FINALLY HERE!! ALL SIXTY EPISODES OF WONDER WOMAN IS AVAILABLE ON HBO MAX!!! Let’s Do what we do best and start ranking our favorite epi — oh, what is this I am hearing? This is about Wonder Woman 1984!! They are finally releasing it. Oh, okay, we can talk about that too, I guess.
  14. Okay, it’s here! Discuss all that jazz below!
  15. It’s no big secret that I love Judy Garland. I as far I am concerned, she is the only person who can sing “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas.” If you’ve only heard the recording, I highly suggest watching her film performance. Don’t just trust me. As @Jake Gittes will tell you, it’s divine. Her character, Esther, sings it as a melancholy pick-me up to her kid sister, Tootie, as their family goes through a troubling holiday. (Fun Fact: the lyrics were actually darker, but Judy told Hugh Martin, the lyricist: “I am not singing that to a child!”) This song always makes me cry, but this year it’s hitting just a little harder. To everyone out there: “Someday soon we all will be together in a theater auditorium, If the fates allow. Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow. So have yourself a merry little Christmas now”
  16. Moderation: My mother always said: “It’s not what she say, it’s how you say it.” This is a prime example of what she’s talking about. There’s no need for the histrionics. Depending on where you are in the world, tomorrow is either Christmas or it’s Friday. Either way please do not do this tomorrow. We don’t have time to babysit the thread. Thank you.
  17. It’s not nonsense, says as both a Mod ™️ and a queer woman.
  18. Why would they nominate Hamilton? It’s not a movie.
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