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Everything posted by Cap

  1. I know I’m going to get shit for this, but eh, LFG. We are a box office forum. We talk about Avatar excessively because it’s the biggest box office film of all time. Most of the other places on The Internet TM do not. For the General Audience, this is a sequel to that cool movie from 12 years ago. To Nerd Culture, it’s the sequel to the movie they love to mock and meme. And James Cameron did most of his best work in the 1980’s, which is like asking Gen Z to marathon TCM. There isn’t a massive sleeping giant fandom out there ready to show up. Know why the MCU is so popular? Despite the “bad VFXs” and “stupid quips” and “bad action” and “bad scripts” and “amusement park vibes?” Because people **love** those characters. I would murder for Steve Rogers. Just look at Dr. Strange. They made Wanda the villain, and her Stans still showed up because it was Wanda! (And to take notes for their meta about how Marvel Is Evil and Hates Wanda). Which means, you HAVE to reintroduce the characters. Who are the blue people? Which one is Zoe Saldana? What was the plot to the first one? Where were the BTS featurettes playing before EVERY movie during those commercials/info news stuff they run? Where was the “Welcome Back to Pandora” ABC special? Moreover, you need to sell me on the 3D. IronJimbo sent me a video when Cameron was talking about the steps they took to mitigate headaches and make the experience better. Why was that not IN THE ADS?!? It wasn’t until last night I saw an ad that looked bad ass. Clear plot (the humans have returned and we need to go to our allies for help) and LOTS of action. I was like “Wow; that looks great. Maybe I should go—“ Why are we seeing that only on Thursday of Previews? Why was that not the second trailer? There is zero reason to have them mystery box Avatar. It’s it’s backfiring them. THAT SAID!!! The ads have also been emphasizing seen it in a 3D PLF format. As Porthos said, there are not enough screens for everyone to do that opening weekend. There is still a lot of time for folks to go in December and January!! So it’s not like “oh no, it’s over, let’s play Nearer, My God, To Thee.” It’s just a reason why this might open to lower than expected numbers. And when all else fails, blame the nor’easter and World Cup!
  2. Speaking of returning to Terminator; I was going to watch T2 today but Mom figured out that we have HBO Max at the house, and now we’re watching White Lotus. God a shit is boring.
  3. But it’s not a Weekend Thread Party without a MrPink thread ban!
  4. You know what I love most about the way of water is you can’t step in the same with water twice, the way of waters always changing it’s always flowing…
  5. @Alligator Zatt Hi. As Chief Admin, you need to take it like seven. I am all for petty arguments to increase the thread page count, but we are coming really really close to crossing the line from “lol okay” to “enough”
  6. This would be smart, but it would also make my 2023 very expensive when I have to fly back out to LA to see it with Bestie. That said, it frees @Plain Old Tele and I to see Barbie!!!
  7. It’s Barbie. Of course it’s aimed at Little Girls. You can have cheeky adult references in kids movies.
  8. I am so ready to eat crow over them hiring Greta. Give it to me NOW. (That said, I hope Margot isn’t using her Harley Voice TM. I don’t want Harley Cosplay. I want BARBIE.)
  9. What is with you people from California complaining about it being cold? NO DOGS 🤬 Oh look, it’s only 30 minutes left so we need them to have sex now. This sex scene is going on too long. It’s nice to know sex unlocks your inner bad ass One and done, folks. This is why you always use protection! Wait… what did she say! Let me turn on my CC lol. Good line. YES! She got a dog 🥺🥺🥺 This is fine. I am ready for T2 and everyone to level up. Gail’s presence/fingers over everything are much much appreciated, and made Sarah feel like a more rounded and complete individual. I think I would be more Fuck Yeah about it if I bought more into Sarah/Kyle, which is the crux of the thing.
  10. Okay let’s get back to this— “I am gonna stay in a public palace, I feel safer” — if only we all felt that way And, NeverMind, spoke too soon Yay! Techno babble exposition YES GIRL. BITE HIM. GET AWAY FROM THE CRAZY MAN!!! Got to hand it to Gale Anne Hurd, she called that the The Internet is gonna kill us in the 1980s Even if I don’t think that’s how nuclear fall out works @Plain Old Tele Oh, look, a woman who is only important for her child bearing skills 🙃 Thank you, we are out of the car. Finally. I totally get why the sequel was like “What if we make this all about Arnold” I looooooove the criminal psychologist. What bed side manner 🤣 LOL “probably on PCP”. HE SAID THE THING!
  11. Oh, no, it is. As I said before, I don’t think I’ve seen that movie in like 15 years. I’m basically watching it with fresh eyes.
  12. I’m gonna be very honest. I fell asleep when they got in the car together. So I need to start watching everything again. It just felt like an endless car chase, and not like a good Bullitt car chase, just like we’re driving around Los Angeles in circles.
  13. Costuming for 80s street gangs/kids never fails to make me laaaaaaugh. Oh, no, they are wearing knock off Vivienne Westwood, they must be bad! Wait. Is that Bill Paxton? AAAAH 😍😆 New dude is super genetic looking Where is Linda Hamilton!!!!!?? HAAAAAIIIIBGIRL Oh, yay, guns. Guns solve everything. So impressive with Arnold. They are using his weakness to their advantage and letting his persona dominate. Kind of magnetic to watch. damn smooth transition to that flashback. Almost thought I missed something. okaybwe get it. Generic dude has ptsd. Where is Sarah??, We need to bring back 80s hair. The height. The fire hazards of that Hairspray.
  14. Honestly incredibly frustrating. The live cast was too talented for them to just do the musical performances, and not actually the entire Broadway production. And they had Josh Groban sing evermore instead of if I can’t have her so the entire thing was invalidated. But H.E.R. was excellent, and the costumes were awesome, and Josh Henry killed Gaston. basically I just wish it had been the full musical. It would’ve been spectacular.
  15. Terminator Live Blog: I am here for anything from the 1980s that thinks the world is gonna blow up in 2029. (Scary how accurate they were. Maybe the cocaine helped them see the future. Linda Hamilton getting third billing is WILD Score feels like it’s gonna be a banger Hello, Arnold. That entrance was pretty bad ass, but was it? God Arnold’s ass is outstanding. What a place to pause while I calm Judy down for bed.
  16. I’m about ready to start Terminator. I don’t think I’ve seen it in like 15 years. Should I live blog it? Asks for the page counts.
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