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Serpico Jones

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Everything posted by Serpico Jones

  1. James Gunn must be sweating bullets looking at those BoP numbers.
  2. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Chad Stahelski directed most of the reshoots.
  3. I’m really surprised at what a hack flop this turned out to be. The trailers were unwatchable garbage but I really thought the gullible masses would turn out. Guess not.
  4. Joker had a much lower budget. I’m still shocked by its success.
  5. It’s not just Harley Quinn. None of the characters in this movie are anywhere close to what they are in the comics. Black Mask is a cold and calculating villain/mafia boss, in this movie he looks and behaves like Elton John on his day off.
  6. Not sticking close to the source material. Giving too much control to an overrated actress. Horrible marketing. Could’ve used a more seasoned geek friendly director to excite the nerds.
  7. These early numbers are a disaster. Who’s idea was it to green light this? It’s nothing more than a Margot Robbie vanity project that has fuck all to do with DC comics. The early trailers were absolutely terrible.
  8. Test screenings for this have been great. Paramount has a huge hit on their hands.
  9. The movie blogger community is sensitive to criticism that they behave more like Disney employees than actual journalists but this week has shown that that’s exactly what they are. You can tell they’re disappointed that they don’t have a Marvel movie to drool over and are instead stuck having to write about this “DC crap”.
  10. I don’t think they liked working with him, that’s probably the reason why they pulled the trigger on his ass so quick.
  11. Disney will find someone else to point the camera at a green screen and tennis ball and yell action. Directors are interchangeable to them because their movies are made on an assembly line.
  12. Jon Schnepp is dying. His fiancée just posted on Instagram that he suffered a catastrophic stroke last Thursday and is currently on life support. I hope he pulls through but it’s not looking good.
  13. Aquaman and Bumblebee have been testing incredibly well. Look for those two to hit big later this year.
  14. Don’t know if anyone’s posted this but Jon Schnepp has been hospitalized and is currently unconscious and fighting for his life. Really sad story.
  15. Wonder Woman was much better than the first Captain America film. The film it’s closest to is Superman: The Movie, imo.
  16. James Cameron is a legitimately great filmmaker. His first four films are classics.
  17. I never thought I’d see a Star Wars film flop like this. Iger must be pissed.
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