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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. If anything, the hate is understated -- people tend to give it's awful elements a pass because of some of that stuff. Raimi wasn't really the problem though, he'd be fine returning as long as they got a great writer.
  2. Posttrak is the best of the 3 imo as well, but they tend to correlate decently well with each other — don’t actually need as many samples as you might think to get fairly low sampling error
  3. Ends can target a 66.6M finish Smile chances of overtaking Nope look a little dicier now but still should end up about there I guess. Awesome performance.
  4. In fact, I think this is a good time to remind people about how each percentage point matters a lot more for big drops. Each of the following drops lead to weekends with the same ratio of size: 87% vs 81% 81% vs 72% 72% vs 59.5% 59.5% vs 41% 41% vs 13.5% Ends doing ~ a 78.5% drop vs Kills 70.75% almost as big a difference as Kills vs H2018’s 59% drop.
  5. 25 would be right as expected, 61ish wknd 4.4 true fri would be rough for TTP, but still think it should take to 15-16ish As expected for Ends smile lyle
  6. I mean, 55% is bad? Seems like a pretty fair characterization unless they went farther than that. Guessing 59-64ish here, which will beat my earlier expectations slightly but can’t really be making WB happy given the budget and OS.
  7. Lol I don’t even have the terrifier max — @krla in with the 2.0 Would not be surprised if they score higher than me tbh, I just didn’t have the guts
  8. One of my nums (TWK) is not showing as what I submitted (shows 2.85, was pretty sure I had 2.5). I thought it was just a fat finger and immediately messaged Andy to see if it could be fixed, but if you’re seeing weird stuff maybe it’s a wacky bug Terrifier 2 is expanding ~7% in kantmiss sample locations, but ~21% in BOP’s wknd forecast approximated count. I did peg it for another PTA increase though, lol.
  9. Well I have it .75 despite the massive hit, I think PSA can have a solid increase. Peep my terrifier and TTP nums compared to the avg though 👀
  10. This is probably the biggest swing I’ve ever taken (measured in, say, avg absolute z score). 2nd biggest was probably national cinema wknd, when I got absolutely wrecked with like -10% vs avg, so… Terrifying sounds about right.
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