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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Waht. Why on the world would a movie do the same at Christmas as in a normal date. What is “it’s still a CBM” even supposed to mean here — are we to infer that you think NWH or AQM or whatever would have grossed just as high with schooltime release?
  2. Thought it would be that range. Certainly a 10M candidate then. I’d guess more 9M though.
  3. Looks attractive to GA, you think it’s good: $$$ Doesn’t look attractive to GA, you think it’s good: floperino Looks attractive to GA, you think it’s bad: $$$ Doesn’t look attractive to GA, you think it’s bad: floperino Same as it ever was
  4. Don't worry, Firestarter already killed me Burger still working out well tbh
  5. I know it’s very recent but I think NWH beats out most of these movies being thrown around. Both the OW and late wknds domestically and OS were absolutely surreal under the circumstances.
  6. Well this is where my ** caveat comes in to play — JP2 had the #1 ranked OW of all time, and JW2 had the 20th. It was very funny when I was researching that post to see that they were ~identical from atp though! Speaking of funny things I noticed, really distilled what various studios have been about over the years. A lot of it is infested with marvel, dc, SW —but hipster universal is about to be 4/5 dinos. And then you have the 5/5 angsty YA romance studio Boy what a time.
  7. Even this is more IP than star per se, right? I mean we don’t think a tom cruise original screenplay would be opening to 130M here. MI7A and 7B are expected to do well, but same there.
  8. Minor followup, oldest movie in top 5 adjusted openings: Disney — 2012 Sony — 2002 Universal — 1997 WB — 2005 Lionsgate — 2009 Paramount — 2004 Fox — 2002
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