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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. American Sniper: 41st place 3day on a holiday 4day, 8th place 2nd wknd TGM: 39th place 3day on a holiday 4day, 8th-10th place 2nd wknd Sniper fell to 20th in 3rd wknd BUT — superbowl deflation. Adjusting for that I think ~8th 3rd wknd as well, is 54M nowadays. Seems a little too high given competition though. I’ll say: 48M (11th) 32M (7th, +4M from Father’s Day) 17M (21st)
  2. The numbers are also pretty amazing tbf — should get at least top dozen DOM finish, could go higher depending on how sat and 3rd fri shakeout.
  3. Clearly he wasn’t like, the primary driver — but does shoulder some causal responsibility.
  4. Actually needs about 72.4M for a better weekend than AWE so it should be pretty exciting 👍
  5. This is as funny as the Batman wailing. Cmon guys, this will cost like a few M DOM and a few M OS, that’s very paltry revenue wise.
  6. Not quite sure what to make of this comment. Is it mean to be positive? Seems negative.
  7. Whoops, sort of fell off the top 10 wagon. Anyway, @datpepper is correct: Deep in the heart will make ~nothing and be a battle of like .02 vs .04 guesses or whatever. Crimes should be 1M+ TGM DS2 Burgers Guys Downton eeaao sonic crimes of the future Lost City Watcher Men could make it if Watcher goes low but hard to see it beating city.
  8. FK opened during World Cup though I don’t know exactly what matches were in various wknds
  9. Don’t recall anything like that. FK way above JW1 is really funny.
  10. Are you actually trying to say that TGM’s weekend is bigger? Why would you want to throw away all analytical credibility like that? The numerical facts are plain as day. If you just mean that you don’t appreciated my pointing out that AWE weekend was a lot bigger, sure, that”s your prerogative
  11. Look, I get that AWE disappointed relative to expectations and TGM has exceeded them. I’m just saying, AWE was a far far far FAR bigger weekend. I feel like some people are going kinda crazy with TGM, it’s a “huge for this type of movie” open, not an actually HUGE open. AWE 3day was a top 3 3day of all time (counting previews). TGM scraped into the top 40. It can be a big fish in a small pond vs AWE’s small fish in a big pond or whatever, all I’m asking is that no one try to tell me it’s actually a bigger fish because it very obviously is not.
  12. I guess you're free to think whatever you want but thinking that this medium size weekend is somehow more impressive than AWE's massive one is just incredibly weird.
  13. Yeah, that quoted comment is a bit overly simplistic. Page length has a lot to do with expectations as well as raw size (I think the biggest drag on length aside from covid is actually the extremely formidable buzz thread). But my main point stands — 187M is not that big anymore in context especially since it was pretty much expected. 127M/160M is not that big anymore either especially since it was pretty much expected. If you know one fell around 80 pages it makes sense to me that the other is ~80 pages.
  14. I was with you up until here but this is just crazy talk. This is a far less impressive debut than AWE, come on. AWE Mon cume was above the contemporaneous OW record, this is less than half. It’s not even a similar ballpark of strength.
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