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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Do “MCU legs suck now” convo remains weird to me. Yes, it is true that: A) 3PM Th starts will drag down total/ThFSS for all movies, especially with increasing awareness of Th as the true OD from casuals B ) there is a larger dedicated fan base than ever before for the mcu C) they’re doing more sequels which are naturally bigger OW/more frontloaded But we just saw great legs from Shang-Chi and NWH. The crappy legs have been from the Premier Access release and the two with bad to weak reception. True FSS legs from well-received movies will probably be pretty similar to phase 3.
  2. Ehhh… I mean what is held constant and what is allowed to vary for a “best case scenario?” BCS for this exact product was probably like 200->430 imo, but best case scenario if it was great was like 230->550 or something.
  3. Worst legs in MCU was a serious possibility for Strange even if it was great. Civil War comp looms large.
  4. Hmm. Black Widow:Thunderbolts. Hadn't considered it before but that could be a good angle to work.
  5. Cap 4 was confirmed a while ago and nearing the start of production @JohnnyGossamer. Will come out before SC2 almost for sure, should be announced with a release date in the next 4 months or so. Totally different boat from Eternals 2.
  6. At last, the breakthrough industry paradigm of the 2020s to supplant the CU craze of the 2010s
  7. Gotta crank at least two dinos a year if you wanna carry the industry on your back
  8. Another interesting ingredient — spending 5 hours with a character can increase your connection/investment with them even if the story is kinda poorly plotted or paced, or the villains are weak. I think this is probably true for me even of the disappointing shows. The biggest danger is probably not people who never start, or who are disappointed but finish it anyway, but people who were interested enough to watch a few eps but found it blah enough to quit in the middle.
  9. Eh, I dunno about this angle. The infinity saga was also built on the back of C-level characters. Iron Man and Cap are global titans of the genre now, but that’s what the mcu made them — back in 2007 neither of them were much known or draws. Same for Thor, BW, BP. Hulk probably had the biggest pre-MCU draw of phase 1&2 characters and he only got one solo because of rights issues. The fact that they were hobbled without access to marvel’s actual heavy hitters (mostly owned by Fox and Sony) and still cranked out 23 movies with that reception was insane.
  10. It’s an interesting angle I’ll grant, but I feel like the people who watched FWS are the core fan base who are likely to go to cap 4 anyway, and the more casual peeps who could perhaps be turned off of seeing cap 4 by FWS being weak are more likely to not have bothered seeing FWS in the first place. Similar with Ms Marvel/The Marvels, etc. Definitely some lost opportunity in the medium quality of the shows so far, and if a majority of minutes of mcu content released are regarded as disappointing that could be a drag on the overall project.
  11. #3! Some people are disappointed in recent quality and think that could lead to BO issues in the future, but it’s like I said last week — as far as GA is concerned the last 5 have been 2 great 2 ok and one bad. It’s not meeting the amazing quality avg of 2014-aeg but it’s hardly some disaster either unless we pile up a few more B’s soon.
  12. Man 17 is rough. Definitely 400 and 1B are in doubt (though like 980M in the markets it released in is still pretty formidable). As you can see from my username though I don’t exactly find this development undeserved or heartbreaking, The comments overreacting from this to the whole fate of the mcu are just as funny as last weekend. It is true though that if L&T or WF are fumbles it could create some real damage with lasting consequences.
  13. 402 cume, 140M week? Seems it should do low 600s from there since days 6-12 have mostly rolled off the holiday front loading and will be composed more of better legged markets.
  14. What’s a mob to a king? What’s a king to a god? What’s a god to a… God-emperor?
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