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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Yeah, like, c'mon. The reception is on the weak side, and that is affecting numbers a little. Just cause someone is overly disappointed in it doesn't mean we need to overcorrect.
  2. Reading past few pages I wonder if people realize that there is one guy disappointed and 99% of people including all forum regulars complaining about how the forum is finding it disappointing when it isn’t 🧐
  3. Also tbf, 200 looked very very unlikely on Sunday. The final few days of sales were underwhelming. Also though it’s funny that this guy is melting down over missing 200 when we’re probably hitting 200
  4. Now tbf, industry expectations are silly and should 100% be ignored. BOP had very reasonable expectations for this though and we are going to hit them, maybe near the middle.
  5. Sats are really bad relative to Wed as well.
  6. Reasonably big Solo MCUs in this date — IM2: 57% true FSS drop IM3: -54% true fss CW: -53% Gotg2: -49.5% gotg2 was the smallest and had a small Mother’s Day help 2nd weekend imo. DS2 has the worst reception. In my view a 55% true FSS drop (200-> 74M) is the baseline expectation and it would take sub 70 to be “bad.”
  7. Smart roommate The last time I really got to play much was with friends at Stanford, since then it’s been all online. It’s super fun imo, great blend of complexity, interaction, imperfect information, and randomness (the randomness inherent from a shuffled deck, far less explicitly random effects than digital only ccgs). The combat system adds a lot of depth vs Hearthstone style CCGs, as does the mana system. So fun that it really tanked my grades, so waiting for summer probably wise 🤣
  8. So so much. It is my primary hobby, BO is #2. The Caleb Gannon cube is better than I expected, love vintage cube.
  9. Let’s get things back on topic: Just stirred some egg, parmesan, and heavy cream into my elbows and bacon 😋
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