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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. If only DS2 was released in all markets perhaps it could take the highest grossing disappointment throne, but instead I fear Ultron is fated to keep it for all time
  2. If you don’t like the 300M psychological barrier pretend I said 286 or whatever. Same thing 😛
  3. To expand on this a little — yes, obviously 190 is a big weekend. 11th biggest ever (nominal). Biggest 2022, 2nd biggest post-pandemic, would be 3rd biggest of 2019 (again, nominal). The movie has some crossover-y elements, but it is also a sequel to an 85M opener 232M grosser, seeing a BIG ole boost. On the other hand, that was all clear like a month ago. 190 would be coming in pretty much at the lowest quintile of plausible outcomes any time from the past 15 days or so. I think it’s pretty self evident why there is something to be disappointed in. Learn to keep multiple perspectives in mind at once.
  4. In this one. I’m not concern trolling. Do you people even know what that phrase means?
  5. Not clear to me why people don’t just set primary market prices at what people’s willingness to pay is (as indicated by black market upselling). I mean vaguely it’s like “bad PR from disgruntled people” but I dunno if that’s actually compelling enough.
  6. Arrow was a refreshing breath of fresh air for the first 9 eps or so when he was just killing people. AFAIK the remaining 100 or so eps reverting to silly angst about how taking lives was bad blah blah blah
  7. The mtg scene around Cal used to be much better than Palo Alto. Eudemonia on university ave was great, lot of pros around, friendly ownership/staff and I spent a lot of Friday nights there in high school. Closed during the pandemic unfortunately iirc, Games of Berkeley I think it still kicking.
  8. Dropped in SK and Japan from holiday Th, and many 4day markets have OD Th being true th+wed previews so a drop from there to Fri is normal.
  9. What customers see: supply demand imbalance creating a mad scramble and shortages What producers see: supply demand imbalance creating $2000 tickets
  10. I would have given it a fresh at the time, only rotten in hindsight. Not sure what RT’s policy on switching is 🤣
  11. Let's be real, the same people would find the numbers "disappointing" no matter what they ended up being This is pretty clearly not true.
  12. I should start a blog and buy some bots as an audience so that I can get certified and give every mcu 5/5 fresh (except ds2, probably the only one of 28 that I’d give a rotten).
  13. 39% not that remarkable as a sequel OW increase, the part that marks it funny is the previous being a 1 year old ow record holder.
  14. Gotg2 had quite a nice ow bump, TWS too. TA was in between for TWS but not much avengers affect to speak of for gotg. Their best OW sequel increase fueled by massive 1st entry goodwill rather than any crossover value added elements.
  15. Considering the quality of the movie, 400 DOM and 1B in the markets it released in is quite an accomplishment. God Feige remains a menace.
  16. I do because it is, yes. Now let’s not start a condescending back and forth about this, we’ve had enough crap in the thread already.
  17. It’s -17% now but will be more for full opening, -20 optimistically I think. Legs at least 25% worse for 60% or below finish, and NWH-R-banned counties is like 1040 or something iirc? Maybe a bit less. So can’t see it topping 630 or so, +-600 would be my guess. Barely billie but gets the job done.
  18. So annoyed that these hyperbolic people ruined my perfectly reasonable "199 is mildy disappointing" takes. I mean it remains true but now it looks dumb by association, sad. Still think 200 is about a coin flip fwiw
  19. I wish the last few hours hadn't happened so I felt more comfortable making a joke here 😂
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