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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Making love them or hate them movies that I love because they’re good is a good idea, but making love them or hate them movies that I hate because they’re bad is a bad idea
  2. I don’t like offscreen/speedrun darkhold corruption as a plot point either, but they did it, and now they’ve gotta make it work (which they did not do well in this movie in isolation, so future projects are left to pick up the pieces).
  3. We didn’t see much of Agatha tbh. It’s possible that the darkhold didn’t push her to do as much because she wasn’t as powerful. Hoping that House of Harkness provides more details on darkhold corruption (and redemption therefrom).
  4. That’s nothing, in the good ole days you wouldn’t find numbers for the first 50 pages 😔
  5. Did you know there is a cute 8 year old in AM&tW? And she wants her to have her father’s back as a superhero partner? And for him not to laugh? Can’t beat that, I mean, my heartstrings.
  6. Lotta people seems to have small sat bumps for reasons that puzzle me. I’m playing sat anchor this weekend. Also thinking Sun drop comes in more IM3/CW style though.
  7. Cap we need a title change, this is the carbonara civil war thread now (for another two hrs I guess)
  8. The excellent 2nd and 3rd act fights are complemented well by a great 1st act, antagonist, supposing cast, and character moments. It’s a testament to the russos other movies that it misses the top 3.
  9. Look I knew what was happening here from the very beginning, now leave me and my unholy bastardized American carbonara alone. I’m going to make some tonight and it will be delicious 😛
  10. Look I already admitted my sins and accepted death, what more do you want from me 😂
  11. IW is gonna get reduced to a one line joke in some movie pretty soon (maybe already has). Doesn’t really have anything to do with whether it was an important event.
  12. Yeah can’t believe what I’m reading here. CW is top 5and IM3 is below median at best.
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