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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Looks like doubtfire is a 4day too -- I can't find the 3day but probably beating it as well for 9th
  2. I think you've got Mary's 4day there, the 3-day of 8.8 is locked so the top 10 should be as well 😌
  3. Quite easy if you take out the "limited releases who went wide in wk 6" nonsense though, right? Also TFA's Sun drop on the comparable wknd was 30 on the dot -- NWH has generally had a bit harsher Sunday drops so I am expecting more like -35 to 9.7 yeah.
  4. If the industry would cease with this "Thursday is Friday" nonsense this wouldn't be a problem
  5. Thursday Previews= Tuesday previews+Thursday from 3 PM getting normalized. Just a few more years until the standard is OD= tues previews+wed previews+Th all day+fri all day
  6. That was my initial suspicion, but yeah anything north of 8 is pretty solid my book 👍
  7. Yeah, there were plenty of adjusted OW record breakers reloaded and tdkr and they were mostly fueled by 16-30...
  8. I guess other movies will give us a pretty good indication of how weather depressed fri was.
  9. Jesus, a 25% jump. That's waaaaaay different than the last few.
  10. Hard to tell with the weather, but I like my spot
  11. That’s better for moonfall than I expected then, probably 9ish
  12. It’s hard to say exactly how the lingering meteorological issues will affect Sat/Fri, but fwiw Jackass 3 and 2 both dropped 14% on Sat from Fri despite good reception. There’s a real degree of fanrush to these things.
  13. Huh? The SB only borders Valentine’s like 28% of the time
  14. Just wait for 2027 when the Superbowl is on Valentine's day and is also Pres Eve.
  15. Despite my personal revulsion to all the marketing material I’ve been exposed to from the franchise, yeah. Jackass 3D’s Ow was jussssst outside the top 100, ~77M today by rank.
  16. Great to hear, Nile may be my only theater movie between Spider and Bat.
  17. Man I forgot CM’s run was crazy long. Stupid FFH with its stupid Tuesday release 😒 Those+joker are the 3 2019 CBMs with reasonably close overall expectations, but yeah, I guess neither really work. BW isn’t the worst thing in the world… I guess.
  18. Well, to get a little more nuanced, generally when people say “$ABC comping from xyz” they mean “if its relative sales from here until day 0 match xyz, here’s what the comparison to xyz final sales gives.” So like, using the same reference movie for remaining growth pace and for final sale:gross calculation. Which is convenient, but not really logically required in any way. I think the latter becomes outdated more quickly, whereas the former is more sensitive to raw size/hype/intensity of day1 rush and such. So I would probably reject any 2021s for pace, and reject any 2019 or older for final sale calculations, and want to stick some 2019 trending patterns into 2021 final sales ratios.
  19. NWH seems terrible in the opposite direction, whereas BW/sc/Eternals are a bit too small. I will probably want to look at some 2019s as annoying as that is.
  20. Is this really true, or do we just see examples where negative news catches more attention than positive news catch more attention than examples where positive news catches more attention than negative news Seems to me like NWH vs Moonfall vs Jackass OD could end up in any permutation this weekend,
  21. Jesus, is that the thread we’ve been in Somebody should just move this crap to the jackass thread, my b
  22. Fwiw, the fact that it looks like it should be a 5M Dom total movie to me makes the sales seem more impressive, not less. I am definitely following the sales closely and it will probably be one of the top openers this Feb, so that's something. I think the main issue here is condescendingly implying that true box office followers should be familiar with this franchise, which at the end of the day is still small potatoes with a fairly specific audience appeal and has been long dormant.
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