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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Sorry @CoolioD1, I’m gonna have to reneg on my vow. NWH legs will be disappointing in abstract but are actually looking pretty strong relative to evolving market conditions.
  2. +3% (vs -5 est) +6% (vs +20 est!) -20% (vs ~+7% est!) I think this confirms omicron issues. Matrix 3day looking below ITH I guess, unbelievably bad even relative to what I thought on Th.
  3. FWIW @RiddlerXXR I get about 20-21.5 from the horizontal comp and maybe 18-19.5 from vertical, so call it like 19.7 with wide error bars.
  4. OS still looks great to me, the WW question will be a matter of how disappointing DOM ends up I guess. WW-C over TA WW is a fine “fail case.”
  5. People should just ignore Film Twitter (if you want to be pedantic about how actually most people who discuss films on Twitter like Marvel, when you know very well that Film Twitter is shorthand for Elitist Film Twitter, then fine, I will be explicit — I mean Elitist Film Twitter) attacks on Marvel more. In this, Eric is right. But people should also ignore marvel fan counterattacks on Film Twitter more — in this, Eric is wrong.
  6. Yeah I’m holding out for a PSm miracle and/or sudden unrepresentativeness miracle, but don’t see too much reason rationally to expect either.
  7. Well, your location has been oddly accurate so far, and that is straight disastrous. Could struggle to hit 20, I will assuredly be able to give Coolio that genuine meltdown. What a sad postOW run, at least if other stuff tanks we’ll know it was omicron — which should be resolved pretty soon. And I guess we would count our blessings that the omicron trajectory wasn’t shifted 7 days up or we would have missed the dec ow record.
  8. I think that’s the point. If Matrix was well-received we wouldn’t have this “nobody asked for” talking point
  9. What use is the comparison to other movies this year supposed to have when there weren’t any other big movies this year?
  10. Honestly I think a scream delay could be prudent, February is pretty wide open anyway. Morbius can stay, no one will care about omicron by then.
  11. Croods is the most impressive performance of 2021 DOM anyway
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