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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. It will be “frontloaded… for Xmas” I.e. 3x or so. The weekend will be “frontloaded… for MCU” I.e. 6x or so. The PS run will be flat out frontloaded. Bu 30M previews is enough to translate to like 540 DOM with nums above, which is like 150% above the current post pandemic record. We’re gonna be jussssst fine, it’s all gravy from here.
  2. First 24 hrs clearly gonna demolish 10M at this point. Can’t see how to miss 30M previews
  3. I think this plucky little indy might just do some numbers
  4. For majority of US pop (in eastern zone), yes. I think we should take Mon as Day 1.
  5. 32 per show, it’s a flop 😔 73 per show, great googly moogly I suspect that one of these t- counts is off by one 😛
  6. Just take day 1 ratio over SC and multiply by 8.8, EZPZ
  7. Booooo, what is this “discipline” nonsense. Run may as well be over by t-7 😛
  8. Biggest 2021 comp also had first shows matinee. Could be a bit of an issue with TROS but have several other things to be careful with there anyway.
  9. So far all that mine has past dec 9 is early access for American underdog But I was reminded that taking an hour drive to the cinemawest 3:00 would mean getting up way too early, just gonna book some 3:30 liemax nearby instead
  10. How else are you gonna sell them for 25k. Think, Momori, Think!
  11. They’d better find a way to count these tickets as 25k of BO 😒
  12. Pathetic no T&A marketing will barely crash sites for an hour, marketing with T&A would crash sites for a full day
  13. They’re being so generous! Could have started shows 5pm wed+all day Thursday and called it all Friday box office.
  14. Actually servers are fine, they decided to give everyone unnecessary errors for viral marketing
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