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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Why were you griping about the Labor release? It's a great date, if anything I wish they utilized it for 2022
  2. A year with only 3 movies is weaksauce, and this news is lame. Should have just by pushing this to Labor Day and left marvels+2023 untouched, can always do another shift of production warrants in a few more months.
  3. Well, sure. Giving a movie with no commercial appeal a budget like this was financial malpractice from the word go. I’m just saying that when you look at the breakdown of under 25 vs over, the issue was not olds staying away because covid. If it was, it would have am atypically high under 25 share. The issue was people, broadly, did not want to pay to see the movie.
  4. One again trades seem to have the age analysis backwards. 25+ shows up for 3.8M, not too awful. Under 25 gave it less than 1M, which is a death sentence. Killed not by olds staying away cause covid but the youths staying away because it was unappealing AF
  5. Depth is a pretty straightforward lagging function of product releases. Sep 10-24 we're absolutely dire, which is the exact lag to manifest in a dearth of 1M+ in Oct. The October releases will fix the depth issue by early Nov.
  6. No progress had been made. @TwoMisfits looks like it is indeed a Cinemark special rather than properly wide
  7. I don't quite think this will happen but it would be kind of amazing from a historical perspective if WB's first blockbuster of the year just kept the record forever.
  8. Meant us mostly. Like 235+215 could do the trick, though I think more along the lines of 230+210?
  9. I don't find that to be so. I still love a bunch of products even though I know that their creation was enabled by some intention to make money down the line. But anyway, this conversation came from discussing whether studios should continue to greenlight films if they are in a genre that produces flops too consistently. And the answer is -- studios are studios, not artists. Artists can still try to do art stuff but they aren't entitled to money from non-artists to do money losing art with 🤷‍♂️
  10. This seems more like wishful thinking than an acknowledgement of reality. A majority of movies exist in the first place because the people who financed it expect a positive return on average, not because they want to say something beautiful about the human condition or whatever
  11. 7-12 and dropping from BOP, I was thinking teens a while ago but after UK debut probably more like 5-9
  12. It’s 32M away off a 26.6M week — but inflated by Columbus Day. Adjust for that and more of a 24.6M week. So it needs 43% avg drops. But the most important week is the next one, where there is reasonably high competition (or maybe ron+dune will be like 35, that could certainly help the holdovers a bit I guess). Roughly 172.6 by th, maybe 180.8 by sun, 183 by next th, 17 away on a 10.4 week takes 38% drops with a large drop likely from Eternals.
  13. V2 is looking to miss 200 and F9’s 3rd weekend hold is inflated by July 4 depressing the 2nd.
  14. It is adjusted. John Marston is completely on point here — the domestic total is gonna be really really bad for bond, a franchise with an almost unparalleled wealth of historical comps that is clearly having generational issues in this market. But DOM isn’t even the main market for these things, on a global level they’re still rocking and rolling.
  15. Oddly high number of old hands in this thread who seem to be expressing the view that moviemaking is more of a charity work for the benefit of (a small niche of) the masses, or a hobby. Which, sure, it can be. But we all know that’s not the primary objective (or sufficient to justify their continued greenlighting) when budgets get into tens of millions coming from publicly traded companies. Mad props to the Shyamalan model though — he made some successful movies, got his money, and he spends his money making movies he wants to make. Absolutely no fiduciary considerations there and perfectly free to make as many willful flops as his heart desires until,the purse runs out (not saying that I think he has made any deliberate flops, just, like — he could! That’s unusual).
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