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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. This is why the BW comps will go up... Just like we saw with SC. More established will be more front loaded, as a general rule, first intro of new characters less, right? I feel like this dynamic is very well established.
  2. Haha, it is a bit brutal for aiming 12 incorrect when a 2 and 2 or 1 and 1 tie is quite possible for some of them. I'd hoped maybe that ties would count as correct or incorrect depending on which was more useful. But I'm not going to change all my responses as a result -- live by the sword, die by the sword.
  3. Gimme that day 1 venom comp, if we aren't beating Endgame's previews what is even the point here.
  4. 19 is clearly not the midpoint of any reasonable expectations here, but I think it’s less than 2 sigma, maybe even 1.2 or so.
  5. It does! The trick is you have to imply that the mcu movies are beneath you, but throw in enough ambiguity for your defenders to argue that the comments aren’t intended as an insult. We’ve seen this movie before 😛
  6. Yeah, I know it’s PLFs. But having a high PLF% driving high atp is harder/more impressive the bigger total nums are imo (of course these are just day 1, so overall nums will go waaaaay up and PLF% way down over the course of the run — but for day 1 I think this PLF% is impressive for the total sales.
  7. Beating BW gross in MTC2 would be spectacular considering the MTC1 diff.
  8. Sounds like a crank to me, just look how far behind BW it is in some of our regionals
  9. Eternals should comfortably take #1-5 at least, and shortly thereafter NWH should repeat the feat. Not even NWH can probably touch those Croods weekends though 👀
  10. Updated post-pandemic record weekends: OW — Venom LTBC 90M 2nd wknd — SC 34.7M 3rd — SC 21.7M 4th — SC 13M 5th — SC 6.1M 6th — FG 5.1M (SC has now dropped below FG’s weekends) 7th — FG 4.1M 8th — FG 2.26M 9th — Croods2 1.8M 10th — Croods2 1.8M 11th — Croods2 1.7M 12th — Croods 2 2.1M 13th — Croods 2 1.7M
  11. Missed the Gravity benchmark that @Shawn hinted at a while. Outside the top 5 oct OWs.
  12. The SC club wasn’t super gutsy, it really looked to be doing around there by the time I made it. Just woke up, got caught up, some really timid guesses here imo. Should be set for 15+ going to 110-130ish imo. For a bold club goal try Deadpool, or gotg2 if you wanna really go nuts.
  13. The pandemic is lacking as an explanation here imo. Decent chunk of olds showed up, but was only enough to pull 60% of V2 with (slightly) better virus conditions. The worldwide performance is obviously great, but not sure why there seems to be such an impulse to spin this meh DOM debut.
  14. Guys… they’re not showing anything because they’re not going to show anything. There is a lot that could be accidentally spoiled here so don’t expect much glimpses of plot.
  15. To be fair, not sure that a moral of “don’t try to sleep with people who used to b sex slaves” would be an improvement. No win situation once you’ve chosen to use that backstory in that situation.
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