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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Iirc the announcement that it would be on hbo Thursday came much later than the announcement of Thursday previews, so I’m still expecting one. I don’t think hbo has had a single second this year where you could see one of their movies in a theater before it was available on max and I’d be surprised if they start now.
  2. This would b good to know -- I assume it is. Looks more like 5+ to me, but it is hard to say how the final week will go for it. I understand jat's concern with the nttd comp.
  3. I hope we see a good international hold this week to match the good domestic one — afaik there isn’t much new competition like we have seen the past several wknds. 220+230 would be nice.
  4. Start at 6 with a near 3 hour runtime will obviously restrict preview showtimes a bit, but I wouldn’t be concerned about that. There really won’t be too much in the way of holdover demand, looking at ballpark: V2 3.5M NTTD 4.5M HWK 3.5M Dune 9M Ron 5M Soho 5M nothing else even worth mentioning. So it’s safe to assume it will get as many screens as it needs as long as PS are showing demand.
  5. Indy is an interesting one for sure. I notably didn’t mention it in my “dubious about 300” post.
  6. Gonna have a little boosted Sunday, but yeah, probably. Have been thinking under 60 since the preview walkups were bad and a sub-23 fri reinforces that.
  7. We obviously have not hit such a ceiling. There is no such ceiling. How do you not get this at this point — it’s all product driven!
  8. BOP is on 40-55 and that seems quite reasonable to me for now.
  9. MI7 would need a pretty huge increase over previous MI, afaik there’s no special hook to suggest it. Flash I’m dubious but we don’t know much, clearly 300+ is quite possible for a CBM if it clicks. Aquaman 2 would need a fairly mild sequel drop, I think it will miss 300 on its current date (and if it moves, probably won’t become a 2022 300+ film even if it is a 300+ film).
  10. One per month? Works for me. Should just about fully make up for losing all revenue of nonMCU forever.
  11. Per katniss data, SC had 55.7% showtime hold last weekend, Fri +107%, PSA +271%. This weekend showtime hold is 71.6%. If weekend will hold better than 20%, with inflated Sun, let’s suppose Fri hold is 80% on the dot for 1.3M or +174%. Then the PSA is +283%, basically same as last week. Pretty neat. Though this same approach would suggest 220k for FG Fri, which doesn’t feel right intuitive.
  12. People recoiled when I expressed my desire for 6 mcu per year, but soon it will be the only thing keeping the lights on for the MTCs
  13. It’s amazing that gladiator was a top 3 movie just two decades ago. I feel like these movies would flop now.
  14. I mean… I suppose you would think that. But I wouldn’t 😛
  15. NA market got excitement from an overperformer literally 5 days ago.
  16. Anyway, yeah. Might want to start weighting PS behavior higher.
  17. The only spy movie to draw the youngs will be BW2. The powah of Pugh
  18. Hey! Show some respect for your real elders, ya whippersnapper.
  19. As you can see from my name, it's an honory member of the club and thereby protected from Mickey's Law
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