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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Once he has 5 movies make the WW top 5 within 10 years of course. Considering the brilliance of hardy, should happen any day now
  2. A Charlie Cox r-rated daredevil would make bank. So would a new ghost rider movie. If you mean the crappy 2000s versions, nah.
  3. Trailer views markedly better than SC which opened at peak delta. SC probably an easy 90+ on Eternals date, that extra 11% shouldn’t be hard.
  4. If Eternals opens under V2 we just have to cancel everything. No more releases, let covid-21 take me away.
  5. 4 days is standard for the market, but endgame opened mon so the tfss frame was days 4-7 instead of 1-4 and was deflated.
  6. Well… I swore an oath And I must see it through. Woo, go venom!!! Be the 3rd MCU movie in a row to set a new post-pandemic DOM record! Nab that biggest Saturday, so we have biggest Fri, Sat, and Sun each repped by a different one of the 3 marvel openers so far this year! …I guess I have to actually go see this movie now though 😕 Only scene I remember liking from V1 is She-Venom, so here’s hoping for more of that I guess.
  7. Marvel movies targeting a full one out of every 3 box office dollars for movies released in 2021.
  8. I'm thinking about 79 off a 23 TFfi, so still much to close to call for a new record.
  9. Given the quality of the V2 number I dunno that it would be very wise to chew on the others though 😛
  10. Haven’t read almost any of this thread, but pretty obvious that venom in Russia is the most impressive single territory opening this weekend. Followed by I guess China, then bond uk, then you start needing to grade for covid. V2 DOM is covid impressive but obviously not very normalcy impressive.
  11. Well, this was caused by a one in a century pandemic. I certainly hope there isn’t much risk of a similar incident, regardless of Feige!
  12. What the hell. Asia should just conquer world at this point, smh.
  13. I think you are confusing Secret invasion (a 2022 tv show with Captain marvel tie-ins) with Secret Wars (a rumored far off avengers 6/7/8/whatever multiverse battle nonsense kind of thing).
  14. A major 1st world market with no FSS dailies 😵 And here I thought US BO reporting sucked
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