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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Nice! I doubt they’ll overlap Bad Batch and WhatIf though, with both being animated. But might transition right from one into the other with that kind of episode count.
  2. I think the length and pacing of series just lends itself less to the kind of propulsive quippiness that you get in a lot of the movies.
  3. This is outside my realm of expertise but I wonder how much drift between number on main platforms and official number is just driven by new platforms (Tiktok etc).
  4. If they say 70M, it definitely got 70 somewhere in some sense. Maybe not a very meaningful sense — but can still be compared to other numbers of the same type that are presumably counting the same sources. Whatever metrics you look at I think the clear takeaway is “nothing crazy, but solid enough for a 3rd/4th/whatever trailer.”
  5. What we need is a nice lil Demon Slayer breakout, Broly style
  6. Ooooooh boy. So this is really the “delve into time travel, alternate timelines, further explore Endgame’s time travel rules” property, huh. That will be great if the pay pull it off but ngl, that area is super fraught. I guess it was inevitable that they’d delve into it more at some point, so nothing to do but cross my fingers that this doesn’t completely destroy the logical cohesion of the MCU
  7. I also thought Regal would more seriously reopen when I originally went for 50. I think without LA artificially delaying and wider Regal penetration we would have 50+ easily.
  8. I try not to anchor to HW trades either, they run a little wild in the other direction 🤣 But yeah even a 40M debut would have been pretty good, the previous pandemic record 5-day cume was presumably WW84 with half that.
  9. From a “when do I personally get to see it” perspective, definitely March 2020. But from a “want big BO numbers” perspective, def July 21.
  10. As the original conductor of the 50M train (I called for it back in February) I consider this an absolute win. Especially with LA delaying their 50%. It’s a very very very strong result, try not to anchor to the higher end of BOT chatter which can run a little wild.
  11. I suspect those MTC1s are not too important to gross. Sun-Mon drops have been pretty normal looking across the market for the last many Mondays.
  12. So about 31.8 3 day 48 5-day. Still a rock solid result, if it goes like 3.8 Mon for 52 cume, add 13x Mon would be like 101 still. So passing KOTM DOM may be up in the air for a while. On the other hand, no competition upcoming, good reception, solid legs wouldn’t surprise me.
  13. Lol. BW opening week> GvK and Shang-Chi opening week over GvK. Not a knock on GvK at all, which is doing gangbusters. But it is still April, covid impacts are large. Covid impacts July and Sep basically zilch, would be unsurprising to see inflated grosses around then from socializing boom.
  14. To be clear, with or without PWP? 38% would be a pretty big Easter Sun drop though I guess Jat did warn about lack of Canada.
  15. May will probably be at like 70% of “normal” in terms of potential, but do like 20% of normal because no product. Oh well.
  16. If they work something out for Cruella (and I certainly imagine they will, having concessions again in most places will only aid that) then we can assume BW is on track as well. If they don’t work something out for Cruella... well, they probably still will for BW. Much bigger movie with 6 extra weeks to hash things out.
  17. Sure, agree with that. But they will play the movie making less money than they’d like. Like I said at the top of this page, don’t really see how. Seems like wishful thinking. I do agree that not working out a deal would be a mutual loss, which is why I fully expect a deal will work beworked out.
  18. And I guess this is the other area of disagreement. No, I don’t really. I don’t see much reason to root for the less powerful corporations just because they’re less powerful. If the more powerful one is contributing more to my consumer satisfaction, I’ll happily keep rooting for them (and this applies to studio vs studio or studio vs exhibitor sentiment). There’s a sort of American notion of “the virtue of the underdog” that doesn’t really connect with me emotionally. If exhibitors had a bunch of leverage over Disney who was struggling, they would “bully” Disney. If WB had a bunch of leverage over theaters they’d “bully” theaters, and if they had a bunch of leverage over Disney they’d “bully” Disney. I’m pretty much fine with all of that, it’s part of a broader system that is imperfect but which has delivered me a pretty high quality of life overall and to which I know no clearly superior alternative.
  19. Okay, I think this might be where we’ve been talking past each other. I’m not saying, and do not believe, that theaters “should” do that in some kind of moral sense, like “I like Disney more than I like AMC and for that reason AMC should just roll over.” I’m saying that they “should” agree to Disney’s demands in a strategic sense, because of where the relative leverage is. But I don’t expect and wouldn’t advocate for theaters to accept anything that's one cent more generous to Disney than circumstances force them into.
  20. Sure, I wouldn’t say that they have no value. I enjoy Thursday night IMAX at the local Cinemark and would be sad if they all just up and vanished. I would prefer and fully expect mutually beneficially resolution to this, which is exactly what you “should” get when different self-interested entities interact. But movies without theaters are still good. I liked Palm Springs. I loved The Incredibles, never seen in it a theater, probably never will. And on and on. Theaters without movies... not much of a value proposition. So it’s just a fundamentally asymmetrical situation 🤷‍♂️
  21. Uhhh... no? I honestly don’t see what you’re trying to get at here — that quote of mine from the Raya thread is very in line with my point here. All studios are basically being driven by a combo of tradition, ego, and maximizing their own profit. All exhibitors, same thing applies. Trying to act like some corporations are being “nice” or being “mean” or that some are “good guys” and some are “bad guys” is just silly/naive (to be clear, I’m not fully agreeing with Fullbuster here). But being aware of that corporate reality doesn’t mean consumers can’t like some corporations more than others. Disney actually creates products that a huge swath of people enjoy. So do WB, Uni, Sony, etc. Cinemark, AMC,... not so much. So I think it’s pretty easy to see why people would feel more affinity for studios than chains, without needing a nonsensical moralizing component in either direction.
  22. Other studios aren’t out here giving exhibition better deals out of the kindness of their hearts or something, it’s because they don’t have the leverage to drive harder ones. If they did, they would. That’s their fiduciary duty, and that’s how things are gonna be until the socialist revolution succeeds or whatever.
  23. If you look at the admits numbers the nonDis are able to pull the last decade, compared to theatrical profit margins, I have a hard time seeing how they wouldn’t. I mean, I guess to be clear I should say that I don’t mean “collapse” to like, 0 locations — but serious serious contraction where at least one MTC goes under. Oh, I totally agree. Because theaters need to come to an understanding with them about maintaining a future for Dis in theatrical, and so they will. Disney’s present ecosystem needs theaters, but in the medium-long run it seems like they’ll only want theaters.
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