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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Like, yes, theaters are hurting bad. That”s the reason they’ll have to agree to Disney’s terms, not somehow a reason that they can try to boycott the biggest studio by far.
  2. This just isn’t true, If both sides play hardball Disney pivots (even faster) to being Netflix 2.0. And theaters collapse.
  3. Even if AMC refused to show this it would crush 25/75 though, lmao.
  4. Gonna need this to at least outopen AM&tW. Not convinced 100 is off the table.
  5. Apr 3, 2021 - $12,500,000 +8% 3,064 $4,080 $40,400,000 4 Incredible weekend for this thread and Keyser specifically considering the extra variable of PWPs.
  6. If it’s hitting ~12.5, walkups were normal. As for Sun, even BvS was just -33%. I think 8.3-8.7 is a pretty good expectation.
  7. You can “call it out” on this forum, but when we say why that doesn’t make much sense it’s not being being “overly defensive” and the way you keep describing it as such is kind of condescending. I get that it’s frustrating to have it be July instead of May for countries that are recovered. Personally, I wish they had stuck to May (or June). I get that it’s frustrating to have it be hybrid for countries that are mostly recovered and/or where piracy is a big thing. Personally, I wish it was nonhybrid. But it just doesn’t make sense to read any information about quality into a move that is clearly being driven by cautionness over global pandemic conditions and continued DTC experimentation. Maybe the movie will be received poorly. That’s totally possible, frankly 2 of the last 3 MCU films were pretty eh, and the prequel nature is not the most exciting. But it’s no more likely to be bad than it was when it was planned for May 2020, all of the delays are adequately explained by external factors.
  8. I think there’s a common attitude of “this movie is never really coming out” and hype will slowly recover people, realize “no, really, actually, it’s in theaters two weeks.”
  9. My current expectations more like 22 on Sun for 230 cume/65 weekend. China will add maybe 53. OS-C opened markets conservatively perhaps 37, and BR+J maybe 30, for 120 more/350 total. DOM legs are a bit hard to say, low 100s best guess. Probably 450-500 range? Unclear what new markets it might staggered add in Europe vs going straight PVOD though.
  10. Generally a D2 Sat would see PSm rose from an OD Fri, because OD has high raw PS->lowest PSm of any day of run. But with a midweek opener, or after the first week, I’d generally expect M-Th PSm>Fri PSm> Sat/Sun PSm.
  11. Eyy, marketing restart is a go. Pretty curious what metrics this will do.
  12. If today PS are ~OD level, that’s roughly 25% up from Fri. Expecting mild PSm drop, similar PWP share, 5-15% gross increase for 12-13 day.
  13. I am thinking about it logically, the delay is because of covid. It’s being signaled to the audience that... they were afraid of releasing it with too many territories still having big covid problems. Cmon man.
  14. I mean, we already know the reason for BWs delays and they aren’t quality related.
  15. 50+ seems rather tough. Need 33.7 3-day, 12+12.7+9 or something. Over 45 will be in the right ballpark, Fri at 10.5+ should do it. Though with this Fri won’t be surprised if Sat bounce goes low double digits. Edit: and 1 minute ago Keyser numbers bring a little more optimism. Basically should hit the 45-55 window.
  16. Really digging what we’ve seen so far here. Hope it can (somehow) beat the predecessor’s numbers. I guess this will finally get me to watch Birds of Prey.
  17. Mon-Fri comes in 110k. Thinking 120 for SS, cume of 555. Would need 34%s for 1M. Possible, might be up in the air for another couple weeks.
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