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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Just to add to the pile, Maoyan expect around $17 and I expect around $11.
  2. I do expect a new final trailer with a good chunk of new footage pretty soon.
  3. They should rerelease Endgame a few weeks before BW. You know, for the marketing synergy
  4. To be clear, I meant “First run gross and first run admits” not “first run gross and overall admits”
  5. Yeah, having the official #1 is nice, but it’s always been so close as to be essentially a tie. I can content myself with highest first run gross and admits.
  6. Maoyan now expecting ¥70 from first 2 days, would be enough for #1 already. Seems a bit optimistic to me though in terms of final day PS growth and PSm.
  7. If Disney considers theatrical a valuable part of IP building but doesn't want to share profits, should have just snapped up an exhibition chain while they were cheap
  8. Well I didn’t think it was a tiny market or anything, I was just surprised to see it in the same breath as NY/LA. And based on this data my estimation of its importance is unchanged and I am exactly as surprised.
  9. Australia doesn’t have covid issues, so I would expect the end of April release like with previous summer kickoffs.
  10. They don’t have the leverage to turn down 35%, and that’s that. The pandemic weakens their negotiating position, not strengthens it, and they bowed to the 65% for big blockbusters in normal times. Raya they could put up a symbolic fight because it was a medium-small movie already going 0-day window in pandemic conditions.
  11. I mean, I said that already in the comment you’re quoting. Theaters know that isn’t on the table, I doubt they focus on it much. You can always daydream about getting 90% of 400M or whatever, but some realism has to enter play at some point.
  12. Of course they will go for old terms. 65% for a movie like this in this position. And theaters will say “thank god, thank Disney, thank theatrical exclusivity; we would love 50% even more but getting 35% of 300M is helluva lot better than 55% of 100M.”
  13. Looks like staggered in Europe for now. They still have the 21st with Free Guy if they want, but marketing has probably gotta restart soon. “May” vs “May 7” will be telling.
  14. Don’t worry, Endgame will be safe because hOlLyWoOd Is DeAd In ChInA
  15. Seems like a lot of local competition shaping up on Labor Day tbh, though I’m not sure how strong any of them will be. @Gavin Feng, any insight?
  16. Just joking about some similarities. Avatar executes much better imo. Though hardly fair comparison with like 20 hours of runtime vs 2. Maybe I would have like Raya better as a series.
  17. Wow when they said they were making a theatrical Avatar movie I didn’t realize it would release so soon.
  18. If you’re a US citizen living in the US reading this message and you strongly desire a vaccine, you’ll have had a 2nd shot by May 7. It’s that’s simple
  19. Kind of had that feeling, but it’s pretty subjective of course. And “eras” aren’t necessarily apparent until you’re several movies into them anyway.
  20. Yeah this is very much where my head is at atm as well. AM&tW is some precedent for an MCU release having a pure theatrical release scattered over a few months in summer (for reasons related to the World Cup and competition) but the situations are also pretty different overall.
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