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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Not sure of English name, but the movie in 3rd place today is starting with a very nice 9.4 on Maoyan.
  2. Sleep be damned. This is simply a demolishing of everything that might have conventionally been thought possible for first quarter day of presales. @rishijoesanu 20 minutes
  3. And with OD at 10mn, Endgame has done more business today than the currently in release movies — Endgame opening week about 35mn, 4/12 business currently some 33.5mn. Still waiting on Wanda
  4. What are the biggest Hollywood midnight grosses in ¥? New update gets it above Venom’s final midnight sales, right?
  5. Having your initial presales slowed because theaters realize demand is so high that they need to freeze sales while they figure out how much to jack them up. I honestly couldn’t write anything so funny.
  6. A graph of all big movies over first 24 hours will look like 1 line + a lot of smushed colors that overlap the x-axis
  7. Will be the lowest midnight multiplier from 3 hr of presales ever, just x7. Very sad for Endgame, the low PS multi is a sure sign of bad reception
  8. Shit, that’s almost 2AM for me. Maybe I should nap for 100 minutes and wake up to witness it for an hour or so before sleeping for real.
  9. Yes, all too high. Very. Was the point. Responding to someone who jokingly mentioned $400 to show how impossible it is.
  10. After social media reaction embargo I believe, but before the review embargo lifts. Normally you don’t get a Maoyan off just midnights, but with Midnights this big should happen.
  11. I know this isn’t the China presales thread, and don’t want to clutter things up too much with posts about another BO territory entirely. Just wanted to drop the tasty follow-up tidbit that AEG 2hr presales handily dispatched IW first 120 hrs. Anyone looking for more fun should drop by China, today is a day of revelry not to be matched for some time.
  12. Not waiting for it to happen, per se. Just waiting for it to be displayed 😛
  13. Why are you always so loooooooooow Fabio? Today is the day, insanity is happening. Edit: I mean, IW was still 189M at today’s ERs. 220 would be AEG only +16% with +67% the days and massively larger anticipation.
  14. 100 450 350 500 600 450 Sorry, but even my acid trip fantasy land hallucinations can only stretch to ¥2450M or so. Have to let dramatic ER shift take care of the rest
  15. Hottest thread on the forum for the next many hours. 🎉🎉 PARTY 🎈🎉🎈TIME 🎉🎉
  16. Updated, midnights over 2m already. edit: several second later, past 3m.
  17. 17:00 Pacific, 4/11/2019 (Thurs) 1 35.4% Avengers: Endgame 2 12.9% Shazam! 3 6.2% Little 4 6.1% Pet Sematary 5 6% Dumbo Still only one opener present, now Little at 3rd place. At about 2.5x Shazam I think AEG will hold a narrow lead Friday but fall fairly early into Saturday.
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