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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. We still get some big surprises even with more prerelease data analysis. BP, Solo, JL, I2, JW, WW’s legs, CM overseas, AQM overseas, Bohemian Rhapsody... all pretty recent.
  2. Yeah, I would talk more about good presales comps for Pika if I had any clue what a good presale comp for Pika might be 😛 Just going to have to live with a wide range until it opens, the horror. Edit: Oh, I actually kind of like Venom, despite the genre difference.
  3. Okay, venting over, that’s enough Pika discussion from me until we get some actual numbers (which I am looking forward to, and hope are solid). On the front of movies that we have actual numbers for at the moment, Endgame is down to 24.9 vs Shazam’s 20.6 on Mt thanks to discount Tuesday. Shazam will likely pass it in 3 hours and end a couple % ahead for the day. On Fandango 24 rolling Endgame is at 28.5k and has been falling the last few hours. Think it might end around 25k, which would be a better hold than I expected. Are we expecting an update to official tracking this week? Would be Thurs, right?
  4. Spamming complaints won’t do anything. I’m not under any illusion otherwise, just venting a bit. And, most importantly, I’m not spamming complaints about Pika jokes. On the other hand, Pika jokes actually are spammed, and it brings down the level of discussion in practically any thread tangentially related to it.
  5. Even applying FK’s presales ratios to DP will produce a figure I’ll happily point to. I don’t want it to do bad, just some actual numbers to replace the constant “500M OD” nonsense.
  6. Captain Marvel Walt Disney $865,424 -76% 3,573 $242 $374,748,790 Brutal Monday all around, even less reason to worry about Shazam.
  7. I only complain about the stale Pika jokes once a week or so. They get made dozens of times a day. Pretty big difference.
  8. I don’t really buy the sad ending-> low rewatch theory for CW. IW had a sad ending and I think was hugely rewatched. think the main driver was playing as Avengers 2.5 for days 1-3 but Captain America 3 for days 4-90.
  9. So happy for later this week when Pika sales are underwhelming and I have hard data to respond to the hideously overdone Pika jokes with.
  10. Huh, so it’s both sets vs tickets and a subset of ticket sets vs all ticket sets. Didn’t know either. But as Venom says, not a huge deal *as long as* the subset is representative and the # tickets per set is similar across the movies being used as comps.
  11. They need to stockpile up some OS Monday reporting, since Endgame’s first 4 Mondays will all be big enough to deserve it
  12. Oh wow, I didn’t know that announcing sequels early gave you an added 20M to your WW gross. More studios should use that trick
  13. We could probably test this by finding a movie which is only selling like 1 ticket now on the fandango hourlies, buy one set of 10 tickets, and see if that hour comes in around 2 or around 11. Then exchange them after for some movies you actually want to see
  14. I actually agree that I’d rather take a young child to see CM than Shazam, but the reasons why aren’t clear from the marketing.
  15. The direct quote This is INSANITY. No wonder Pulse crashed.
  16. What I’m saying doesn’t have anything to do with absolute numbers. I’m just point out that mathematically, not all N% differences in drop are created equal, the higher the drop the bigger a difference it really is. For instance, say we’re dropping from 10M for a concrete, clean scenario. 50% drop vs 45% drop results in a 5M day vs 5.5M day, so the 5% better drop gives a 10% better day. 75% drop vs 70% drop is 2.5M day vs 3M day, so the 5% drop is a 20% better day. An extreme case, 85% drop vs 80% drop is 1.5M day vs 2M day, so the 5% better drop is a fully 33% better day. The difference between 78 and 75% drop is actually way more than e.g. 50 vs 53% drop. Again, I agree with all the contextual reasons that Shazam should be expected to have a larger Monday drop and don’t view it as any cause for concern.
  17. Give it a low internal multi for 1B DOM Ow then But also, the fact that Atom’s 4 biggest presellers include CM and AQM instead of BP, RO, or TFA is a good sign of how they’re a new fast growing platform and the 13 month difference form IW presales probably corresponded to a much higher jump in overall presales for them than Fandango (or presales overall).
  18. To be fair, Shazam’s Mon is 22.4% of Sun (per this estimate) vs 25.2% for GotG2. So, that 3% drop difference is worth a more than 10% bigger Monday. However, Shazam is basically the most kid targeted live action SH movie we’ve ever had release on a school week. I agree the drop is completely normal and no cause for alarm.
  19. The Incredibles dropped a whopping 81.4%. Didn’t have an A though — but an A+! 3.7 legs.
  20. 3.4M less than Ant-Man #definitelyAGoodWeekdayComp #pleaseDontLookFurtherIntoThisInAnyWay
  21. 293,871,333 729,328,117 1,023,199,450 ¥1,744,385,691
  22. You’ve got to be joking me. How easily we forget. Pikachu fandom hasn’t done anything toxic yet though
  23. This is what happens when you don’t start presales 21 days early like a big movie deserves
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