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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Hundreds of millions of people will get high quality movies they greatly enjoy that would not otherwise be possible. I get that there are some negative impacts as well, but please don’t try to pretend that is some small thing just because it’s not your personal cup of tea.
  2. For most people, getting to see the X-Men and Fantastic Four in the MCU will make the Disney/Fox deal a net positive. Dunno why you seem so bitter about that.
  3. MCU on top after IW. Then Solo and AM&TW come out. AM&TW beats Solo handily overseas, and probably DOM as well. Star Wars chances to be back on top in the next 5 years are almost nil. Just waiting for December 2020 to have a real ballgame again.
  4. I wonder who I would need to pay and how much to get the final figure reported as 699,999,999
  5. Could get to around 699.965 after this weekend, optimistically? I assume they’ll just get it with a handful of Christopher Robin double features, but watching this has been an absolute delight. Also AM&tW getting a harsher TC drop than previous July MCUs, 20% vs ~12.5% and ~12.5%. It’s been holding better this week though, so maybe it can snag a bettter PTA drop and match their 40% for a 10M weekend.
  6. Depends on how much over 700, how much WW, and how the MCU films did. If it goes like: CM 250/650 A4 550/1.6 FFH 350/900 IX 800/1.8 Then sure, I guess, maybe we’ll talk about it. If it was more like: CM 300/800 A4 650/2B FFH 350/1B IX 710/1.2 Then fuck no. It’s literally below the MCU WW average with those numbers. And IX’s DOM Figure is the most optimistic number in that second scenario.
  7. Looks like Incredibles 2 will have a 20M 6th week for a 25% drop. Will only need 1.7x that for 600, very likely. Bigger 6th week than Infinity War, Avengers, Jurassic World, or Force Awakens (not really apples to apples because my of school).
  8. Hoping to see a 2.1+ from AM&TW, but really anything above 2 would be solid.
  9. I liked that article, but it probably didn’t need to be copied into the thread 😮
  10. So, how many decades do we think BP will hold the slowest to 700 record for?
  11. From yesterday: +46% (great) From last Tuesday: -40% (solid) With SMH’s daily multiplier: 230.5 Ant-Man’s daily multiplier: 235.5 Again, AM&TW is having aberrantly large Tuesdays and those numbers almost certainly won’t be reached.
  12. Yeah, it sure can. 4.5 would be a worse multi off this weekend than either of the good comps, which did not have that much lighter competition.
  13. Decent Monday number for BP, should have a weekly haul of just under 50k to put it just under 50k away. Ant-Man looks like a favorite to pass Solo afterall now, but could be really tight.
  14. If I recall correctly from the tracking thread, BP’s new theaters basically have 1 showtime per day, which is going to lead to a much lower PTA than even having half a screen. The play seems to be more for a few full weeks of stuff trickling in than one big weekend push, though I’m sure they would have preferred to make more money this weekend.
  15. James is getting more support than I expected. And I will say that while I personally was initially in support of the firing, I am starting to get the impression that he really had changed in the past 6 years or so and am no longer so sure.
  16. 3x should be pretty easy. It has more competition that Ant-Man and SMH, but those both added over 3.7x this weekend after very similar performances for the first 17 days. Over/under 218 or so, imo.
  17. Holy moly, we’re getting some great increases from estimates. 225 is a realistic target for this now.
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