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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. The power of double features compels you! The power of double features compels you!
  2. Yes, exactly. Fighting for freedom is boring and overdone, if you want to get people into seats you need to offer something extra — like fighting for freedom while competing in commodified child death sports.
  3. Almost like completely ditching the titular hook/set piece of your entire series for the final entry isn’t a great move.
  4. I bet 100 points that AM&tW finishes over $215M domestic. Up to 3 takers, available for a week. In particular I suspect this may be of some interest to @Jake Gittes
  5. It would need a really awful drop this weekend for this to look plausible. Even with the TC drop beating Solo looks pretty favored.
  6. AM&tW getting a harder TC drop than SMh or AM1. Unless this weekend’s PTA is very good I think it will struggle with hitting 220.
  7. IW easily. If you don’t want to count that then imo Solo.
  8. I2 and HT3 also had huge increases today from Monday. It feels like the Tuesday drops this summer have been even bigger than past summers, but Wed drops haven’t grown to compensate, so the Mon:Wed ratios are >1 (sometimes significantly) rather than ~= or <1.
  9. We did it! Now it’s time to pull this puppy from theaters ASAP. Hope they didn’t ruin things by selling tickets on Thursday.
  10. This is up almost 10% from Monday, nice.
  11. Don’t worry. Sooner or later we can settle all this fueding when the MCU decides to make a YA flavored trilogy next decade. It will star Cassie Lang and have a 93% RT.
  12. The problem is not that Ant-Man and the Wasp is mature and intelligent, while rando YA fare is not. The problem is that of the two genres, both of which are often not aiming to be mature and intelligent, one tends to be a thoroughly enjoyable theater experience and one does not. Shockingly, the movies that critics feel happier to have spent their time watching tends to get better scores.
  13. Audiences loved The Darkest Minds but critics don’t want you to see it… The question is why??? Who would you trust more? Yourself or a troll behind a keyboard?
  14. Wow, premiering at #7, now that's what I call a flop.
  15. Wow, OD record taking a real beating this year.
  16. Ant-Man’s legs will be about 2.9 in the end. But yes, the animated movie with 14 years of anticipation will end up legging even better.
  17. Looks like Hamill and Derrickson shared the pro-reinstatement cast letter. Don’t expect much of significance to happen here until Iger’s vacation is over.
  18. Oh, strange. I could have sworn I saw multiple articles stating it was deleted.
  19. Uhhh, what? Could you clarify what you’re saying and/or give a source. At first blush you seem to be suggesting that they unfollowed James Gunn, but that doesn’t make much sense considering he hasn’t had a twitter account for over a week.
  20. Wasp still aiming for about 220
  21. Wow, a 60% daily drop for Fallout is just awful — extrapolating that out for the rest of the run suggests a DOM total of about 73M!
  22. For Aug 2018, MCU>Star Wars>Avatar, which has not made any significant money in 8 years. Things will get shaken up in 2 and a half years, and we’ll see how things fall at that time.
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