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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. The small range implies false precision. If you don’t like large ranges just give a point est and it won’t have that vibe
  2. Perhaps @Shawn can comment on historical aspects of this situation or industry justifications (aside from “we like fake num, big looks better 💀”)
  3. I too naively assumed that they would do the only thing which is possibly justifiable but between info from Rth, Jat, and DAJK it seems crystal clear that they don’t. Notebly this means that the reported DOM BO is inflated a few % for almost all movies from what the movie actually earned, and the degree of inflation changes with Can/USA gross ratio and ER fluctuations 😬🥴🤮
  4. They’re a combined box office market. The disgusting part is, get this: a movie makes $100M USD in USA also makes $10M CAD in Canada (~=$7.5M USD) The amount earned is clearly ~$107.5M USD but the BO reported is $110M 🤢🤢🤢
  5. If I had them on hand I would have but I’ll need to do a little digging (I’ve definitely seen at least one on Reddit, I think multiple, and maybe one over here and one on some other site?) and I’m about to go to sleep. I can find some for you in 10 hrs or so if nobody else has provided the goods by then.
  6. Yes Yes Yes It’s still pretty noisy (especially without accounting for genre) but there’s at least a clear weak relationship
  7. It’s not. Movies can open all over the size spectrum and have awful to bad to average to good to great legs. Extremely noisy relationship. Several of the recent OW record breakers had low legs (endgame, DH2, SM3) one had medium legs (IW) and many had great legs (TFA, JW, TA, TDK, DMC, SM1, HP1). Even if you want a harsher cut on “recent” it’s like even at worst.
  8. Still fair to note the legs weren’t that good. It was a bit of a weird run as @M37 has outlined recently.
  9. Anyway I have seen some “father figure” type answers so I guess I’ll windmill slam Iroh
  10. A+ on Tiny opening doesn’t have the same relevance as A+ on large openings since you can have almost no GA getting polled on former
  11. Me, completely unsuspecting of the quotevalanche I am about to unleash upon my mentions:
  12. They have to do with (OD audience perceived) quality which has to do with rewatchability. They correlate with legs (imperfectly, and best interpreted with caution) which is just about the best directly BO derived measure of rewatching. But more specifically they are calculated from this form which directly includes intent to rewatch
  13. Since we need some pages… Who is ACTUALLY the best father of all time (in movies (or tv (or both)))
  14. Or you could say it’s based on getting worse reception on metrics which reliably correlate to legs (cinemascore, verified, etc)?
  15. Hmm Today: headed for ~230k, weird for culture but not that weird considering weird run KOBIS eod seems headed for maybe 615, ~42% down weekly Will need to see if wknd PSm can start picking up on lower PS base, stabilize, (or somehow keep falling further 😂 ) but mostly I think 10 still quite safe with amount banked up but not so sure about say Aladdin anymore
  16. If China goes from 200->600 that’s only a 90M rev or so. Would be cancelled by mere 10% WW-C drop
  17. Real ratios are all well and good, but we’re talking analogy to the endgame deadline analysis and it’s ~900 with deadline ratios (560*.57+1275*.41+190*.25)
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