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Joyous Legion

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Everything posted by Joyous Legion

  1. If you exude sniper and revenant then the cutoff is Endgame's 30M, seems pretty achievable.
  2. Just give the rrr screens to Spidey I guess, nothing else is making money next weekend
  3. The primary cultural and BO factors around this movie cannot be discussed at all for the next 11 months? Dead thread I guess. Seems like some kind of new policy for these sort of situations could be useful, even if it's just making a super early spoiler thread or something.
  4. Looks like a 7th ranked or so 3rd weekend. I’ll update when Sony finally gives us actuals but I’m not faring so well in our contest so far @RiddlerXXR
  5. 2021 and 2022 would probably be pretty K shaped even if covid never happened. This was a popular topic of complaint in 2018-2019 iirc.
  6. Now that's what I'm talking about, 55ish is back on the menu
  7. Pretty much as expected. Low 50s is a pretty decent hold all things considered.
  8. Not really, no. There is a difference between sequels that people like and sequels people dislike.
  9. Is this 960+ OS-C-J then? Mid 900s OS-C-J seemed like it should happen from tues of release week or so, glad omicron didn’t kill us. final WW-C optimistic maybe 1.8s, realistic 1.7s, pessimistic 1.6s
  10. Year to year comparisons are a little sketchy what with Jan-May being basically dead. Q4 vs Q4 is not so bad.
  11. WB didn’t have Feige to save them. But if they can’t find a new Iger they may have a problem.
  12. Back to disaster It’s not outside the historically supported range, just on the low end. Gonna need a nice Sat bump though.
  13. If A5 miss 2B that’s a flop. Same for 300M OW. Harry Potter is tricky because of narrative reasons/cursed child/Rowling/FB, but if they crack that nut the nostalgic potential is certainly there.
  14. Pretty mediocre net help from the holidays when you put it that way 🤔 Ah well, it’s all omicron’s fault anyway
  15. BP was more surprising and better legs but I think I’ll give the edge to NWH given the circumstances.
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