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Joyous Legion

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Posts posted by Joyous Legion

  1. 5 hours ago, Ozymandias said:


    This show continues to be pretty bad, thankfully theres only 1 episode left.  I haven't read the books and don't know anything about, but I've heard the name "The Wheel of Time" an awful lot when it comes to high end fantasy.  The the writing in this show sucks balls, its like nothing has time to breath(character motivations and actions are very rushed, underdeveloped, and forced) and I don't think any of the actors are particularly good either, especially the lead white guy I don't even know his name.  The only thing that stands out about this show are the obvious strides for diversity in every frame with nothing else getting as much attention.


    Like damn, should we be concerned about Lord of the Rings now?

    The show doesn’t even deserve to have the same title as the books, they are like completely different narratives and settings at this point.   

    Yes, we should be concerned about LotR now.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Danhjpn said:

    How did Infinity War do 39 million in previews and end up taking the OW record? Lol that's some backloading right there. If I remember correctly, Saturday was the biggest day ever for theater's at that time. Also the Friday number kept adjusting up. Usually big event Marvel films like this biggest days are Saturdays.


    Marvel are GA family movies. Quite curious about NWH’s Sat.

  3. 3 hours ago, ZeeSoh said:

    Just for context, in @Cap's prediction contest where the deadline (for previews) was before tickets going on sale, the average prediction was 29.7m and the highest was 45m. 


    IF it follows TFA multi for Friday it will make 104m OD, with Endgame's multi it gets to 130m OD and with IW it gets to 136m OD.

    Some more contest preview stats:


    Some random stats ‘cause I can:

    Mean — 29.7M

    standard deviation — 7.57M

    2 sigma range — 14.5M-44.9M  

    geomean — 28.7M

    geometric SD factor — 1.3225

    geometric 2 sigma range — 16.4M to 50.2M

    Basically came in at +2 z. Extremely good, 97th percentile shit.  

    Now all I need is for @Cap is to put down sims for 5 second and give me the rest of the nums so I can nobly wield them to ward off meltdowns (not that we’ll need it, lol).

  4. 4 hours ago, Menor said:

    Fanbase rush limits the legs no matter how good the WOM is, I think legs here are still pretty uncertain. 

    SW has massive fanbase rush though. More than marvel, as we are about to prove with a better IM than any ST despite 3PMs.   

    there is no reason (besides omicron 😆) that this shouldn’t at least match TROS 3.5x true FSS legs.   

    50+220*3.5=820 😎

    • Astonished 2
  5. FWIW, we have people who can see comScore for Fri hourlies which is better than scraping now that we have opened. The most valuable data to have when going to bed tonight is Saturday PS. That will actually beat CS info by some 12 hours 👍   

    If you’re in the mood for some midday updates, could be interesting to start building a comp base for Sat PS rate behavior on fri, and tomorrow we will want Sun PS at end of day+could be interesting to start building a comp base of sun PS rate behavior on Sat.

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