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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. I don’t see how Joker having a B+ Cinemascore means anything bad. It’s a grounded and unpleasant character study with no superheroes or elaborate action set pieces. It’s obviously not a crowd pleaser. I certainly was never expecting it to have a high Cinemascore rating.
  2. It’s a character study for the Joker. The entire movie is centered around him. It doesn’t mean the other actors gave bad performances, but they’re simply there to contribute to the Joker’s story.
  3. It’s not an ensemble film. I’m not sure what you’d expect. Besides, Robert De Niro was pretty good in it.
  4. I think IW and EG are pretty strong movies, but Black Panther is kind of meh, in my opinion. It’s not bad, but I can’t say it wowed me. The story was rather unfocused at points, especially during the first act, and as other people have consistently pointed out, the CGI was pretty...not good. Also, I know I’m in the minority on this, but I’m personally not a fan of Shuri. Maybe it’s just because I have trouble getting past the Vine reference she made, but I just didn’t find her funny or endearing.
  5. We don’t exactly go through any test screening panic with MCU movies. It helps that Disney does their test screenings in-house. Regardless, David F. Sandberg’s video on the subject of test screenings will hopefully quell at least some of the panicky responses to news of test screenings for this movie being mixed or bad.
  6. I say “probably” because I’m not sure how much say the director has in Marvel movies, especially during the Ike Perlmutter era.
  7. Considering how TDW turned out, Marvel probably made a mistake by firing Patty Jenkins. Not a massive mistake, mind you, but a mistake regardless.
  8. Captain Marvel/Shazam is a pretty corny character to begin with, so it’s not exactly inappropriate that his movie would have some of that feel good sappiness. Frankly, I was surprised that the movie even went as dark as it did. I was expecting something that might as well have been PG, but it earned its PG-13 rating.
  9. There was also that scene where the woman got vaporized by a door. Also, the main character had a pretty emotional scene where he “reunited” with his mother. To be clear, I’m not saying that Shazam! is some grim and gritty movie. It isn’t. However, I’d put it in the same boat as the Sam Raimi Spider-Man films, not a Disney Channel movie.
  10. It’s a DC movie, so whenever there’s reports of test screenings where the response is anything less than glowing, you can expect there to be panic. As silly as it sounds, I remember freaking out when Drew McWeeny said that WB was concerned about BvS, and I certainly wasn’t alone. Funnily enough, I was also pretty concerned about Wonder Woman, since there were so many “reports” of the movie being a mess, which made its eventual success feel pretty cathartic.
  11. That is strange. Maybe the mods were worried it would stir up a lot of unwanted drama?
  12. Martin Scorsese movies feel like they’re producer driven rather than director driven to you?
  13. To be frank, whenever someone says that the MCU movies aren’t “real movies”, I actually do see where they’re coming from. The MCU feels like a very “corporate” entity. Before anyone jumps on me, yes, I’m aware that filmmaking is a business, which means that every movie is basically a corporate product, but there is still a certain factory-like vibe to the MCU. It doesn’t mean the movies are bad, but it’s pretty clear that they’re more producer driven than they are director driven.
  14. All this talk about whether or not the MCU movies qualify as “real movies” is only making me more upset that Joker is as divisive as it is. That movie was probably the one shot DC had at having a movie that could truly set itself apart from the MCU in any meaningful way, but it looks like it just wasn’t able to escape the shadow of the superhero genre, despite not having superheroes of any kind in it.
  15. Box office in 2019 has been down to a ridiculous degree. Fewer and fewer people are going to movie theaters.
  16. Considering how badly movie theaters have been doing in 2019, I think it’s fair to say that a lot of people are turning to streaming.
  17. Why would he be mad about his movie going to Netflix? A bunch of people have Netflix accounts, and there are definitely people who would rather be able to watch a movie from the comfort of their home as opposed to driving to the cinema.
  18. If people think that creating a panic over possible mass shootings because of a damn comic book movie is supposed to be entertaining, then I’ve officially lost all hope in humanity.
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