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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. The movie was in post-production for several months before Snyder left. It finished filming in October 2016 and Snyder officially left in May the following year. I’d assume they must have gotten plenty of post work done by then.
  2. I’m aware that it’s a rough cut of the movie. So what? The movie we ended up getting was basically a rough cut anyway.
  3. I’m tired of saying this, but zero work is required. They have an assembly cut. They can just release that.
  4. The movie was 26 years old by that point. How much money it made back in the day was irrelevant by then.
  5. I wish I knew what exactly AT&T/WB think they’d have to lose if they released Zack Snyder’s version of the movie. As I’ve said many times already, they wouldn’t even have to spend anymore money on it. They could just release the assembly cut as an HBO Max exclusive. That would actually be a pretty smart way of goading people into signing up for the service. As a bonus, they’d no longer have to worry about people constantly bugging them about it and they’d actually generate some goodwill. Hell, they already went through the trouble of putting together a “Donner Cut” of Superman II, despite having less to work with.
  6. One thing I don’t entirely get about Zack Snyder’s adaptation is why he decided to base Ozymandias’ costume off Joel Schumacher’s Batman. Is it just supposed to fuel Rorschach’s speculation that he’s gay?
  7. I’d say that The Dark Knight Returns had a bigger influence on the superhero genre than Watchmen, mainly because, unlike the latter, TDKR still presented its titular superhero as “cool.”
  8. He didn’t turn superheroes into that. He wrote a specific standalone superhero story that was meant to deconstruct and satirize the concept of the genre, but that story was never meant to be seen as an example of what superheroes should be like. Quite the contrary.
  9. Hopefully, this should at least shut up the people on YouTube who keep whining about how the HBO show is “too woke.”
  10. If they want people to stop bothering them, the simple solution would be to just release the damn thing, so everyone could move on...
  11. Releasing an alternate cut of a two year old movie isn’t going to change anything about their current plans. Snyder isn’t coming back either way.
  12. Paramount managed to generate a lot of goodwill for redesigning Sonic after heavy criticism (though some think the whole thing was planned from the start), so it would be a bad look for WB if they don’t give the fans what they want, especially when, unlike Paramount, they wouldn’t even have to spend another penny on the film. They could just release the assembly cut and call it a day.
  13. They don’t even have to pay any additional costs for it. They can just release the assembly cut. I don’t think most people will care if the VFX are unfinished.
  14. I mostly just want to see it out of curiosity. It probably would’ve been a mess, but I think it would’ve at least been an interesting mess.
  15. I was not expecting Gal Gadot to get involved in this. If she and Jason Momoa can’t convince WB, no one can. Well, except maybe for Christopher Nolan, but he doesn’t have social media.
  16. Darkseid was barely going to be in the movie anyway. It’d be difficult to ruin the character from that.
  17. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ou3FGxx0Nk26kS9F-AZHMPCj12-poRwQ7JKCYK1EQtk/mobilebasic To be clear, this is merely someone piecing together the structure of Snyder’s version of the film, but it does at least give an idea of just how different the film was going to be.
  18. I’m pretty sure a big part of the reason that fewer people are going out to the movies these days is because Hollywood has placed an uncomfortable emphasis on big IPs.
  19. I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m not particularly looking forward to seeing where cinema heading in the 2020s. 2019 has been an extremely rough year at the box office, and judging from the increased amount of Marvel movies that we’ll be getting in a single year, Disney’s acquisition of Fox and the sheer volume of streaming services, movie theaters are starting to seem more and more like an endangered breed.
  20. Unlike Disney, WB doesn’t have a shared universe to keep track of, so they have no reason to schedule four DC movies a year, unless they’re really that low on IPs.
  21. I’m guessing that’s probably going to be the Blade movie. I can’t think of any other reason why they would pick October instead of November.
  22. I’d like to know how the hell Kevin Feige is able to find the time to work on so many projects a year. Between four Marvel films a year, the Disney+ shows and the Star Wars film, the man has an insane schedule.
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