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Posts posted by WittyUsername

  1. 2 hours ago, The Futurist said:

    People realize just now Tom Hardy is Jim Carrey s hidden son ?

    Most of his stuff is hilarious unintentional comedy.

    I ll say it one last time but Tom Hardy current adulation among cinephiles and filmmakers  is the biggest mystery of modern cinema to me.

    I just don't get it, I don't see it either and I definitely can barely hear the mumbling so ...

    He’s been in a number of good movies, and is a good character actor. 

  2. 1 hour ago, dudalb said:

    Hopefully they are doing the traditional ,silly, Shazam/Captain Marvel,and not the messed up "52" version. Making Billy Batson a wisecracking obnoxious litte punk was a horrible move. And how Geoffrey Johns, who understood how important the opitimism and sunniness of Superman was  to that character thought it was a good idea to go dark with Shazam is beyond me. If you have a character who is a kid who becomes a superhero by saying a single word, and was given this power because his heart was pure, there is really no way you cand go dark and gritty with it and not have terrible results.

    Few liked the "52" version, and I hope as a producer Johns learned his lesson and goes back to the Shazam/Billy Batson we all know and love.

    I haven’t read the New 52 Shazam comics, but wasn’t the idea for Billy to start off as an angsty brat, only to slowly more idealistic over time? 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Jonwo said:

    I imagine if Aquaman is moving, it's probably to the 19th December. OS wise, The Mule likely won't be released in many markets until January or February so Aquaman will likely still have early OS release. 

    No way it moves to the 19th. That’s when Mary Poppins is set to be released, and there’s a strong chance that’ll be the biggest film of the month. At this point, Aquaman will either need to stay where it is, or move up to January. 

  4. Jesus Christ! These movies are all going to be fighting for screens like nobody’s business. Assuming this film is meant to be an awards contender, they should’ve given it a limited release. I guess this also means that there’s no way WB is moving Aquaman to December 14 in North America now. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Crainy said:

    People still have this mentality that "R-rating = better". It sounds cool to say, which is why people say it. But it doesnt make much sense once you think things through, which alot of people arent willing to do.

    I think the general argument is that if this movie had an R-rating, it would’ve been much more likely to actually stand out from most of the other superhero movies out there. This movie honestly looks fairly generic as it is, and a PG-13 rating isn’t going to help in that regard. It’s like with Suicide Squad. While an R-rating alone wouldn’t have made that movie good, it would’ve given them the chance to actually take advantage of the premise of the film (where the main characters are supposed to be bad guys), which would’ve at least helped make the movie feel like less of a wannabe Guardians of the Galaxy. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Barnack said:

    Maybe it would need to be nominated across the board to be perceived as a contender (at least director) to have a significant effect.


    And the awards shows since the last Academy award had such a drop (the Oscar was one of the show with the smallest drop), the general trend down is so strong that chance are good the the spike in viewership could be just not dropping too much or a small raise being a big "win".

    I’m not saying the Oscars would see fantastic numbers, but at the very least, people might feel like they’d have an actual reason to tune in. I suppose they could also throw in some Best Director and Best Supporting actor (Michael B. Jordan) nods as well, if they really want to give the impression that Black Panther has a chance of winning something big. 

  7. If Black Panther gets nominated for Best Picture, that alone should help the Oscars see a noticeable spike in viewership compared to this year. It would most likely annoy a number of film snobs, but it’s not like there’s no precedent for big budget blockbuster movies getting nominated for that award. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

    See, I agree with you.


    Folks that have pled guilty and served sentences have to be reintegrated somehow back into society or what else will they do but recommit the crimes again?  I mean, if you are perpetually considered a pariah who can't be near anyone, what do you do?


    As a society, if we really go that path of "forever pariah", we should probably just change most sex crimes to life sentencing without parole so the perps can at least get 3 squares, a bed, and some human interaction.


    Now, for folks who have NEVER owned up to it and have escaped justice, yeah, I'm done with you.  Like forever.  Too bad, so sad if you can't get work.  There has to be a desire to own it and repent to even start the process of societal reintegration, at least for me (and maybe forgiveness, although that part's not necessary and no guarantee, even if you owned it, if your acts were that bad).

    While I don’t have a dog in the argument as to whether or not Black’s friend should be allowed to work again, the big problem here is that Black didn’t inform anyone else about his friend’s past. It’s one thing to feel bad for someone who’s been a friend of yours for years, but it’s another thing to try and hide what the guy has done from the people you’re working with. It doesn’t help that Black has cast the guy in films that prominently feature child actors. 

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